Obviously, ye Qingling has realized what is going to happen and knows that Tang Long is going to eat her tonight.

However, she did not refuse.

Tang Long soon summoned out the wisdom heart gate, appeared in front of Ye Qingling, and then began to do mischief!

Ye Qingling has psychological preparation, and she has some thoughts in mind.

Feel Tang Long's action although greedy, but also very cherish her, her heart suddenly very sweet, all the initiative, give him, let him get the greatest happiness.

In a hurry, it was the next morning.

At this time, Tang Long is still sleeping, but ye Qingling has already woken up.

She opened her eyes quietly and looked at Tang Long who was sleeping beside her. Her pretty face turned red.

Heart, but very sweet.

She knew that Tang long resisted the attack of tianhunzong yesterday, and then went to heal the magic dance Luosha, and then harmed her again. She was so busy that she just fell asleep for less than an hour. She must have not had a good rest.

Naturally, she was reluctant to wake Tang long.

He got up quietly, but he didn't go out. He took out a book in the house and waited for brother long to wake up.

When Tang Long woke up, it was half a morning.

Open his eyes, but see ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are in the room. Two girls are whispering in the room. It seems that they are very happy. He listens carefully and immediately laughs in his heart!

What these two girls whispered is --

"you should ask me to answer the questions you are discussing now!" Tang Long looks at Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue and laughs and sits up.

The two girls are whispering their joy when they hear Tang Long's voice. They all exclaim. Don't look at Tang long.

How can Tang Long hear the girl's shy whisper!

How sorry!

Xue linyue turned her back to Tang long, and her neck was red and transparent: "laipi, how come you are getting worse and worse, and actually eavesdrop on us!"

"I'm not eavesdropping!" Tang Long ha ha smile: "you speak in my ear, I don't want to hear it is difficult!"

"Say it The little leopard turned his head and glared at Tang long. He turned his head away.

But at this time, outside the door came a knock: "Dong Dong Dong!"

"Who?" Asked the little leopard.

The voice was obviously flying snow. She said outside: "is Tang Long awake? If we wake up, our patriarch hopes that he can help us. In the first battle with tianhunzong yesterday, many people here were injured! "

"My brother dragon is still resting!" The little girl immediately said, "he was so tired yesterday. Of course, he should have a good rest."


The magic flying snow answered outside and turned away.

Of course, she knew that Tang Long was very tired last night. After all, Tang Long defeated the martial arts of tianhunzong and helped her grandmother heal her wounds. After all, she would harm Ye Qingling. Can you not be tired?!

Tang Longshen got clear and relaxed, simply cleaned up, went to Ye Qingling and xuelingyue and sat down: "did you eat in the morning?"

"It's still morning." The little leopard gave Tang long a look: "it's noon!"

"Hehe, I'll wait for lunch." Tang Long took a sip of the leopard's tea on the table. The leopard stood up and said, "I'll get something to eat."

"I'll go too." The little girl also stood up.

They went out together, and soon came back together. They brought a lot of food, including fried bread, fried bread, pie, and a bowl of paste!

Tang Long ate and chatted with them at will. He was in a good mood.

"Master, it's not good. It's not good. Tang Yang is injured. It's very serious. Maybe, he's going to die soon."


Hearing this news, Tang Long's heart is pounding!

The figure is twinkling, twinkling of an eye already arrived at the door, open the door to ask: "how to return a responsibility?"

Tang Xiaohu said in a hurry: "Tang Yang is seriously injured. Lin Xi's dream is gone. Now Tang Yang is in a coma."


Tang Long suddenly realized that the situation was serious!

Tang Yang is seriously injured and Lin Ximeng disappears, which is obviously not a good news. It is obvious that something terrible has happened!

"Go and see Tang Yang!" Tang Long is in a hurry!

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue also came together. They followed Tang long. Soon they arrived in a hall and saw Tang Yang lying on a stretcher surrounded by Zhao YUNZHUO and them!

It is obvious that Tang Long was rescued from the outside by the people of lingyunzong.

"What's going on?"

Tang Long crowded into the crowd, has been to Tang Yang side, squat down to explore Tang Yang's injury.

"We were in the north of the city just now. We heard that there was a fierce battle there, so we went to have a look. We saw that he was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and a girl was taken away!""Who took the girl away?" Tang Long asked in a deep voice, still exploring Tang Yang's injury.

The warrior said, "the one who took the girl is from the heaven soul sect!"

"Tianhunzong!" In Tang Long's eyes, there was an extremely strong killing opportunity: "this is what you asked for. I can't blame it!"

At this time, he had already found out the internal injury of Tang Yang.

Tang Yang was seriously injured. His internal organs were broken and his elixir field was broken. Although he still had a trace of breath, he was obviously about to run out of oil, and his life was in danger in an instant!

Holding up Tang Yang directly, Tang Long asked in a deep voice: "is the opponent a God King?"

"Yes The warrior of Lingyun clan nodded.


Tang Long snorted heavily and coldly. Holding Tang Yang in his arms, he quickly went to his residence. At the same time, a low voice came out: "I want to heal Tang Yang. No one is allowed to get close to him. Xiaohu, together with Dahan, will go to the place where the accident happened and see what's going on."

"I know, master!"

Tang Xiaohu agreed and went to the martial man who rescued Tang Yang from lingyunzong: "take me there to see the situation."


The warrior nodded, and Li Dahan, as majestic as a wall beside him, also came.

Not far away, Zhao YUNZHUO also got the notice and came in a hurry. After a brief understanding of the situation, he turned his head and looked at the two powerful gods of Lingyun sect: "go and have a look together!"


The two strong gods nodded solemnly and chased Tang Xiaohu and others. They rose directly into the sky and headed for the place where the accident happened.

Tang Long took Tang Yang and went directly to the training room.

At this time, around the room outside, Tang Que and others have seriously guarded to prevent anyone from breaking in and disturbing Tang long to heal Tang Yang.

They all know very well, at this time the matter is very serious!

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