"Yes." Beifenghan nodded and looked at Tang Long with a smile. He said, "don't worry. I've already thought about this matter. When the time comes, I'll take three attendants and say to check the number of people in this group. At that time, change one person!"

"That's good!" Tang Long was relieved and looked at the north wind and said, "thank you, Lord Beifeng this time."

"Between us, don't say such polite words!" The north wind cold ha ha smile, turned to see the north wind bright moon one eye: "as long as you later, to my sister good point, I will be satisfied, in addition, I also hope you and my sister together, can this death flame island to good management, also can let me behind, have a safe place."

"I'll try my best." Tang Long is busy.

North wind cold nodded: "tell me the information of that person you said."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Of course, he couldn't tell you the truth about Youye. He could only make up a set of speeches without worrying about any flaws. After all, he could tell Youye immediately. As long as his words were the same, he was not afraid to go through the gang.

Tang Long was also very happy when he solved the dark night.

After all, Youye's precious wife stayed in the blood demon world, and he was very worried.

He asked, "Lord Beifeng, how long will it take to get people out?"

"Within a month." The north wind cold thought for a while, way: "I will as soon as possible, wait for a person to come out, I will inform you, or, will arrange person to escort her to come over personally."

"Thank you very much." Tang Long thanks again.

Of course, he would not trouble the north wind to escort the night.

As long as you night out of the blood demon world, he will go to directly take you back to Fengtian city.

Such a precious wife, he can't allow her to make any mistakes.

Next, beifenghan and Tang Long chatted casually for a while. Seeing that it was not early, beifenghan went to rest alone. After all, it was very late at this time. He would not leave the island of flame of death tonight.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er sat there for a while in the north wind and bright moon. Seeing that it was late at night, they left together.

Just walked out of the door of the north wind and bright moon, Tang Long's heart suddenly heard Qin Ziyi's nervous and anxious voice: "dragon, bad, something happened to the family!"

"Wen Ren family?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, in the heart asked: "Wen family how?"

Qin Ziyi said: "the Danshi League of Tianying empire under the control of Wen Ren family was suddenly attacked, and all Dan divisions were captured!"


Hearing what Qin Ziyi said, Tang Long was shocked!

He directly hugged the Oriental bing'er beside him, and went back like a whirlwind.

Dongfang bing'er's heart suddenly jumps!

"Is he going to eat me? Can't you wait for a minute She was a little nervous and hesitated in Tang Long's arms and asked, "dragon, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"There's something wrong with Tianying empire. I have to go back immediately!" Tang long did not want more, simply explained.

"Eagle Empire?" Oriental ice son Leng Leng Leng, this just knew, originally oneself misunderstood, immediately in the heart gently vomited tone. Tang Long is in such a hurry. She is a little worried. Wait a minute. Will this guy be wild!

At last, her worry was superfluous.

However, thinking of Tang Long's words that something happened to Tianying Empire, she was nervous again and asked, "what's wrong with Tianying Empire?"

"Attacked!" Tang Long simply said that he had already carried Dongfang bing'er in his arms and went to the cave gate where they were. He opened the door directly and went into the training room. Then he put Dongfang binger down: "dear wife, I have to go back."

"Well." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

In his heart, Tang Long has once again contacted Qin Ziyi, and directly connected with the Huixin gate between Qin Ziyi and Tang long.

Huixinmen quickly called out, Tang Long appeared directly in front of Qin Ziyi and nervously asked, "where are they in Tang Dynasty?"

"Besides, Tzu Tai has sent for me."

"Let everyone change into night clothes and we'll set out at once!"

Tang Long said that he went out of the house like a direct gale. He heard that there was an accident in the family. This is the first time that such a big thing has happened in the Tang clan.

He doesn't have to guess that it must have been done by the people in the blood temple!

Moreover, this is obviously aimed at Dan Shi!

, "this guy, who actually hit Dan's idea, hit me on the Tang gate. It even caught me be taken by surprise. The imperial eagle's transmission matrix in the college, the blood Temple people wanted to use, and could not escape my eyelid. How did they suddenly arrive here? Did they find another way? "

"I didn't let the Tang clan of Tianying Empire be transferred immediately. How could the people who heard about the family still be here?"

"This matter, must ask!"

Tang Long flashed out of the door and saw Tai Shici who had gathered together in a hurry. Moreover, the people of the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan all gathered together. They were all serious!Tang Long went to Tai Shici: "why haven't the people of Tianying Empire evacuated?"

"It's already in the process of evacuating. However, the development of Danshi League is so fast that it doesn't dare to withdraw all at once, for fear that it will arouse the attention of Taiyi Xianzong, and some people will not be able to withdraw!"

"How can you stare at me suddenly?"

"It's all due to the fact that the former Danshi League has become more and more famous. In canglan mainland, many Danshi came to join the Danshi League. These days are the time when the Danshi League received the last group of Danshi. Moreover, these Danshi didn't intend to transfer to fengtiancheng, so they wanted to stay behind to hide people's eyes."

"I see!"

Tang Long nodded and paused and asked, "so, the loss of Wen family should not be very big?"

"The Wenren family has been arrested more than 50 people, all of them are Danshi. These 50 people were originally left by the Wenren family to continue to manage the Danshi League in the Tianying empire. After all, even if the Tang clan was completely transferred, the Danshi League should still exist. Otherwise, there would be too much noise, and things would not be very good if they were created by some artificial ballads."

"It's just that I don't think well of it!" Tang Long frowned.

In any case, these Dan Shi, Tang Long is absolutely not allowed to have an accident!

"Who brought the message?" He glanced at them. At this time, Qin Ziyi, Wen renyuzhu and others were all concentrated here.

The answer is to hear people rain bamboo.

She said: "I wen Ren's family made arrangements in advance in Danshi League, and dug a long passage under the Danshi League. Only a few people in my Wenren family knew about this channel. The people who reported the news were lucky to escape back!"

"Good!" Tang long looked at the rain bamboo, nodded and continued: "where have those people been caught? Do you have a way to find it? "

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