Tang Long's eyes at this time have fallen on Lin Ximeng and Xue linyue. Seeing that they were seriously injured, he immediately felt a touch of heartache in his eyes. In turn, the heartache turned into anger!

He knew that if he came a little later, he would have a great tragedy!

"Damn it!"

After biting his teeth, Tang Long's hands suddenly closed together and quickly changed his fingerprints!

At the same time, his blood red light suddenly burst out!

He actually used the power of the blood demon. Even, he directly summoned the magic weapon: "the soul Tower!"

"Woo --"

the sound of wolf howling sounded. Among the ten thousand soul tower, 144 blood red blood wolves, with the power of blood demons, rushed out of the tower and attacked the warriors of tianhun sect fiercely!

There are more than 100 blood wolves. Their fighting power is extremely strong. How can these warriors of tianhunzong resist it?!

All of a sudden, one by one the martial arts of the heaven soul sect, escape more and more quickly!

"Boom, boom!"

Above the top of Tang Long's head, a terrible ice fire energy vortex appears above the clouds. In this energy vortex, thunder and lightning shake the sky!

Tang Long shows his magic power: Heaven subdues God to punish!

The powerful force of natural punishment, one by one, thunderbolt down from the high altitude, will be thousands of meters, any building, is a direct bombardment of the explosion!

When the warriors of tianhun sect saw such an attack against the sky, they were even more scared. They all ran around in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, they ran clean. Some of them ran slowly. They were hit by the force of the punishment of heaven, and then they were put out of the ashes and turned into nothingness!

At this time, in the black hole of time and space, young men and women came in one after another!

This is the Tangmen Dragon Guard!

The Dragon guards didn't all come here, only half of them came. This was what Tang Long told Tang Yi and Tang Er when he came here.

After all, at present, there are still many warriors of tianhunzong who are fighting in the corner at the other side of jiutiantaiqing cave. The black hole of space and time there must be well defended. Naturally, the people of shenlongwei can't all come here!

More than 50 warriors of the Dragon Guard arrived, and Tang Kuo's dragon also came. At this time, although Tang Long's strength began to weaken, the danger was completely relieved!

Tang is short of five people. He has already sat down with his knees crossed. He took the elixir to recover his vitality and began to recover his strength.

Tang Long also began to recover.

At this time, they have just arrived in this brand-new world. They have no idea about everything here. In order to deal with the possible sudden danger, they have to be cautious now.

Now, no matter what, we must recover our strength first!

Fortunately, the warriors of tianhunzong did not return after escaping!

In a hurry, an hour passed.

It's always quiet around!

Tang Long and Tang lack of their strength and have basically recovered. However, xuelinyue's internal injuries are still some heavy.

Tang Long asked Tang Qun to defend them around. He went to help Lin Ximeng and Xue Lingyue to heal.

Half an hour later, Xue Lingyue and Lin Ximeng's internal injuries were much better. Moreover, the martial artists of the Dragon guards around took advantage of this time to recover their strength one by one.

At this time, their strength has basically recovered!

On the other side of the space-time black hole, Tang 17 and Tang 29 came together, and they came to Tang Long: "young master, the battle over the nine heaven Taiqing cave has basically ended. The warriors of tianhunzong have basically escaped, and those who have not escaped have been destroyed by us."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded and said, "let Tang Yi arrive at Tang shisan, and take twenty dragon guards to guard over there. Others, all come here!"


Tang 17 and Tang 29 agreed to go back to Jiutian Taiqing cave through the space-time black hole.

After a while, more people from the Dragon guard came together.

Tang long at this time, is also a long breath.

In any case, at this time, the heaven soul sect, the source of evil spirits, was basically taken down.

However, Tang long hasn't figured out what to do behind this!

"We must control the heaven soul sect first, and then we can advance and retreat freely in this land of dead ghosts before we can think of the next plan!" Tang long thought secretly.

Before that, he had inquired a lot about the alliance.

He knows that the tianhunzong is not just a small sect gate, but also has a lot of properties. Moreover, this is the headquarters of tianhunzong and its location is very large!

In the previous World War I, although they destroyed the square, most of the places in tianhunzong were still in good condition.

"Tang Kuo, you stay here with half of the Dragon guards to prevent someone from suddenly coming to destroy the black hole of time and space. The rest of you will follow me to the tianhun Hall of tianhunzong!"Tang Long glanced at them and said in a deep voice.

"Yes Tang Kuo and they nodded together.

Tang long looked at Lin Xi dream and snow to listen to the moon: "your internal injury is not good, rest here."


Snow leaf month and Lin Xi dream, a start nodded.

Tang Longzheng was going to say something more when he suddenly thought of a problem, a very bad problem!

Tang Xiaohu is still in the evil sky Pavilion!

Before, it was he and Tang Xiaohu who went to the evil heaven Pavilion. At this time, Tang Xiaohu was there by himself. Tang long could not use huixinmen. How long would it take to catch up with him?!

All of a sudden, Tang Long was in a bit of a hurry!

"Oh, how long am I going to be here? If Xiaohu goes to the evil heaven Pavilion alone and is found by the people of the evil sky Pavilion, will the boy be very dangerous, especially if he unlocks the seal and uses the power of the stars

Tang Long frowned fiercely: "we must deal with the matter here as soon as possible, and then rush over, otherwise, there may be major problems!"

Now, even if he is in a hurry, it's no use. After all, the matter here is not over. He can't just leave like this!

However, Tang Xiaohu is alone in the evil sky Pavilion, things are a little bad!

"No matter how to say it, we must first solve the problem of tianhunzong!"

Tang Long secretly thought, with some warriors of the Dragon Guard, toward the heaven soul hall.

If all the people of tianhunzong fled at this time, it would be much easier for him. However, if those people didn't escape, he didn't care too much!

Now the martial arts of tianhunzong, who can threaten him, no longer exist!

Summoned the golden winged Kunpeng, the Tang Dragon flew directly on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng. With 50 warriors of shenlongwei, it was not long before they reached the sky soul hall.

Tang Long explored the surrounding activities and found that although many people of the tianhunzong had fled, there were still many people left here.

These people, of course, are hiding.

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