Tang Long's two things are two swords!

These two swords are all black, carved with mysterious black runes, containing a kind of mysterious energy.

Obviously, these are two extraordinary swords!

Tang Long explored it. These two dark swords are obviously extremely rare ancient artifacts!

Although it is not a creation artifact, it is not much different!

"These two swords seem to be male and female. It's very suitable for Ximeng and Tangyang to use them!" Tang Long secretly thought, two swords directly into the Fengtian flag.

In addition to the two swords, the remaining weapons here are not particularly precious. However, Tang Long still collected all of them into the Fengtian flag.

He didn't find Pangu axe!

"This Pan Gu axe is supposed to be here, but why can't I find it?"

Tang Long frowned and looked around. After careful exploration, he found an extremely secret array!

This array is arranged behind a shelf behind the corner of the wall. It is completely blocked by the shelf. Moreover, the shelf is very humble. If you don't pay attention to it, this array is really hard to find out!

Tang Long removed the shelf and saw the ancient seal array.

Although he had a deep knowledge of the array, it took him half a day to finally unravel the array.

When the array is untied, a small stone gate appears on the wall. Behind the stone gate is a small cave.

In the cave, there is a glittering box!

Tang Long quickly took out the box and opened it. A flash of joy flashed in his eyes: "Hey, finally, I found the Pan Gu axe. Dahan is a little lucky indeed!"

In Tang Long's heart, he couldn't help but praise.

Pangu axe is full of golden light. It is carved with dense mysterious runes. It is thick and sharp. Moreover, it has a kind of extremely strong flavor of famine.

Even, Tang Long has explored a mysterious power of inheritance in this ancient axe!

"Is there a power of inheritance in this axe? Is this the inheritance power of Pangu ancestor god? " Tang Long was curious.

He didn't want to get the inheritance of this ancient axe.

Although Pangu axe is a creation artifact, the axe is really heavy. And Tang Long doesn't like to use axe very much. On the contrary, Li Dahan likes this kind of heavy weapon very much!

Therefore, Tang Long is also planning to let Li Dahan get the inheritance of the Pan Gu axe, and let Li Dahan be cheap at the same time.

After all, Li Dahan had already been inherited by Pangu ancestor god before. With this Pan Gu axe and the inheritance power contained in Pangu axe, maybe Li Dahan can get great benefits from it.

Tang Long took Pangu axe into Fengtian flag.

Next, he made a serious turn in this space, but there was no other harvest, so he had to leave the space.

At first, he thought about what kind of natural materials and treasures he could get here. Unfortunately, there were no such things here.

Leaving the space of heterodox, Tang Long went to find Lin Ximeng and gave one of the two dark swords to Lin Ximeng. Then, he planned to return to Lingyun Luoyu city.

He was about to use huixinmen to contact Ye Qingling. However, ye Qingling's voice sounded in the heart of Tang Long: "brother dragon, the magic dance and flying snow is gone. I heard that it was captured by the people of tianhunzong!"

"What, the flying snow has disappeared!"

When Tang long heard the news, he frowned fiercely.

You know, the magic flying snow is the master of Xuanling house. Tang Long wants to get this Xuanling house very much!

"What do people of lingyunzong do to eat? Knowing that the magic flying snow is very important, she was not protected and lost! " Tang Long was very depressed and cursed the doctor, and then said to Ye Qingling in his heart: "good ling'er, I will go now."


Ye Qingling answered.

Tang long no longer said much, summoned and ye Qingling between the heart of wisdom, directly appeared in front of Ye Qingling.

But he first asked, "how is Tang Yang?"

"He's still recovering, he's in a good, stable condition, he's waking up from a coma." Ye Qingling's voice dropped, and then he asked, "brother long, what's the matter with you over there?"

"It's going well over there." Tang Long said: "nine days Taiqing cave, has been controlled by me."

"Where was the soul sect that day?"

"I've destroyed it too!"

"Tianhunzong has been destroyed by you. How can their people capture the magic dancing snow?" Ye Qingling curiously said: "according to reason, their clan is destroyed, and the rest of them should be safe to hide."

Tang Long took the girl into his arms and chewed on it with a beautiful bite: "silly girl, tianhunzong is so far away from here. Now the news from there must not have been spread. How can people here know. In my opinion, it is likely that the heaven soul sect arranged people here to secretly attack the magic flying snow"Yes." Ye Qingling nodded.

At this time, Tang Long suddenly felt that his guess was wrong!

Before that, there was indeed a strong man of the heaven soul sect in this Lingyun falling rain city. That man was the alliance mark.

Can alliance mark now, should already be dead!

In addition to the alliance mark, the soul of heaven in the Zhenwu mainland of the rest of the people, who can be in Yiqi Lingyun Zong's territory, so captured the magic dance flying snow?!

You know, the strength of magic flying snow is also very strong.

She is not only a talented Dan teacher, but also has reached the double realm of heaven and God. She also controls the Xuanling house. Such a beautiful girl can't be easily captured!

"Let's go and find out with me." Tang Long holds up the precious girl in his arms and holds her delicate jade hand. Together, they go to see Tang Yang's internal injury first.

Tang Yang's injury, obviously much better, although still pale, but the breath has been very stable.

Seeing that Tang Yang is OK, Tang Long is also a little relieved.

He left the other dark sword to Tang Yang. Then he went out of the door and said to Li Dahan, who was guarding the door, "find a place to accept the inheritance of Pangu axe."

With that, Tang Long took out the box containing the Pan Gu axe and gave it to Li Dahan.

"Pangu axe!"

In Li Dahan's eyes, a thick surprise suddenly appeared.

Tang Long went not far away and came to Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang, who were whispering: "OK, don't whisper here. After finishing the business, I'll hold a wedding ceremony for you, so that you can stay together all the time!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Tang Xiaohu suddenly looked happy.

Strong cloud dress is pretty face blood red!

She lowered her head in a hurry: "master, you, what do you say? Xiaohu and I are just chatting casually. Where and where is whispering? We are just afraid of disturbing Tang Yang's rest, and our voice is just a little lower!"

"Is it?" Tang Long laughed: "since you don't want to marry Xiaohu, it's just right. I'm going to let Xiaohu marry Yuhan. That girl is good!"

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