In addition to Tang Yang, Tang Xiaohu, lie Yunchang, Li Dahan and ye Qingling are the people who stay in Lingyun luoyucheng.

Tang Long left Ye Qingling, of course, in order to come back at any time, so as to know the situation here.

Lin Ximeng is in danger, he must go to rescue.

Before he had treated Tang Yang's internal injury, Tang Yang was out of danger. When he came out, he immediately asked Tang Xiaohu and Li Dahan back.

Before he treated Tang Yang for internal injury, he asked Tang Xiaohu and Li Dahan to check the situation where Tang Yang had an accident. Tang Xiaohu and Li Dahan came back and told Tang Long what they had seen and the basic inference.

Although Tang Xiaohu is young, he is not weak in tracking this convenient skill.

You know, Tang Xiaohu used to be hunted and killed by people every day. He followed Titan Ju far away in the jungle, and he lived a life of tracking and anti tracking every day. In the Tang clan, even Tang Kuo, they were definitely not as good as him!

Tang Xiaohu's judgment is: "the person who captured Lin Ximeng should have been out of the city and headed for the tianhunzong. Moreover, he has visited the people nearby. It has been investigated that the man who captured Lin Ximeng is indeed a powerful one with strong strength!"

At this time, Tang long had no time to procrastinate and to explore the situation himself.

He can only believe Tang Xiaohu's judgment!

Time is pressing. He dares not have the slightest delay. He immediately makes a decision to let Tang Xiaohu, Li Dahan and lie Yunchang stay to take care of Tang Yang, and let Ye Qingling stay.

He himself, with the storm and thunder, and the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan, went to the heaven soul sect!

Flying away from Lingyun Luoyu City, he directly took out the air fortress from the sky sealing flag, and then all of them sat in the air fortress, and headed for the direction of the heaven soul sect!

Tang long did not sit in the air fortress!

He rode the golden winged Kunpeng!

In his opinion, the powerful king of the soul sect might have caught Lin Ximeng and stopped somewhere outside the city, and then wanted to do something bad. Therefore, Tang long could not be in the air fortress. He had to use his magic power to explore the situation.

He came out with the people of the Tang clan shenlongwei in order to eliminate tianhunzong!

This time, tianhunzong really made Tang long angry!

What's more, the reason why Tang Long came to lingyunzong was that he didn't know the comprehensive strength of tianhunzong, so he didn't dare to rush into it. But now, he knows something about the comprehensive strength of tianhunzong.

The most important thing is that he always treats Lin Ximeng as his sister, and he can't tolerate anyone bullying Lin Ximeng, regardless of any reason!

Therefore, even if it is a risk, he must also destroy the soul of this day!

Riding the golden winged Kunpeng, flying as low as possible from the ground, Tang Long exerted his magic power in the field of the sea. He could detect any movement within a kilometer radius.

In this case, as long as there is no wrong route to pursue, the damned bastard of tianhunzong will never run away!

At this time, Tang Long was extremely angry!

"Damn it, I dare to dream night. I don't know how to die. This time I'll let you know what death is!"

Tang Long gnawed his teeth, and his resolute face was full of ferocity!

He's trying to hold back his breath as much as he can!

He was worried that because he was not careful, let the guy who had caught Lin Ximeng notice that it would be more difficult to find that guy at that time.

At this time, he also hopes that Tang Xiaohu's judgment is not wrong!

Lin Ximeng was indeed captured by the people of tianhunzong. Moreover, this man had already been out of the city. At this time, the God King grasped Lin Ximeng and had arrived in a mountain village in a remote mountain!

To capture Lin Ximeng is called Meng Biao!

The alliance standard is the strong one in the realm of God King, and his strength has reached the double level of God and king.

What he is good at is speed!

His favorite thing to do is to bully women!

In the battle yesterday, Meng Biao saw many beautiful girls in Tangmen. Therefore, after he left with the people of tianhunzong, he stayed quietly on the way to find a chance to catch a woman and fill his dirty mind!

People in Tangmen were all resting, but Lin Ximeng had to go out to buy some things this morning because of some things.

Tang Yang naturally accompanied her.

Two people go out together, the result is alliance mark see!

Meng Biao saw Lin Ximeng yesterday. At that time, Lin Ximeng was dressed in a dark dress and a dark sword. His movements were elegant and moving, and his figure was even better. This was to make the heart of Meng Biao think about Lin Xi dream for a long time!

At this time to see Lin Xi dream, how can he let go, directly is to rush to the hands!

Although Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng can use the power of space, it also needs a little time.

However, the action of alliance mark is too fast!The most important thing is that the strength of Tang Yang and Lin Xi dream, after all, there is a lot of difference between them!

Therefore, under the sudden attack of the League standard, Tang Yang was seriously injured first. Lin Ximeng was in a panic and was soon controlled by the League standard. Tang Yang came to rescue him, but he was not the opponent of the League standard. He was almost killed!

Meng Biao caught the dream of Lin Xi, where can we take care of others? In my heart, I just feel that a flame is tumbling about!

He directly grabbed Lin Ximeng and flew away!

At this time, he caught hold of Lin Ximeng and saw a small village below. Without thinking about it, he flew down quickly and landed at the gate of a tiger hunting house and broke in!

There are three people in the tiger hunting family!

These three people, a man and a woman, a child!

In the male's 245 and female's early twenties, the child is obviously only a little bit older. Seeing that the girl's general appearance, Meng Biao simply put down a cruel hand. No matter the big one or the small one, all of them will be killed!

Lin Ximeng watched Meng Biao use cruel means here and killed three people in his family. His heart was angry, but he couldn't move!

She was used by the alliance mark, sealed the vein, can not use vitality, and the whole body is weak, unable to move!

After dealing with the three people in the room, Meng Biao picked up Lin Ximeng, broke into the house, and then started the shameless behavior on Lin Ximeng!

at this time, Lin Ximeng just wanted to die!

But at this time, she had no strength, and she could not even die. For a moment, she was frightened, but she could not do anything. She was completely desperate when she thought of the tragic things to happen!

Meng Biao came over and looked at Lin Ximeng with a smile: "girl, don't blame me for my ruthlessness. If you want to blame yourself for your good-looking appearance, I will tell you that I caught my eye on you yesterday. Haha, you are really a charming woman!"

Lin Ximeng stares at the League mark!

If the eyes can kill people, alliance mark now, die more than a hundred times!

Meng Biao didn't care about Lin Ximeng's eyes. He said with a smile, "you hate me now, but you won't hate me right away. You'll beg me, I promise!"

Said, his hand, is more than a red pill! , the fastest update of the webnovel!