The black robed warrior looked at the girl in Li Goulian's arms and said with surprise: "my Lord, is this the magic dancing snow? Great

"Get out of here Li Gou was staring at the black robed warrior in front of him.

This black robed warrior, of course, is Tang Long!

Tang Long was submissive and honest, but with a curious look on his face, he said, "my Lord, I want to see the magic flying snow. I heard many people say that the magic flying snow is very beautiful, so the villain is really curious and wants to see it!"

"I can't even see what she looks like. You want to see her?" Li Goulian snorted coldly: "don't talk nonsense, get out of here quickly!"

"You can't see what she looks like!"

Tang Long was stunned.

This fantasy flying snow, is not in Li Goulian's arms, this guy wants to see how, how can not see? Is he blind?!

But this guy is not blind!

He looked into Li Goulian's arms and knew the reason immediately.

It turned out that the magic flying snow, there was a veil on his face to cover up. Suddenly, Tang Long's heart was speechless: "this girl, it's still quite able to complete, it's now, even a face is not shown to people!"

"Can this girl look so ugly?"

He had a smile in his heart, but he still had a curious expression on his face. Looking at Li Gou's face, he said, "adult, aren't you curious? Don't you want to see what she looks like? People say she's beautiful. How beautiful is she? "

Li Goulian angrily said: "Zhao Tianwang's order, only let me hold it like this. I'm not allowed to move her finger. You should know that Zhao Tianwang's order can't be disobeyed, and those who disobey it will regret it!"

Tang Long was very careful to step forward and said with a low eyebrow: "my Lord, you are also a person of noble status. What's the relationship between this woman and you? What's more, if you just uncover a veil, you won't be found by Zhao Tianwang. What's your fear?"

Li Goulian angrily said: "found by the king of Zhao, there is no place to die!"

"I'll help you watch Zhao Tianwang!" Tang long thought that the king of Zhao in this guy's mouth was probably one of those powerful gods who were fighting fiercely in the sky. At this time, he pretended to look at the other side and said, "my Lord, I'll keep an eye on her. If you lift her veil, we'll take a peek!"

"I can't take a look at it!" Although Li Goulian said so, his voice was obviously weaker.

He also wants to see what the snow looks like.

You know, fantasy flying snow is very famous in Zhenwu continent. Although there are some other super martial artists in tianhunzong, they have seen the appearance of Feixue, but Li Goulian has never seen it.

Although Li Goulian used to harm girls, he had been cut off for a long time, but his heart was still a little dirty!

When Tang long heard this guy's voice was obviously weaker, he immediately felt happy. Knowing that this guy was already in a heartbeat, he lowered his eyebrows and moved forward two steps, less than three meters away from Li Goulian!

He did not dare to move on, for fear of being seen by the dog's face!

Moreover, this distance he has been very satisfied with!

"My Lord, I'll keep an eye on the king of heaven for you, and then, I'll tell you to watch it!" Tang Long said, looking up at the distant sky, a serious face: "adult, ready, quick preparation, Zhao Tianwang is back to us, you are ready to uncover her veil!"

"Boy, look carefully!"

Li Goulian has been moved by Tang long. Seeing that Tang Long is really looking at Zhao Tianwang in the far sky, his mind is full of chaos!

He looked at the girl's face in his arms, at the veil on his face, and asked, "is that ok?"

"Ready!" Tang Long looks serious!

Li Goulian was ready immediately and concentrated. He should seize the time to lift the veil on Feixue's face, so as to satisfy his curiosity, but he was worried about being seen by the ferocious King Zhao!

His heart, incredibly nervous bang when jump!

"Open up!"

Tang Long suddenly burst out to drink!

It was like a thunderclap and spread to Li Goulian's ears!

Li Goulian is waiting to unveil the veil of magic dancing and flying snow. As a result, Tang Long's thunder is a big jump. However, he also knows that this is an opportunity.

Just about to open the veil of the magic flying snow, suddenly the strong wind roared in front of me!

"Not good!"

In his heart, he was alert, but it was too late!

A glittering fist, like a flash of gold and lightning, thundered and hit him on the shoulder, directly spurting out a mouthful of blood and flying out towards the distance!

the magic flying snow in his arms has been released by him, and has been snatched away!

Tang long, of course, is the one who steals the magic dancing snow.

Tang Long got a good fist. When Li Goulian was beaten and flew out, he held the magic dance snow in his arms!"Roar!"

The sound of thundering roar rang out beside Tang long, a dazzling golden light, with a group of terrible flames, rushed towards the Li Goulian!

This is Tang Long's beast: red flame lion!

At this time, the red flame lion, of course, turned into human form.

Red flame lion rushed forward at the same time, the flame of eternal fire, has been swept out of the red flame lion, the flame, turned into a terrible flame palm!

Fire giant palm, toward Li Goulian fierce incomparable attack past!

Li Goulian was attacked by Tang Long and flew out more than ten meters. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and was angry in his heart. He was about to gather his vitality. Suddenly, a very fanatical breath roared towards him!

"Holy beast!"

In his eyes, there was a deep shock!

Looking ahead, I saw the red flame lion in the shape of a human. I was more and more shocked. I knew that it was not a sacred beast that attacked him at this time, but a divine beast that had grown to the level of eight sacred beast!

What's more, the attack power of the beast is obviously too terrible!

"No way!"

Li Goulian is still retreating, but he is also trying to gather energy to resist the attack of the red flame lion.

Seeing that the red flame lion attacked, the huge palm of the flaming energy had been severely bombarded in front of his eyes, and was about to bombard him.

His back figure has not stopped, he can't dodge at all!

But under, also had to endure the shoulder sharp pain, as far as possible condenses the vigor, mercilessly one punch to fight up!

A dark energy fist was quickly condensed by him and flew forward. In the blink of an eye, the dark energy fist collided with the huge palm of the burning energy flame!


The roar of the sky!

The energy fist and the energy palm burst at the same time.

After the explosion, the energy was swept by the burning eternal fire and roared at Li Goulian. It was so powerful and earth shaking!

Obviously, Li Goulian's hasty resistance could not resist the fierce attack of the red flame lion! , the fastest update of the webnovel!