At this time, under the God King, in the nine days of Taiqing cave, dense black robed warriors rushed out, and hundreds of black robed warriors all rushed towards the Tang dragon side!

And the two gods not far away are also coming towards this side!

Obviously, they all realized that the king of God who was fighting against Tang Long here was in a very bad situation. They had to come to rescue the God King!

What's more, they also realized that the situation on their side was a little bad!

If Tang Long kills a God King, they will be hit hard at once!

At this time, there were more than 100 dragon gods in the Tang clan, which formed a strong defense circle around the Tang dragon. Those black robed warriors wanted to break through the dragon's defense circle and come to support the God King who was to be killed by Tang long. Obviously, they could not do it in a short time!

the other two gods wanted to rush over to support the God King who was fighting with Tang long. At this time, they were also completely complete Can't do it!

One of them is being resisted by Tang Kuo's five men, and the other is blocked by their dragon!

You know, Tang Kuo's dragon, at this time, is also growing to the level of eight sacred beast. Although the king of God is more powerful than the five dragons, but after all, the god beast is a divine beast, and its natural defense is super strong!

Not to mention, these beasts are all dragons!

therefore, it is impossible for the God King to rush through the defense of the five dragons at once!

They can only watch from afar, watching the earth shaking blade, with the roaring sound of ice and fire collision, mercilessly chopped in the head of the God King who fought with Tang Long!


The top of the king's head, that piece of space were chopped to pieces!

The huge shadow of the God behind the king is also a direct explosion!


The sound of blood spurting sounded. Under the fierce energy of ice and fire, the king of God fell to the ground with a rain of blood. It was obvious that he had suffered extremely serious internal injuries!

"Eat my old pig

A burst of drink on the top of the king of God, and then, a full of more than 100 meters of terror giant, holding a black light flashing rake, toward the fall of the God King severely harrow down!

This is the magic skill of the golden body of pig Gang, a powerful attack on display!

This attack, the power is also extremely terrible!


The rake fell on the head of the God King, and the terrible black light power burst out from the rake, and the God King was directly blasted to pieces!

But at this time, a fist size lacquer black light group flew out of his body at the moment of the God King's explosion, and headed for the distance.

This is the original God cultivated by the God King!

The yuan God flew out and escaped only 20 meters. A Golden Tripod with infinite Majesty was directly enveloped in the tripod!

this glittering tripod is the heaven shaking tripod of Tang Long!

In the Zhentian tripod, the powerful seal force swept out, directly crushing the dark light group to the extrusion!

Then, the dark energy was absorbed by Zhentian Ding!

"The supreme thunder trot!"

Tang Long didn't stop for a moment. Seeing that the God King had been killed, Tang Long went directly to Tang Kuo and his side. At the same time, he had displayed the supreme magic skill of running thunder step for the third time!


Heaven and earth seem to be crushed by his step!

In the roar of thunder, Tang Long's body flashed. In a flash, Tang long had already appeared a hundred meters away and was in front of Tang Kuo's eyes!

Tang Long's eyes fell on the king 20 meters away!

This God King just before and Tang Kuo they attack, at this time is the blood boiling, energy is also consumed greatly, for a time, the eyes are also showing a touch of fear!

He fell down and looked down at the sky!

He wants to run away!

How could Tang Long let him escape?!

"Five elements mountain!"

A glittering mountain, flying out of the Tang dragon body, with a strong force of ancient famine, towards the God King mercilessly smashed in the past!

At the same time, the Tang Dynasty five people, also turned into a golden lightning, to the ground down, to prevent the king of God escape!

Five elements mountain with a strong momentum, toward the head of the God King, hard bang up!

"Soul skill, explosive fist!"

The king of God continued to fall down rapidly. At the same time, his fist aimed at the Wuxing mountain which was smashed from the sky. With a fist, he resisted the five element mountain of Tang Long with one fist, and flew out!

What's more, with the help of the force of the five elements mountain, the speed of falling down was twice as fast!

In a twinkling of an eye, he fell to the ground!He was about to turn around and escape toward the nine days of Taiqing cave, but at this time, the sky shaking sword awn, with the sound of terrible thunder roared down!

The power of this Dao mang is so powerful that people are shocked!

What's more, the speed of chopping down the blade was too fast. The God King had no time to escape. The blade had reached his head, so he was going to chop him in half!

Helpless, this God King can only choose to resist!

"The art of sealing the soul of heaven!"

A deep voice sounded, and the dark energy rolled directly out of the king of God!

However, the cutting speed of the blade awn is too fast. The dark energy has not yet condensed into a defense. The sword awn has fallen on the head of the God King with the power of destroying heaven and earth!


The sword awn burst into pieces and turned into a terrible torrent of ice and fire, which directly collapsed the ground!

The original hard boulder ground was directly blasted out of a hole more than 10 meters. The gravel was swept by the ice fire energy, and flew directly into the air, and scattered around in a random way!

At the bottom of the pit, the king of God spits blood and has already suffered extremely heavy internal injury!


With a long hiss, the golden monkey's golden cudgel suddenly bumped down from the high altitude, directly and violently bumped into the top of the God King, and the ground under the God King's feet collapsed again!

The king of God was directly knocked into the ground, even his head was buried in it!

Then, an energy dragon condensed by the ice fire energy also thundered down from the high altitude, fell into the pit, and exploded directly!

The explosion, the rocks around the pit are blasted to pieces!

But in this burst of strength, a dark energy light cluster, directly flew out, toward the sky to fly up.

This is the original God cultivated by the God King who died just now!

Yuan Shen ran away in the distance!

"Want to escape, hum!"

Then, the fire of the Yuan Dynasty exploded on the ice God!

There's only one king left!

The eyes of the Tang Dragon God were like lightning, sweeping the God King.

The king of God is being attacked by the beast of Tang Kuo and thunder and cloud.

Although this God King at this time, obviously is occupying the upper hand, but, this God King obviously already has some panic!

"Tang Kuo, you go to support Xi Meng and yue'er!"

At the same time, his beast, from eight directions, also at the same time, rushed towards the God King!

This is the last God King in the heaven soul clan!

If we destroy this God King, we will not be afraid of tianhunzong. Even if tianhunzong still has dozens of strong gods, Tang long will not pay attention to it at all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!