Some martial artists have no time to dodge, they are poisoned directly, and their faces are black all at once!

However, no one was poisoned and roared from the big hole of the defense boundary, and rushed in directly!

"The black boa clan is over!"

Tang Long sighed in his heart. Not far from the rear of these warriors, Tang Long pretended to follow these warriors to attack. At the same time, he still used the vast sea to listen to all kinds of voices around him:

"come on, report to the Lord, the enemy has broken our final defense!"

"The Lord has selected thirteen men, all his women, in the cave behind. Let's block the enemy's attack for another hour!"

"As long as you use Tianyin thirteen incense, these guys may die and attack again!"

"Let's resist again!"

"It's really not possible. The last means left by the Lord will definitely stop these guys' attacks. After this time, I will not be polite to the black boa clan. We will retaliate one by one and use poison to make them all die."


Tang Long was listening to those guys. Suddenly, the voice of thunderous roar and earth shaking sound suddenly swept out from the hole in the defensive border and the gap!

"God beast, it's still a third-class beast. It turns out that the black boa clan has such a powerful beast!"

Feel this strong breath, Tang Long heart, is also very shocked!

However, he is more concerned about the sky Yin thirteen incense!

Just now he had listened to those martial artists and knew that at this time, some people would use the Tiancai Dibao, which was full of yin and thirteen fragrance!

How can he let those people waste such natural resources and treasures in vain!

"It's time for action."

Tang Long secretly thought, using the means of blinking, in situ is directly disappeared, blink of an eye, has retreated more than ten meters, and then, in the fierce energy hurricane, in the rolling toxic smoke, toward the distance away!

He's going to change the way he looks at this time!

Here, the gap of defense barrier is getting bigger and bigger, but the warriors who just rushed in from the gap are retreated by the powerful dark energy!

The night sky is full of stars, but on the black snake mountain, the wind is howling and the strength is roaring.

Rolling black smoke, crazy swept, will be the brilliance of the stars and moon, are completely covered up!

In all directions, gray!

Even if the emperor of Shenzong is strong, at this time, they can't see the surrounding situation clearly!


In this gray world, in the roar of the sky, a huge black snake with a full length of more than 300 meters flew out of the gap of the defense border, and launched an extremely ferocious attack against the warriors who attacked the black Python clan!

What's more, the black giant snake was also covered with extremely terrible poisonous smoke!

a pungent smell diffused from the Python and integrated into the energy between the heaven and the earth. All of a sudden, the warriors who attacked the black Python clan all felt a little dizzy!

The smell of the black Python can penetrate into the skin directly through the strong wind!

And this poison can even fuse with the roaring energy between heaven and earth!

In less than five minutes, within a kilometer radius, they are all full of poison!

Among the poisons, even those Shenzong and Shenjun martial arts all felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the movement of vitality became somewhat stagnant.

All of a sudden, these warriors were in a panic!

"the beast Python is very poisonous. Please be careful. Gather your energy to protect your whole body. You can't get close to any poisonous gas!"

A strong man of Shenzong will drink!

Around, a martial arts, at this time also know the beast Python fierce.

All of them are in a hurry to gather their energy to protect themselves, and at the same time, they should quickly dissolve the poison that has invaded the body before.

And at the same time, these martial arts of the Shenzong God King, is also all together, toward the dark Python attack in the past!

The black boa constrictor opened its mouth, rolling black energy, with a pungent smell, directly swept out, toward these gods, gods, and martial artists, fiercely and continuously bombarded!

Although some of these warriors are not weaker than the black boa constrictor, they still have to defend against the poison!

In this way, in a short time, the black Python actually took the upper hand!

In the distance, Tang Long has come quickly!

He's dressed up as a black Python warrior!

At the same time, he tried to avoid the attack of the black Python as much as possible, and at the same time, he showed his body method, and as quickly as possible, he went towards the gap of the defense barrier.At this time, although many strong men were attacked by black boa constrictors, there were also hundreds of warriors who were rushing towards the big hole of the defense border.

In the defense barrier, the warriors of the black Python clan are also attacking these warriors!

The scuffle has already started!

in this scuffle, Tang Long took advantage of the roaring strength between heaven and earth to display his body method of blinking. It took him five minutes to finally reach the gap of the defense barrier without being attacked.

At this time, the gap has been bombarded, more than 10 meters in diameter!

Around, in all directions, many warriors saw that the defense barrier of the black Python clan was broken, and the black Python was resisted by many deities. All of a sudden, they all rushed towards the defense barrier!

In the chaos, Tang Long exerted his body method to the limit.

At this time, he was dressed up as a warrior of the black Python clan. When he rushed here, he was also attacked by several warriors who attacked the black Python clan. Tang long tried to dodge and finally broke into the gap of the defense barrier!

The martial arts of the black Python clan saw Tang long. In the dark, they didn't find that Tang Long was not a black python.

Tang Long finally managed to blend into the black Python clan.

The martial arts of the black Python clan gathered here are very strong.

Tang Long saw that the warriors of the black Python clan were all dying to resist the attack of these warriors outside. He also knew that the reason why these people did not escape was because of the antidote elixir in the hands of the black Python clan master!

Tang long just heard the news that the martial men of the black Python clan were all fed with highly toxic elixir by the leader of the black Python clan!

The antidote, only the black boa clan patriarch has!

"Back mountain!"

Tang Long didn't dare to delay. He took advantage of the night and went to the depths of the black boa clan.

Although there are many black boa clan warriors around, at this time, all of them are nervous and flustered. They don't pay attention to Tang long at all. At this time, Tang Long is still exerting the magic power of the sea!

In all directions, within a kilometer radius, he can easily detect any slight movement!

At this time, he was still paying attention to the flustered words of some martial artists in the black Python sect:

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