Song Lian said: "Huo Shengtian also came to me before and said that he would cooperate with me. If I married my daughter to him, he would promise to become a brother of life and death with me in hengdaomen. I listened to his words and promised to marry my daughter to him. Who knows he took my daughter and turned around to beat me!"

Tang Long looks unbelievable: "this Huo Shengtian, is this kind of person?"

"Yes Song Lian looked extremely remorseful, sighed heavily, and said, "it's all my fault that I have no eyes. I mistakenly believe in Huo Shengtian, which leads to the miserable situation of hengdaomen today."

He looked up at Tang Long and said, "master of Tang clan, I've been cheated by Huo Shengtian. You can't be cheated by Huo Shengtian again!"

Tang Longming knew that Song Lian was lying, but he still made a sudden realization: "according to you, I really can't believe Huo Shengtian too much!"

"Who said no!" Song Lian immediately nodded: "head of Tang clan, you are the new source of evil spirits. You don't know many things. Huo Shengtian is the most mean and shameless one. Moreover, he is extremely greedy."

Tang Long frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "what's good for me if you let me help you deal with the axe door?"

Song Lian said in a deep voice: "as long as you are willing to help me resist the axe door, I promise that in the future, you and I will always maintain friendly relations."

"It doesn't seem to do me any good!" Tang long looked at Song Lian and said with a smile: "master of the song clan, if I help you, it will be equal to fighting against the axe gate. It will lose my head. Do you think the promise you gave me is meaningful to me?"

Song Lian bit her teeth and said, "master of Tang clan, what do you want

"What do you want me to say?" Tang long thought for a moment: "I will save you from the danger of hengdaomen. How about giving priority to me?"

"You, you even --"

Song Lian's eyes suddenly widened!

He didn't expect that Tang Long's appetite was so big and his words were so direct that he proposed such a request to swallow up his hengdaomen!

However, if he does not agree at this time, the gate of Hengdao will be completely destroyed. Even he, his family, etc., will be killed!

It seems that he has no choice now!

Although Song Lian knows that she has no choice, she still hopes to win some power for herself at this time.

He bowed his head to think about it and said, "leader of Tang clan, I have an idea. I don't know if you agree with it."

Tang Long ha ha smile: "have what, just say!"

Song Lian said: "you and I are brothers, and we are Hengdao clan and you Tangmen. In the future, you are the general leader of our alliance, and I am the second person in charge. What do you think?"

"Chief Executive -" Tang long thought.

He knew that Song Lian still had some ambition in her heart. Only for the sake of the situation at this time, she had to be wronged and seek perfection.

However, Tang long must also take this opportunity to intervene in the dispute over the source of evil spirits!

Pretending to think for a while, he said, "well, you and I will merge into one. For the time being, we will obey my instructions. We will deal with the axe gate first, and when things calm down, we will discuss the matter of you taking the second chair. What do you think?"

"Of course that's good!" In Song Lian's eyes, there is an obvious surprise!

In his opinion, if Tangmen can block the attack of axe gate, they will certainly lose a lot. After a while, he may have a chance to turn over. At this time, he is wronged and asked for help. It's nothing!

What he wants is that the Tang clan comes forward to deal with the axe gate.

He looked at Tang Long and said without hesitation: "I will go back to my hengdaomen today and announce that from today on, my hengdaomen will merge with Tangmen!"

"Good!" Tang Long emphatically nodded: "you go back, all the signs of Hengdao gate will be cancelled immediately. On the head of Hengdao gate, it will be changed into the plaque of Tangmen. After all this, I will send someone to your Hengdao gate to help you deal with the axe gate!"

"Good!" Song Lian immediately nodded and said, "moreover, I will go to the chopper gate and the guillotine gate again. I want to persuade them to join hands with us to deal with the axe gate again. I believe that in this way, our side is equal to the alliance of four sects, which will definitely block the attack of the axe gate!"

"It's settled!" Tang Long nodded definitely.

"Then I'll leave first." Song Lian stood up, but looked at Tang Long and said, "if I guess well, the axe gate will come to attack our Hengdao sect in less than two days. I hope that the leader of Tang clan had better send someone to my Hengdao sect as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry!" Tang Long said with a smile: "I have a sense of propriety in this matter. First you go back and tell the people of your clan that you have been incorporated into our Tang clan. Then you can contact the machete gate and the guillotine gate. Then you come to me. I will take people to Hengdao gate with you."

"Well, that's settled. I'll go now!" With that, Song Lian turns around and goes quickly.

With the Tang clan alliance, Song Lian felt that he had a good card in his hand immediately. At this time, he went to combine the chopper gate and the guillotine gate. The comprehensive strength together would surely surpass the axe gate and kitchen knife door!He's also good at calculating!

He planned to use the Tang clan and unite with each other to destroy the axe gate and the kitchen knife gate, and then he could kill the Tang clan with the help of the guillotine gate and the chopper gate!

At that time, there will be only three ancestral clans left in the source of evil spirits, and his Hengdao gate will still exist!

Song Lian leaves in a hurry, and Tang Long is not idle.

He turned his head and looked at Tang 37: "you go to the ax gate immediately and help me to bring a letter there."

Tang 37 asked curiously, "young master, aren't you going to deal with the axe door? Why send them a letter? "

Tang Long said with a smile: "I'll write to tell Huo Shengtian that I have helped him deal with hengdaomen. The hengdaomen have been subordinated to us, so that he won't do it again!"

Tang 37 Leng Leng Leng: "he is willing to listen to you?"

"Ha ha!" Tang Long relaxed a smile: "listen or not, as he, but I know, he will certainly be furious!"

Speaking of this, Tang Long suddenly frowned: "Huo Shengtian, that bastard, is definitely not a good thing. If you go to this thing, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. Forget it, you will go with me!"

"Yes Tang 37 answered respectfully.

Tang Long refused to let Tang 37 deliver the letter because he was worried that Huo Shengtian would not be good enough to deal with Tang 37.

If he goes by himself, Huo Shengtian can't do anything to him even if he does!

The most important thing is that Tang Long has a way to persuade Huo Shengtian to be happy and jump into a trap again, so that Tang long can perfectly solve all the problems of the source of evil spirits.

After integrating these five sects, Tang long should calm down and deal with thunderbolt sect!

Tang clan beast's combat power is about to be improved, and Tang Long's strength has been improved a lot. So now, Tang Long is confident that he can resist the thunderbolt sect!

The most important thing is that he is going to the blood temple. Many things have to be done as soon as possible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!