"Who are you?"

The warrior stares at the girl who suddenly appears in front of him. Seeing that the girl is so beautiful and lawless, he can't help but feel a touch of greed in his eyes, but he immediately realizes the situation at this time.

The greed in his eyes immediately turned into vigilance!

He looked at the girl in front of him and said in a deep voice, "tell me who you are. If you don't speak, I'll be rude to you!"

Of course, this beautiful girl is Lin Ximeng. Of course, she won't answer the questions of the warrior!

We should know that Lin Ximeng's strength is already very strong at this time. It is already the peak strength of Shenwu. In the face of a small number of powerful saints, Lin Ximeng naturally doesn't pay attention to it at all!

She wielded the dark sword in her hand like lightning and attacked the Black Warrior in front of her.

The black robed warrior's eyes suddenly showed a touch of panic.

He is aware of Lin Ximeng's powerful strength!

He quickly waved his long sword to resist, and the sword collided with each other. The sword in the warrior's hand was directly hit and flew out. Moreover, a touch of dark sword light also flashed across the warrior's throat like lightning!

The remaining nine martial artists of tianhunzong, seeing that Lin Ximeng was so powerful, showed a touch of fear and tension in their eyes!

"Together, find a way to pass through the black hole of space and time!" A black robed warrior said in a deep voice.

The other eight black robed warriors nodded at the same time, and then all of them rushed towards Lin Ximeng.

Nine long Dao with dark awn, at the same time toward Lin Ximeng attack!

"Beyond my ability!"

Lin Xi Meng snorted coldly.

On her pretty face, at this time, there is also a very obvious pride.

Her mind moved and directly called out her two dragons!

The two dragons, one is jiuxiao Golden Dragon and the other is Canghai Qinglong. At this time, these two dragons have been promoted to the level 8 level by Tang Long!

This level of dragon, in the face of the strong emperor, very easy to overcome!

The two dragons attacked the nine black robed warriors. After a short period of time, all of them were seriously injured. They spat blood one by one and turned pale. They retreated around Shanao, carefully staring at Lin Ximeng and the two dragons.

Lin Ximeng did not catch up.

Her mission is to keep the black hole of space-time, and never let a person pass by. So now, she directly blocks the entrance of the black hole of space-time, and keeps on walking, for fear of any accident.

But at this time, two black robed warriors rushed into the depression!

The two black robed warriors who rushed into the mountain depression were extremely strong. One of them was the strength of the five gods, and the other had even reached the seven levels of the gods!

Seeing the situation in the depression, the two gods looked at each other and rushed towards the entrance of the space-time black hole!

Lin Ximeng certainly can't let these two guys rush past!

"If you want to rush into this black hole of space and time, kill me first!"

Lin Ximeng snorted coldly, and the dark energy swept out of her body. She attacked the two warriors in succession with dozens of moves. At the same time, her two dragons also attacked the two warriors in black!

Suddenly, a fierce battle began in the depression!

Around the nine injured black robed warriors, see two gods strong to block the dragon's attack, and Lin Ximeng at this time, is obviously also carefully defending these two black robed warriors, a bit overwhelmed!

Nine people look at each other, at the same time, condense dark energy, toward the entrance of the space-time black hole!

They know that as long as you go through the entrance of this space-time black hole, you can live!

Moreover, as long as we rush through the space-time black hole, we can mobilize the strong people on the other side of the dead ghost continent to support us here, and we can completely reverse the situation immediately!

On the other side of the land of ghosts, there are three powerful gods!


Nine people roar and rush forward!

Watching, they have rushed to two meters in front of the entrance of the space-time black hole, and have rushed towards Lin Ximeng wildly!

At this time, Lin Ximeng, together with his two dragon gods, fought with the two powerful gods in front of him. He could not even gather his energy. He saw the nine guys rushing towards him and was about to rush into the black hole of space and time!

Lin Xi dream to see this situation, the heart suddenly extremely nervous!


She snorted coldly. As she staggered back, the dark sword in her hand was thrown out as a concealed weapon and stabbed at the chest of a Black Warrior like lightning!



The fierce wind passed, followed by a scream. The Black Warrior was stabbed in the chest by the black sword and fell to the ground.

However, several of the remaining eight black robed warriors have rushed to the entrance of the space-time black hole!Although Lin Xi's dream will not be in front of them, they may not be in the dream!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Seeing that they are about to rush into the space-time black hole, a series of energy beams, suddenly and rapidly come!

The nine black robed warriors were unable to defend themselves. In a flash, the four black robed warriors who rushed in the front were directly pierced in the back and died on the ground!

The remaining few black robed warriors still rushed forward!

It's a pity that Lin Ximeng has recovered her strength at this time, and her two dragons have gathered strength again to defend the black hole of space and time!

The most important thing is that at this time, there is one more person in the depression, and there is another dragon!

the person who rushed into the depression is xuelinyue!

The dragon that rushes in is naturally the divine beast of snow leaf moon!

Xue Lingyue holds a magic gun in her hand and attacks the black robed warriors around her!

Her dragon, also toward the two God strong extremely fierce rush past, suddenly, the two God strong, is into the absolute passive situation!

At this time, there are only a few injured black robed warriors who have been killed by Lin Ximeng and Xue linyue!

Snow leaf moon body shape flash, to Lin Xi dream side, two people guard this time and space black hole together!

Xue Lingyue's magic gun is still attacking the two gods!

Outside, the earth shaking roar is still shocking!

But at this time, two figures quickly flash in, but it is Tang Yi and Tang ER!

They had been fighting the black robed warriors here before, but when they saw the snow leaf moon coming towards this side, they were worried that the snow leaf moon was in danger, so they came to check the situation in a hurry!

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