The old man with a heavy face looked at the three people of Tang long. He was obviously stunned: "among the three, there will be emperor Dan?"

"I am Mr. Tang Yibu: "who is it?"

"I am the general protector of Lingyun sect, Zhao YUNZHUO." The old man looked at Tang Long's eyes and saw a very obvious surprise: "it seems that your age should not be more than 30 years old, I said right!"

Tang Long is a little speechless. People here like to talk about things with their age?!

He said faintly: "I am Dandi, absolutely genuine. As for my age, I believe it doesn't matter much to do with the strength of my Dan division. "

"I can't believe such a young Dandi." Zhao YUNZHUO looks at Tang Long with a gentle smile, but in this smile, there is a fierce and pressing momentum!

Obviously, he has doubts about Tang Long's intention!

It's no wonder that at this time, it is a time when lingyunzong is in great danger. Anyone who is suspicious will be very cautious.

Otherwise, if one is not good, it will be destroyed once it has been built for thousands of years!

"If you can, can you show me the mental power you have?" Zhao YUNZHUO looks at Tang Longdao.


Tang Long was not very happy with Zhao YUNZHUO's skepticism. He knew that Zhao YUNZHUO didn't believe him at all.

However, he fully understood.

In his opinion, Zhao YUNZHUO's prudence is entirely justified in such an extraordinary period.

He has exerted his spiritual power, which is the powerful spiritual power that the Danshi of Qipin Dandi should have.

"Seven grade Dandi, it's really incredible Zhao YUNZHUO's eyes showed a very obvious shock, staring at Tang long, a moment later, his eyes fell on Tang Kuo and Li Dahan beside Tang Long: "these two?"

"They are my brothers, not Dan Shi." Tang Long's simple way.

"Which clan are you from Zhao YUNZHUO looked at Tang Long and said, "as far as I know, even if the whole bright world is not as young as you, are you?"

"Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean you don't have it." Tang Long said: "the world is big, nothing is impossible."

Zhao YUNZHUO nodded: "presumably, you also come for flying snow!"

"Flying snow?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "who is flying snow?"

"Don't you know about flying snow?" Zhao YUNZHUO was obviously stunned: "it seems that you should be the disciple of a peerless expert in Zhenwu mainland, a certain deep mountain. Otherwise, you will know my name of flying snow."

"Magic dancing and flying snow -" Tang Long repeated the name and guessed, "is this the master who can use Xuanling house

"You still know Xuanling house!" In Zhao YUNZHUO's eyes, a touch of vigilance flashed: "you know, there are still many!"

Tang Long faint smile: "I know this news, should be right!"

"Yes Zhao YUNZHUO's eyes suddenly showed a sharp: "Sir, is it for Xuanling house?"

Tang Long is speechless!

He stopped, looked at Zhao YUNZHUO and said: "since this marriage recruitment is to find a husband for the fantasy dance flying snow, then the fantasy dance flying snow will certainly be married after the marriage, and this Xuanling house, I'm afraid, will also become a dowry. In this case, why should you be nervous about my coveting of Xuanling house?"

"This --"

Zhao YUNZHUO couldn't answer for a moment.

This time, the heroine of the marriage recruitment is really a fantasy dance.

The talent of magic dance and flying snow is very high. Moreover, she is the woman who can use two kinds of musical instruments in Xuanling house.

In order to resist the tianhunzong and the life and death of Yiqi Lingyun sect, in fact, this time, Yiqi Lingyun sect really paid for the creation artifact of the Xuanling house. However, they also had their own plans.

You know, the magic flying snow is after all the people of lingyunzong.

In the view of the high-level of Yiqi Lingyun sect, even if Yunwu Feixue gets married, it still belongs to Yiqi Lingyun sect. In the future, the Xuanling house will return to Yiqi Lingyun sect when she grows up and returns to zongmen.

In short, the magic flying snow, Xuanling house will not be lost!

But Zhao YUNZHUO also had to admit that those who came to participate in the marriage recruitment were bound to come for Xuanling house as long as they knew about it!

Of course, they must have a good plan and want both money and money.

Tang Long didn't want to marry the magic flying snow. He just wanted to get Xuanling house, and he also wanted to get Pangu axe.

At present, he knew that there were only two ways to get Xuanling house.

The first way is to kill the magic snow!

Tang Long knew that the Xuanling house now must have established a soul contract with the magic dance flying snow. If he did not kill the magic flying snow, the Xuanling house would be able to fly back to the magic flying snow by itself.However, if you kill the magic flying snow, even if you get the Xuanling house, it is very difficult to find anyone who can use the creation artifact. After all, the requirements for using the Xuanling house are extremely strict.

Another way is to get both money and people!

You don't have to marry her to get the fantasy flying snow. Of course, the best way to get Xuanling house is to marry her.

Tang long looked at Zhao YUNZHUO and asked, "what are the rules of marriage recruitment?"

Zhao YUNZHUO said: "all those who participate in the marriage recruitment must live and die together with lingyunzong to tide over the present difficulties." The voice dropped, pause, and continued: "when I get through the difficulties of Lingyun Zong, the person who can contribute the most and can be recognized by Feixue will become the husband of Feixue!"

"Hey, you have such a regulation, the operation space is really big!" Tang Long said with a smile: "if this fantasy flying snow will not be chosen in the end?"

"Then we'll help her choose!" Zhao YUNZHUO said seriously: "since it is a marriage recruitment, it must eventually have a result. This little brother can rest assured that I am angry with yunzong, and I will not cheat on this matter!"

"I have nothing to worry about." Tang long curled his lips and said, "I'm not here to get married. My wives are so many. One is more beautiful than the other."


Zhao Zhuo was stunned.

Tang Long didn't come for marriage. What did he come for? Pure for Xuanling house?

After a moment, Zhao YUNZHUO smiles confidently, looks at Tang Long and says, "young Xia, you should have never seen flying snow, so you can say such words. Otherwise, I'm afraid that you will be interested in this marriage recruitment."

"Maybe." Tang Long gave a faint smile.

He was too lazy to explain.

Zhao YUNZHUO said: "young Xia, during this period of time, you must obey the arrangement of lingyunzong and help us refine some miraculous elixirs." After a pause, he asked, "how is your medical skill? What about the level of refining the elixir? "

"It's all OK!" Tang Long's free way.

"That's good." Zhao YUNZHUO nodded: "tomorrow, all the Dan teachers who come to help me in the Lingyun sect will have a simple competition as long as they participate in the marriage recruitment."

"What competition?" Tang Long asked

"Of course, it's better than trying to make elixir." Zhao YUNZHUO said: "we will make some arrangements according to the results of the competition, which is not only for your safety, but also to give full play to your strengths."

Tang Long said with a smile: "it seems that you have a key point to protect Danshi."

"Well, this security issue, you may rest assured, we will try our best." Zhao YUNZHUO said solemnly, "even if I am destroyed, I will try my best to ensure your safety."

Tang Long asked: "it seems that the specific time when the heavenly soul sect came to attack Lingyun Luoyu city is very clear to you."

"Not bad." Zhao YUNZHUO nodded.

After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and said, "it seems that young Xia came here and already knew clearly the dangerous situation I was facing now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!