"Good!" Tang Lei nodded and said, "the time on the battle sheet is five days later, in wanggui mountain!"

"I see." Tang Long said, "in five days, I will be there."

"Good!" Tang Lei agreed and turned away.

In Tang Long's mind, he already had his own plan. However, this plan is not to give those people an inferior power!

He is not a rash man.

It's his style to plan and then move.

The current situation is not optimistic about Tangmen.

The comprehensive strength of Tangmen does not occupy an absolute advantage in the area of the source of evil spirits. Moreover, the thunderbolt sect, the source of evil spirits, is absolutely invincible now.

If one is not careful and attracts the thunderbolt sect, the Tangmen will be very dangerous.

So, Tang Long has to use some means!

"There are five days left. In these five days, I have to go to the death flame island. I can't let people down when the north wind and bright moon manage the death flame island so hard.

Tang Long secretly thought, in the heart of contact with the Oriental ice.

Dongfang bing'er is preparing to have a meal. When he hears Tang Long's voice, he immediately asks, "dragon, have you returned to Fengtian city?"

"Back." Tang Long's voice dropped, followed closely: "I miss you, so now in the past!"


Oriental ice son should a, in the heart, inexplicable jump.

She also wanted to Tanglong, and she thought very much. At this time, when she heard Tang Long saying that she would come, she felt a very special emotion, which made her heart jump wildly.

After a pause, he said softly, "come here, my generals and I are preparing to have dinner."


Tang Long agreed and summoned the huixinmen between Dongfang binger and returned to Heishi mountain, where he lived with Dongfang binger.

Dongfang bing'er sees Tang Long appear in front of him, don't know why, Fang Xin, is a burst of jumping.

Her heart some joy, but also some inexplicable tension!

Bowing his head: "did you eat it?"

"Yes." Tang Long's voice dropped, but he didn't notice that Dongfang bing'er was a little pinched. He turned his head and looked at the general: "after you come back, have you seen the medicine pool?"

"Yes." The general said, "the medicine pool there, everything is normal."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded.

He also has high hopes for this medicine pool. If it can be cultivated for a year, the medicine pool will have great benefits for the martial arts of the Dragon Guard. If it is cultivated for a longer time, the people of the Dragon Guard will get more benefits.

Tang Long also hopes that the strength of the warrior of Shenlong Wei can be improved as soon as possible.

After all, these are the cornerstone of his Tang clan's future!

Generals and ministers don't have to eat. Only Dongfang bing'er eats alone. Naturally, it's a bit boring. Therefore, Tang Long also accompanies her. In the past, she ate more or less.

After dinner, Dongfang bing'er looks at Tang Long: "you come back, you want to go immediately?"

"Of course not Tang Long looks at Dongfang bing'er, and he smiles. The smile is a little bad, and the smiling Dongfang bing'er suddenly blushes.

Tang Long looks at Dongfang bing'er and knows that the girl has obviously guessed his motive!

He said with a smile, "binger, let's go tonight?"

"Well." Oriental ice son gently should a, the heart is a burst of jumping, busy to clean up the dishes, get up to leave.

Continue to be here, Tang Long said two such words, she would like to surrender!

In her heart, her reaction to her own is also a little helpless.

However, she really miss Tang Long too much.

Tang Long and the generals talked for a while, and the generals left and went to the medicine pool to be busy.

Dongfang bing'er is finished now.

When he came back, he sat down opposite Tang Long and wanted to say something. For a while, he didn't know how to say it. However, he saw Tang Long come over and sat down beside her. Then he held her gently.

"You, didn't you say night?" She was a little nervous!

Tang long looked at the girl's appearance and felt a little funny. Dongfang bing'er was clearly a cold person. How could she be so obedient!

However, in his heart, there were some heartache and some apologies.

"Binger, it's hard for you these days. Let yourself be in such a place." Tang Long apologetically embraces the Oriental ice way.

"I think it's great here." Dongfang bing'er was held by Tang long. Originally, she was a little flustered. At this time, she also calmed down a little: "here, at least there are no those treacherous and annoying guys. I'm here, very relieved and comfortable."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded: "I am worried that you are here, bored."

"No way." Dongfang bing'er looks up at Tang long, with endless affection in his eyes: "dragon, if you really treat me, I will be satisfied."After a pause, he said, "you are back. Shall we go to see the north wind and bright moon?"

"No problem." Tang Long nodded.

This time he came here, he wanted to see the north wind and bright moon. One of them couldn't let the girl down too much. The other wanted to know more about the current situation of the death flame island.

In his heart, he also had some expectations for the island of fire of death.

Embracing the Oriental ice son, the United States gnawed a bite, but suddenly found that the girl actually reacted very strongly, eyes, even full of a layer of hazy!

Tang long looked at her so kind of son, is really beautiful a little bit outrageous, in the heart is also a little messy up.

"Binger, we won't go to see the north wind and bright moon."

Oriental ice son a little doubt, a heart, but still jumping around, gently asked: "why suddenly did not go?"

"I want to eat you first!" Tang Long laughs.

Dongfang bing'er suddenly felt that his whole body was on fire, and his heart was a little helpless. How could he be so hopeless in front of Tang Long? Tang Long is just a gentle movement, she unexpectedly --

"not now!" She still refused Tang Long for the time being.

In her heart, it's a very sacred and important thing to be with Tang Long and give herself to him completely. Of course, she needs to be in a very suitable place without any interruption before she gives herself to him wholeheartedly!

Looking up at Tang long, with a little pleading in his eyes: "we, how about the evening?"

Naturally, Tang long would not object.

In fact, he also felt that it was not suitable now, but he had such a request because of his thoughts.

"Good, evening, evening!" Tang Long bowed his head and pecked at Dongfang bing'er's cheek. With a smile, he joked: "my bing'er used to be a person who was frozen by ice. How can it look now, as if there is a mass of magma in my heart. What's the matter?"

"You just like to tease me."

Dongfang bing'er takes a look at Tang Long gently, bows his head and refuses to speak.

Heart, but inexplicable sweet!

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