At this time, the square where the blood pill feast was held was quiet.

All people's eyes fell on the top of the platform, strong Qingtian's body.

Strong Qingtian stood up and glanced at all the people below. Then, he said in a deep voice: "now, the most important part of our blood elixir feast, that is, Fengyun dansai!"

After a pause, he continued: "I have been preparing for the Fengyun Dan contest for a long time. Today, all the Dan masters who participate in the competition and refine the elixir will be rewarded!"

In fact, every feast of blood elixir in the blood god hall and the elixir refined by the Dan masters will be regarded as a kind of reward to those who have made contributions to the blood temple and the demon lord's palace to encourage them to work harder.

Moreover, the elixir made by each blood elixir feast is very precious!

If the elixirs refine the elixir, the elixir will be given to the masters of the world.

If you refine the elixir, most of it will be given to the Lord of the world. But if there are many of them, then the Lords of the second stage will also get some.

If it is a golden elixir, it is basically given to the Lord.

At this time, under the stands, the warriors in the blood temple were all staring at each other, waiting for lie Qingtian to announce that this time, what kind of miraculous elixir would be refined by these alchemists.

Even one of the world masters, are some expectations, looking at the strong giant.

Lie Qingtian was silent for a full minute, and then he said in a loud voice: "in this Fengyun Dan contest, every Dan master will refine ten miraculous elixirs. The medicinal materials used are the natural materials and earth treasures that lie Qingtian collected carefully for hundreds of years."

"This kind of natural material and earth treasure is a kind of strange thing picked in the holy land of my blood demon world, bloodthirsty mushroom!"

"What, it's bloody mushroom!"

"My God, this time the Lord of the world is willing to take such a treasure as a reward? This is a good thing to improve our strength

"It's a second grade medicine!"


the voice of strong Qingtian fell down, and suddenly whispered from below.

Moreover, on the stands on the fourth floor and the blood demon Lords on the third floor, they all had a strong expectation in their eyes.

They know that today they are likely to get a very good reward!

Even lie Qingtian's side, the world masters one by one, at this time, the eyes are also showing a touch of surprise.

Strong giant swept around a world Lord a look, see the surprise in their eyes, strong Qingtian's eyes, also can't help showing a touch of small pride.

This blood thirsty mushroom was found in a place in the blood demon world by chance.

He found a lot!

The most important thing is that he secretly found a place to cultivate this kind of natural material and earth treasure, so at this time, although this kind of fairy medicine is very precious, he still can take it!

Even if a large number of out of this fairy medicine, he will not be distressed!

Of course, this is not the only one that he quietly cultivated.

He knew that in order to make these people loyal to him, in addition to the rules and regulations of the blood temple, there were also some major rewards needed!

Besides, he has to be generous!

He wants both kindness and authority!

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "we all know that the blood thirsty mushroom is a very rare kind of fairy medicine, but we do not know that if we use the blood thirsty mushroom, another kind of fairy medicine, the three emperor Poria cocos grass, the effect of the refined elixir will be doubled!"

"So next, I have to take out the three emperor Poria cocos grass!"

After listening to the strong giant's words, even the world masters on the stage, their eyes are full of a thick surprise!

Even in the eyes of the nigger bear, there was a surprise.

Even he doesn't know that lie Qingtian is in the dark, and there are a group of loyal confidants who are helping lie Qingtian do all kinds of things, and even secretly cultivate all kinds of fairy medicines!

At this time, the Black Ghost bear is sitting beside strong giant.

He couldn't help but look at strong Qingtian and asked in a low voice: "overlord, one hundred Dan masters, each refining a hundred elixirs. Do you really want to take out these two kinds of fairy medicines? That's a lot of it

"Since I have said it, I will not break my promise!"

Strong giant looked at the Black Ghost bear and laughed. Then, he turned his head and glanced at all the people under the stage: "this time, the overlord is going to give a big blood. I want you to know that as long as it is the people of my demon lord's palace, as long as there is merit, I will give you a reward!"

People under the stage, all of a sudden are shouting and up, cheering, praising, ring into a piece.

Li Qingtian enjoys the scene.

After a long time, he raised his hands and pressed them in the air.

The roaring sound of the stage, suddenly slowly faded down, and soon there was no sound.Strong giant at this time, just once again big voice way: "now, please participate in the wind and cloud Dan competition Dan division, on stage to start the competition!"

Hearing the sound, people's eyes all looked toward a side passage.

I saw that a hundred Dan masters, all dressed in red robes with a serious face, came towards this side. Of course, there was Tang Long among these people, and Tang Long was the first one, in the front position!

Above the stands, the north wind was cold on the second floor. When he saw Tang Long appear, he couldn't help but feel a touch of joy in his eyes.

However, the joy in his eyes was fleeting!

His gaze turned to anger.

He turned his head to a blood demon patriarch beside him, pointing to Tang Long's angry way: "see that boy, that boy is ungrateful person, I promoted him, but he actually wanted to cheat my sister, such a person should not be planted in my hands, otherwise, I can't spare him!"

The blood demon patriarch next to him obviously wanted to please beifenghan. He glared at Tang Long and said, "brother Beifeng, don't worry. I'll help you to clean up this boy when the Fengyun Dan competition is over."

"Good!" The north wind is cold and heavy and nods.

At this time, in the grandstand on the floor below him, there is a man, who is also staring at Tang Long with resentment.

This man, of course, is Ying Tianhe!

He came back this morning, and he didn't know that Tang long had participated in the blood elixir feast. Tang long had been missing for a long time. He couldn't find it everywhere. He even asked beifenghan, but he didn't get any results.

But I didn't expect that Tang Long suddenly appeared here!

"This boy, how can you come to the blood pill feast!"

In Ying Tianhe's eyes, there is a hint of sinister cold. He knows the details of Tang long very well.

However, some things, he did not intend to tell strong Qingtian, because Tang Long's existence of the soul of the bloodthirsty demon lord, he wanted, wanted!

If this matter is reported to strong Qingtian, he knows that strong Qingtian will also want the soul of Tang Long!

That's a very powerful soul! , the fastest update of the webnovel!