"It should be getting better and better." Oriental bing'er stopped and said, "you used to implement those systems in the sky Eagle Empire, and then you implemented them in the death flame island. During this period of time, the north wind and bright moon learned a lot from me and Meng Zhi and their colleagues about the various systems that you had formulated before. She studied them by herself, and then she carried out them on the island of fire of death. "

Tang Long asked curiously, "according to this, Meng Zhi, do they often come here recently?"

"Yes." Dongfang bing'er nodded: "Meng Zhi and they are more cooperative with her, because they can see that she is completely in accordance with your idea, changing the flame path of death, and she is very attentive. I believe that in the near future, the death flame island will become a very good place."

"If the death island of fire can get better, it can't be better." Tang Long nodded and cautiously said: "however, the death of the flame Island, can absolutely not appear in the Tangmen trace!"

"Don't worry about that." Oriental ice son way: "the north wind bright moon temporarily established the mingyuezong."

"It's best." Tang Long nodded.

He knew these things before. After all, when he left last time, he discussed this matter with Beifeng Mingyue.

"Well, it's getting late. I'll go first." Tang Long embraces the Oriental ice son, in her pretty face, gently gnawed: "wait for me to come back in a few days, can not so easily let you go!"

"I'll wait for you." Oriental ice son gently Road.

Tang Long didn't say anything more. Although he couldn't give up in his heart, he still called out huixinmen and went back to the quiet night.

This night, the night did not stop!

At dawn, Tang Longhuai was a little tired in the dark night: "you are a good man, don't you say we have to leave early? You, how do you know greed? Look, it's dawn now. Wait a moment, the people from the two blood temples should come to us! "

"Let's go now!" Tang Long laughs: "go to another inn!"


Silent at night!

However, she still listen to Tang long, quickly tidy up, and then, directly opened the window, from the outside flew out!

All the way before, she always cooperated with those two people who studied the temple, so they didn't expect that she would sneak away. When the two people came to call her in the dark night, the room would be empty already!

However, it also left a letter.

The two warriors of the blood temple came into the room and looked at the letter. In their eyes, however, there was a very obvious joy.

The letter left by Youye said, "my husband has come to me, and I have gone with him!"

After reading the letter, the two warriors of the blood Temple immediately discussed to change the itinerary:

"with this letter, we can make a smooth assignment, and we don't have to go back to the blood Temple immediately. We can have a good time outside for a while, and we can do that thing!"

"Yes, with this letter, we have a lot of worry!"

"I was worried all the way. The woman looks like a goblin, and she likes to dress up as a man. Doesn't she know that it's more attractive? Oh, I take her on the road every day, and I'm worried about something

"That's a goblin, a curse!"

"That's it


as they spoke, they turned around and walked out of the room.

At this time, Tang Long and you ye have already appeared in another inn in this city!

You ye wants to go on her way, but she can't help it. This good man is really addicted to her. In addition, she hasn't seen her for such a long time. This guy won't let her go easily this time, and she can't bear to refuse him.

So, in this inn, with Tang long to do some mischief!

After staying in the city for two days, Tang longcai finally left with the quiet night's helpless entreaties!

You night although some tired, can feel Tang Long still like her, her heart, is also very sweet and happy.

It took them a long time to find out where the land of Roth was.

Of course, the land of Roth is in the realm of Kalan. It is a relatively remote continent in the realm of Kalan. From the land of Roth, you can reach the land of lingxu, and then you can reach the land of canglan, so that you can return to Tianying city and then to Fengtian city.

However, Tang long did not intend to go back to Fengtian city immediately!

He turned to look at the dark night: "goblin, how about we go to the cave of the dead?"

This ghost cave is a place where Tang Long listened to others when he was eating in a restaurant on the road just now. At this time, whenever people in this city mention the ghost cave, they will see fear in their eyes!

It is said that there is a devil hidden in the cave of the dead. Whoever wants to enter it will never come out again!

Moreover, it is said that the demons in the cave of the dead are very mysterious. Every day on the fifteenth day of the lunar new year, a strange red light of blood will appear in the cave. The light is gloomy and terrifying. Anyone who has approached the red light will lose his mind immediately, as if he is fascinated!Before that, many powerful warriors went to the ghost cave and wanted to eliminate the demons inside. However, none of the people who went in could come out. All of them disappeared!

Even every three days, there will be a person in this city who is inexplicably missing. They all know that this is the devil of the ghost cave. It comes out to eat people!

No one has seen the devil, because all of them are dead!

Tang Long wants to see the ghost cave. One of the reasons is that he wants to get rid of this evil.

Another reason is that he is curious about the so-called devil in his heart.

You Ye is naturally willing to be with Tang long.

In her opinion, as long as Tang Long accompanies her, she can go anywhere. Even if Tang Long is greedy for her, she still likes to be with him.

She looked at Tang Long and asked, "when are we going to the ghost cave?"

"Tonight!" Tang Long said: "I want to see what the devil in the cave of the dead is in the end. It seems that the devil is invincible, but I don't believe it!"

The night nodded.

She didn't believe there were invincible demons.

Although there are some powerful warriors in the land of Roth, Tang Long and they have heard that the most powerful warriors in this continent seem to be the realm of the holy emperor and the emperor, and there are few powerful ones in the land.

Their strength at this time, in this land of Ross, can already be regarded as the top!

At noon, they had dinner in a restaurant, and then asked Tang long to accompany her and strolled in the street all afternoon.

This eye looks, already arrived evening.

Tang Long is going to find a place to eat together with Youye, and then go to the ghost cave together. However, he is walking forward. Seven strange looking warriors in front of him block their way!

These seven guys are obviously not good people. Everyone has a little less stuff!

Some lack legs, some lack an arm, some even have no nose and ears, but also blind an eye, and even a martial arts person, face are missing half, the left face, directly inlaid with a piece of iron!

This iron face is obviously the eldest among them!

This guy is holding a dog beating stick in his hand. He looks very ferocious. He grins, and his eyes are greedily staring at the dark night. The voice of the thief's smile makes people feel chilly: "Hey, hey, hey, we are lucky today for the seven ghosts of the hell. We came to this city and met such good goods!"

"Yes, yes, big brother, we can have a good time today!" The guy without a leg is also a shameless smile!

Tang Long is already quite upset!

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