"Do as you see fit!"

When the sound of the north wind and bright moon falls, the man has completely disappeared in front of the bloody warrior.

In the eyes of the warrior in the blood robe, there was also a strong shock: "when did the strength of the blood demon emperor become so terrible? It seems that, God, is God's realm?"

Beifeng Mingyue exerts the body method to the limit. In a twinkling of an eye, she goes to her room and says in her heart, "Tang long, I'm home. I'm home. You come back!"

"I, here, go!" Tang Long is weak.

"Good, good." North wind bright moon even busy way: "I have no one here, you can rest assured, on my own, you come quickly."

Next, Tang Long summoned the gate of wisdom between the north wind and the bright moon.

In a twinkling of an eye, he has appeared in front of the north wind and bright moon.

He didn't put on any more. Although he was still a little pale, his life was obviously not in danger.

Beifeng Mingyue was still nervous and flustered in her heart. She threw herself directly into Tang Long's arms: "Tang long, what's the matter with you? What's wrong with you? Don't scare me

Said, tears rolling down, looking up at Tang long, a face of panic, is completely helpless!

Tang Long is completely speechless!

This wench, how is so easy to cheat ah, he all stands here, can also have what matter?!

Besides, isn't the girl very calm? How come now, even he pretends not to see it, this is too --

however, seeing the north wind and the moon so like this, watching her tears flow, Tang long can't help but feel a little sorry.

He raised his hand to wipe away the tears on the girl's cheek: "darling, don't cry, I'll scare you!"

"So you're ok?" North wind bright moon glares at Tang long, eyes still show a very obvious tension: "are you really OK?"

In order to coax the north wind and bright moon, Tang Long also said some nice words: "I just because of carelessness, just suffered a little injury, are almost ready, you don't have to worry, I come here just because I miss you very much, want to come to see you!"


Beifeng Mingyue is crying more and more sad, directly is a head into Tang Long's arms, sobbing: "how can you be so bad, what do you want to scare me to do? You are going to scare me to death. You are not allowed to do this in the future, and you are not allowed to do this again -- "

Tang Long is a little flustered now.

He couldn't see women crying, especially those close to him --

"this, this, cough, cough, this -" for a while, he didn't know what to say.

He is just joking, how to know this girl, unexpectedly so big reaction!

Beifeng Mingyue held Tang long in her arms and cried for a long time. Only then did she feel that she was a bit out of tune. She gradually stopped crying, but she refused to leave Tang Long's arms. She just nestled in Tang Long's arms and did not say a word.

Tang long had no choice but to pick her up and go to the side of the wide chair and sit down.

Beifeng Mingyue still nestles in Tang Long's arms, with red eyes, just like a little daughter-in-law who has been greatly wronged. She doesn't speak and looks angry, but she doesn't leave Tang Long's arms.

"This girl, seems to be angry? Why don't you feel angry? "

Looking at the expression of the north wind and bright moon, Tang Long suddenly felt very interesting. He raised his hand and gently pinched it on her face. With a smile, he brazenly said, "it's really nice to feel it. It's rare that it's so beautiful!"

Beifeng Mingyue heard Tang Long's words, and immediately blushed!

Although she had a heart in Tang long, she had never been so intimate with Tang long before, and for such a long time, she even cried happily in his arms. She felt that she could not say how happy she was.

At the moment, he is also a little shy. He grabs Tang Long's hand and forbids him to pinch his face again. However, he is a little nervous and loves Tang Long's injury.

She has forgotten to be angry!

Looking at Tang Long's pale face: "Tang long, how did you get hurt? Is it in the blood temple? Is there any danger? "

"It was your brother who asked for someone to hurt me!" Tang long curled his mouth and wanted to say something cold in the north. When he saw the red eyes of Dongfang binger, he couldn't say it.

He thought, don't a bad one, and make the girl cry again.

She hugged her slender waist and hugged her in her arms. She put her head forward and took a breath next to the girl. Then she said shamelessly, "don't say, you smell really good!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, the bright moon in the north wind is pretty and bloody at once!

This person is also too bad, smell on the smell, say what to do, not deliberately make her shy?!

Just want to leave the embrace of Tang long, but feel, Tang long holding his own strength is incredibly great, efforts, are not able to break free, had to whisper: "you, you first let me go, we speak well."

"Let go and do what?" Tang Long curiously looked at the bright moon in the north wind: "give me a hug for a while, you won't be short of meat. How comfortable to hold it like this!""You --"

beifengmingyue hesitated and finally gave up.

Again with force, or can't leave from this guy's arms, also gave up, let him hold so.

"What's wrong with my brother?" he asked

"It's nothing. I'm both acting!" Tang Long laughed, and then raised his hand on the face of Beifeng Mingyue and gently pinched it: "this feeling is really good. Your skin is really good enough. It's white and red. It's different!"

North wind bright moon completely helpless!

Who are these people? Can't you talk to yourself seriously for a while?!

However, although she was speechless, she was also very sweet and happy. For the first time in her heart, she felt very safe and at ease. Although Tang Long never said that she liked her, she could really feel it at this moment.

In this way, she was satisfied.

Gently nestled into Tang Long's arms, with his happy embrace of himself, Dongfang bing'er asked: "you are in the blood temple, everything ok?"

"Not bad." Tang Long nodded: "at present, everything is going well."

"That's good." Beifeng Mingyue was a little relieved, but she looked up at Tang Long and said angrily, "don't make such a joke with me in the future, or I will be really angry."

"Angry?" Tang Long said with a smile: "originally, you look so cute when you are angry. Then I have to be angry with you in the future."


The north wind and bright moon glared at Tang long.

Tang Long chuckled, and suddenly came over and chewed on the girl's cheek: "OK, let me have a rest. After all, I'm a heavy wounded person, and my internal organs are still in severe pain. But you have to give me a good hug. It's very comfortable and can make me forget the pain! "

After listening to the first half of Tang Long's words, Beifeng Mingyue suddenly felt a little distressed. After listening to the second half, she was a little speechless.

However, the heart is very sweet.

No longer talking, quietly nestling in Tang Long's arms, she suddenly felt that the world was so beautiful. She felt that she was holding her own powerful arm. She felt a very comfortable and peaceful feeling in her heart.

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