Compared with the blood worship hall, the blood god palace is obviously much larger. For, he didn't know what continent baixuetang was in.

The only thing he knew was that this was somewhere in the realm of Kalan.

However, although Tang Long arrived here, he didn't know what continent it was on, because it was half the afternoon after flying for half a day and finally arrived at the destination.

A head of wasteland blood eagle, in front of the blood god palace in front of a huge square, a carriage, also gently landed on the square.

Tang Long and they all got out of the car.

The blood robed warriors who led the team before walked to the front together at this time.

One of the warriors looked like he was about fifty years old. The warrior in blood robe came to the front of Tang Long and stopped.

He glanced at Tang Long and all of them, and then said in a deep voice, "next, you will rest here for a day. You will gather here in the morning of the day after tomorrow for the next round of assessment of Fengyun Dan competition."

After a pause, he continued: "as long as you pass this round of assessment, you can participate in the Fengyun Dan competition. Now, there are 450 people who have passed the first round of assessment, but only 100 people can pass the second round of assessment!"

When the voice dropped, he didn't say much. He even ignored Tang Long and walked away. In a flash, he disappeared in front of them.

This blood robed warrior left, and the other blood robed warriors ignored Tang Long and left.

Seeing that the warrior in the blood robe left like this, Tang Long was very puzzled.

No matter how you say it, you have to give them an arrangement?!

What's going on here?!

It's irresponsible to bring them here and ignore them!

Beigong Xianer didn't understand the practice of these blood robed men. Moreover, the Dan masters and girls left in the square did not understand the blood robed warriors who went further and further away.

One of the Danshi couldn't help but ask, "where do we live?"

"Whatever you want!"

A low voice came out of the mouth of the warrior with blood robes walking in the front. His steps did not stop. In a flash, he walked into the magnificent hall in front of him and disappeared in front of everyone.

And immediately, the other people with blood robes also entered the hall and disappeared in front of them.

Dongfang bing'er turns to look at Tang Long: "what shall we do?"

Tang long thought for a while and said, "since that guy said it's up to us, what are we polite about? Let's go first, have a look in the hall and find a place to live."


Dongfang bing'er nodded.

At this moment, she has no idea at all, and she only likes to listen to Tang long.

Tang long no longer delay time, holding the hand of Dongfang bing'er, directly toward the hall in front of him.

The Danshi and the girls in the square are all at a loss. Look at me, I look at you, but soon, they all stride towards the hall.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er are the first to walk in the hall.

Inside the hall, there are two guards at the gate, dressed in blood red robes, standing here solemnly.

Tang long looked at the two warriors and asked, "excuse me, where do we live?"

"Whatever you want!" One of them said, "as long as you don't go above the third floor, only in the first and second floor. Besides, as long as you don't leave here without permission, you can live wherever you want, and no one will care about you! "

Tang long curled his lips and said, "what about eating?"

"Eat as you like, we are not responsible here!"

"What a place this is!"

Tang Long shook his head helplessly, but he didn't care much. Anyway, he ate a lot of food in the flag.

As for the place to live.

Tang Long thinks that since these guys don't care, he doesn't need to be polite. He can't go to the third floor. Can the first floor and the second floor always go? This hall is so big, of course, there are many rooms. There are always people in these rooms!

The first floor must be a little noisy. He directly pulled Dongfang bing'er and walked toward the stairs.

As he walked forward, he swept around and walked through the corridor. He looked at the layout of the corridor and the door in front of him. Thinking about the structural appearance and size of the hall that he had seen outside before, Tang long had roughly judged that there would be no more than 100 rooms on this floor.

"If there are no more than 100 rooms on the second floor, it will not be enough to live in!"

Tang Long's heart suddenly had a little consciousness.

He found that the second round of assessment is likely to have started, or from this time on, snatching things, even fighting, or even some unknown situations!"What will be the title of this round of assessment? Survival of the fittest? Or -- "

thinking secretly, Tang Long took Dongfang binger and quickly walked up the stairs.

Behind, many Dan masters, with a girl, have also entered the hall.

Like Tang long, they asked the two warriors at the gate and got the same answer as Tang long. Some people complained, and some even asked the guard.

There are still some people, but they are chasing Tang long.

Tang longan saw that he had already gone up to the second floor. Suddenly, he realized: "why do I have to live on the second floor? According to the normal thinking of ordinary people, the second floor is certainly better than the first floor. Whether it is identity or environment, it may be more conspicuous than the first floor! "

Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at the corridor on the second floor. He immediately knew that although the overall area of the second floor was basically the same as that of the first floor, the number of rooms on the second floor was obviously twice that of the first floor!

Moreover, the environment on the first floor looks very ordinary, but the environment on the second floor looks very good!

"None of these guys who took part in the competition are fuel-efficient lamps. I think there will be a big mess here. Why do I have to live on the second floor? Is it really good to show off like this? Does it make sense? "

Tang long thought in his mind, he took Dongfang bing'er and turned down the stairs!

Dongfang bing'er is a little curious: "dragon, what's wrong with you? Why do you want to go down all of a sudden?"

Tang Long said in a low voice: "none of these people are easy to provoke. We don't need to confront them now. It's better to preserve our strength."

Dongfang bing'er listens to Tang Long's whispered words, and then looks up at those noisy Dan masters. She has already come towards this side. Suddenly, she knows Tang Long's idea in her heart.

Dongfang bing'er doesn't care where he lives.

Moreover, Dongfang bing'er knows more clearly that Tang Long is here to participate in the Fengyun Dan competition. It is absolutely not suitable to have too much conflict with these people. In case of any good or bad, it may affect the competition of the following Dan masters.

Follow Tang Long and walk down the stairs.

At this time, a large number of Dan division, has rushed to the stairway, one by one, is directly towards the stairs crowded up!

Obviously, everyone wants to find a good place to live!

The most important thing is, the blood Temple these guys, one by one usually arrogant, do not want to lag behind with others!

Without hesitation, Tang Long took Dongfang bing'er and walked downstairs into the corridor on the first floor. He took two turns along the corridor to the last and most inconspicuous room.

Behind them, there is no Dan Shi to follow!

However, the noise, drinking abuse, has roared!

Dongfang bing'er whispered: "sure enough, they began to rob rooms on the second floor, and on the first floor, there was some noise!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!