In fact, even without the help of the beast, the current staff of the Tang clan, relying on Tang Long's plan at this time, would be easy to destroy these clans. After all, he is the only one who can really wait for work at leisure!

He's not going to attack the kitchen knife door!

Although Tang Long brought the eight people of the axe gate to Tangmen, they could only stay in the hall of heavenly spirit. As for the heavenly Ghost Tower, Tang long could not let them go.

However, Tang long discussed matters and even met Song Lian. They were all in the hall of the heavenly soul. Moreover, these eight people could hear it in person!

Everything went well.

In a hurry, four days have passed.

This morning, Tang Long is in Ling Qingyao's boudoir. In the depths of his heart, ye Qingling's voice suddenly wants to ring: "brother dragon, our divine beast, has come out of the Jiuming river."

"Oh, great!" Tang Long was filled with joy.

He immediately said: "you wait a moment, I'll clean up and go right away."

"Yes." Ye Qingling answered and cut off the spiritual connection with Tang long.

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao in his arms and said with a smile: "originally, I planned to fight for a good day today, but now it seems that it can't be done!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Ling Qingyao felt helpless.

This person, last night to now, why not enough? Does he really like her so much?!

Hearing that Tang Long was about to leave, Ling Qingyao was relieved, but still asked, "do you have something to go out?"

"Yes." Tang Long nodded.

At this time, Ling Qingyao gently grasped Tang Long's hand: "dragon, I know you are very smart, and you never know what to do, but there is one thing, I always feel that it is not appropriate!"

Tang Long smile: "what do you think is not appropriate?"

Ling Qingyao said: "I don't think it's appropriate for you to deal with the five sects. I'm afraid you are careless, so I want to talk to you about some things."

Ling Qingyao has fully understood Tang Long's plan in the source of evil spirits.

Moreover, not only Ling Qingyao, but also Beigong Xianer have known.

Even the night before yesterday, when Tang Long attacked Beigong Xianer, Beigong Xianer raised similar concerns with Tang long.

Tang Long looks at Ling Qingyao and smiles. In this smile, there is a strong self-confidence: "I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured that I have a plan in mind!"

Ling Qingyao hesitated a little, and then said: "you calmly mediate in the five sects. However, they must be very wary of you. Although your words and deeds are under their surveillance, they may not be at ease with you!"

Tang Long put the baby girl in his arms. He took a bite and said, "tell me your worries and let your husband help you solve them."

"Yes." Ling Qingyao answered, letting Tang Long embrace himself and nestling in his arms comfortably, he said, "dragon, I only ask you one question. If at that time, it's not the kitchen knife sect that sends people to the axe gate, but the ax sect sends people to the kitchen knife gate. The kitchen knife sect will gather the strength of two sects to defend. What should you do then?"

Tang Long smiles: "you mean Huo Shengtian and Caidaomen unite, and then wait for me in Caidaomen. You have to deal with me first, and then deal with Song Lian. Are you right?"

"Yes." Ling Qingyao nodded.

"My wife is really very smart. She is not only the most beautiful, but also the most intelligent." Tang Long laughs: "you this doubt, will certainly become a fact, that Huo Shengtian, has long been afraid of me, will certainly take this opportunity to deal with me first!"

"Have you guessed that they will do this?" asked Ling Qingyao

"Of course Tang Long laughed and was very proud: "I told Huo Shengtian all my plans and asked him to send people to stare at me. The more confident I showed, the more scared he was of me and the more he wanted to deal with me, he would try every means to kill me first."

Ling Qingyao nodded: "then what are you going to do?"

Tang Long hehe smile: "I ask you, I and the guillotine gate, they two families most fear, who is it?"

Ling Qingyao said: "of course, it's the axe door!"

Tang Long went on to ask, "do you think Song Lian and them will be relieved of me?"

Ling Qingyao said, "I'm sure I won't be at ease."

"So!" Tang Long laughed: "I expect that after we set out, Song Lian, Li Shendao and Niu Dazhu will change their minds temporarily and let me intercept the axe gate on the way, while they will deal with the kitchen knife door!"

After a pause, he continued: "their plan is very good. The combination of the three sects is bound to be able to deal with the kitchen knife door. However, it must be very difficult for me to intercept the axe door on the way. Moreover, they finally said this idea, which made me totally unprepared. I will be the most passive one then!"After a pause, he said with a smile: "the key point of my plan is here. I want to let the five families of them meet and kill each other unconsciously. I'll take advantage of the profits. It's their own death. I can't blame me!"

Hearing Tang Long say so, Ling Qingyao's heart, to oneself this man, immediately extremely admire.

She thought that Tang Long didn't think of this, but she didn't think that was what Tang Long was waiting for!

She looked at Tang Long and exclaimed: "no wonder these days, you allow Song Lian to discuss with Li Shendao and Wang Dazhu together, but you make a careless appearance. It turns out that you are just pitching them!"

"They like to play tricks, like to doubt back and forth, no wonder I am!" Tang Long ha ha smile: "you also see, it is their own must jump into the pit!"

"You Ling Qingyao shook her head in silence.

Hesitated, but said: "but if they don't propose a change strategy, or let you deal with the kitchen knife door?"

"I just need a few simple words, and they will immediately take the initiative to ask me for this request. All they see is interests. This weakness is too obvious and can be easily controlled." Tang Long confidently said: "don't worry, everything is in my control."


Ling Qingyao said nothing more.

At this time, Tang Long took Ling Qingyao in his arms and said, "I have to go. The baptism of the divine beasts in the Jiuming Tianhe should be completed. I have to bring them back."

"Then you go." Lingqing Yao road.

Tang Long said with a smile, "why don't we continue this evening? I don't think you have enough food."

"Fuck you!"

Ling Qingyao was suddenly ashamed, coquettish and angry, and quickly left Tang Long's arms.

Tang Long laughs, gets up and tidies up. Then he calls out the gate of wisdom between Ye Qingling and ye Qingling, and appears in front of Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue. At this time, a dragon of gods and eight little phoenixes have already come out of the river of heaven. , the fastest update of the webnovel!