At this time, yingtianhe was full of evil.

Of course, he can guess that the next Tang long will be valued by Li Qingtian. Even he thinks that Tang Long's level of refining elixir is likely to disturb the higher level people in the blood temple!

"We must find a way to deal with him. Where is the right place to start? By the way, after this event - "

Ying Tianhe secretly planned.

He knew that if he didn't stop Tang long, he would surely make great progress in the blood temple with such a powerful level of refining elixir. At that time, even he and the people behind him would not dare to easily move Tang long.

The most important thing is, except him, no one in the blood Temple knows the secret of Tang long, and no one knows that Tang Long's soul has not been swallowed up!

That's the point.

After all, who is willing to offend such a high level of elixir refining for his personal resentment!

Some conspiracies were in his mind.

On the competition platform, Tang Long's last elixir has also been successfully refined.

This is still a one grain elixir.

Of course, he couldn't refine a better quality elixir. The one grain elixir was enough to shock him, and it was enough for him to be taken seriously in front of lie Qingtian. His purpose has been achieved.

Triumphantly, he threw the elixir in his hand into the plate with the elixir in front.

Tang long looked around.

On the competition platform, the remaining Dan masters are still working hard to refine their own elixirs, all concentrating.

Tang Long is obviously not willing to stand here and wait.

He was able to Yangyang and went to a Dan master who was trying to refine the elixir. Tang long looked at him and laughed. His smile was obviously suppressed!

On the high platform, the people who watched the competition saw the wanton smile on Tang Long's face!

I see it!

"The boy is staring at people refining elixir. What is he laughing at

Strong Qingtian heart, can not help but a little curious.

Some of the world masters next to him are also a little curious when they look at Tang long. This guy has nothing to do to sit and rest. He stands by the side of Dan Shi, stares at others, and still laughs maliciously here. What is he going to do?!

At a time when all of them were baffled, there was a sudden explosion, like thunder, spitting out from Tang Long's mouth: "ha!"

"Bang, bang, Bang --"

all of a sudden, the sounds of explosions rang out. On the test bench, several Dan masters were frightened by Tang Long's sudden voice and were unable to prevent for a moment. The elixirs in the cauldron suddenly lost control and exploded one by one!

This elixir has exploded thirty or forty!

The Dan masters who burst the pill all looked at Tang Long with obvious anger in their eyes!

In front of Tang Long's eyes, the master of Dan is even more fierce. He looks like he is about to fight Tang long.

No wonder he was angry.

What he is refining now is the elixir that he plays the best. This is at least a four grain elixir. Once this elixir is successfully refined, his ranking will be improved a lot!

As a result, Tang Long's "ha" sound scared his soul and destroyed the elixir!

How can he not be angry?!

Around the competition platform, all the people watching the competition were staring at Tang long. After the competition, how could he go to harm others? I don't know that the bloody pill feast is very serious?!

This guy, too arrogant!

Even strong giant at this time, are crying and laughing!

The Black Ghost Bear looked at Tang long, but he couldn't laugh or cry!

In fact, if Tang Long's level of refining miraculous elixir is very poor, they will certainly be furious if Tang Long makes such a monkey business. After all, these broken elixirs are extremely rare.

Tang Long's "ha" smashed at least 30 elixirs that were about to be refined successfully. How much did it lose!

Strong Qingtian's forehead, is a head of black line!

The referee, Zhao Wugui, Zhao wangba's father, is also a black line now. He has been the referee of Fengyun Dan competition for three times, but he has never seen such an evil alchemist.

Even though he has lived for more than 5000 years, he has never heard of such a Dan master!

Zhao Wugui looks at Tang long in front of him. He wants to kill Tang long. He also wants to laugh!

This guy is so bad!

Tang long looked at the angry Dan master in front of him and laughed: "isn't it a holy pill? I'll make one for you

"You, you help me?"

The Dan division was stunned.

Can this competition help?!

Of course, he already knows the level of Tang Long's Alchemy.

Just, this competition, can you help me?!When people around him heard Tang Long's words, they were a little speechless. The boy was really showing off. He destroyed the elixir made by others, but he went to help others refine it.

This is to show his high level of refining elixir!

On the stands, those lords, even strong Qingtian, who are the masters of the world, are stunned!

Black Ghost bear whispered to strong Qingtian: "overlord, in fact, it's not impossible to ask this boy to help him. Anyway, this kind of thing has not happened before, and maybe he can refine a fairy pill!"

"Yes, too!"

Strong giant nodded.

You know, these elixirs are all second grade elixirs, and they are two extremely rare second grade fairies. It's a pity if they are wasted. If Tang Long takes them to refine them, and then refines a elixir, it's also very good!

All of a sudden, strong Qingtian picked eyebrows at the nigger bear.

It's not easy for him to say such absolute violations. Therefore, we have to let the black bear say it. After that, he won't object to it.

As for investigating Tang Long's fault, he didn't think of it at the moment!

I just think this disaster is really ridiculous!

The Black Ghost bear got a sign, immediately stood up, looked at Tang Long and said in a loud voice: "Tang long, you coughed carelessly and disturbed people's refining elixir. Now you have to apologize to others and help others refine elixir. You are honest in your heart and more excusable. You are allowed to refine a miraculous elixir for him."


Tang Long quickly agreed.

Tang Long's side of this Dan division, immediately in the eye also has a touch of surprise.

All the people in the stands around were a little speechless at this time.

Tang long just now, that sound like thunder general, let them one by one scared, this is careless cough? This is just a deliberate disturbance!

But the four star world masters have spoken, and the overlord has no objection. What else can they say?

All speechless looking at Tang long, shaking his head!

However, they all saw that there must be a new rich man coming out of the demon lord palace. Moreover, this new rich man is obviously a mess, arrogant, and ignorant of the heaven and earth!

The most important thing is, this guy will be very valued by strong Qingtian.

If such a person can not offend, who wants to offend?!

The competition continued.

Tang Long really began to help the Dan master refine the next elixir. This is the ninth elixir of this Dan master.

Around the competition platform, all eyes were looking at Tang Long again.

Tang Longzhi is very serious.

In a hurry of time, I saw that the elixir was about to be refined successfully. At this time, beside Tang long, he was still angry at the master of Dan. Now, he had a very obvious surprise in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!