Tang Long sees the Oriental ice son to become so good immediately, in the heart immediately complacent bad!

In fact, he did not detect any breath just now, so he just wanted to divert the attention of Dongfang binger.

Of course, he was just in case.

After all, he would never allow himself to make any mistakes in this evil Lord's palace.

In the next two days, some girls were sent to Tang long, and they were all very beautiful.

Of course, these girls were sent away by Dongfang bing'er!

Three days later, Zhao wangba also came to find Tang long, so Tang Long ran out to drink with Zhao wangba.

Of course, drinking is only the second. Zhao wangba also prepared a good gift for Tang long.

It's a pity that Tang Long and Zhao Wang Ba just went out. Dongfang bing'er followed him. This also made Tang long unable to fulfill his wish. However, it also let more people know that Tang Long was really afraid of Dongfang bing'er!

In the blood god temple, there are many things to be afraid of, but they are also very, very rare. They did not expect that Tang Long looks afraid of heaven and earth, but he is afraid of Dongfang bing'er!

It's strange!

All of a sudden, those who want to curry favor with Tang Long pay more and more attention to Dongfang bing'er!

Tang Long's goal, of course, has been achieved!

In lie Qingtian's study, lie Qingtian and nigger bear two people, looking at the report in their hands, are very speechless and shake their heads.

Tang Long's fear of his wife has spread to their ears!

Black Ghost bear said: "this Tang long, a look is a lengtouqing, was taken dead by a little girl, go out to find a woman still have to furtive!"

"That's fine!" Strong giant ha ha a smile: "there is a woman can manage a bit, he will not cause trouble everywhere, but Dongfang bing'er that woman, long is really not bad, and that girl, Tang long look really tight, go out all follow, do not give him a chance!"

"If this boy didn't have Dongfang bing'er to watch, I'm afraid he would have been wild already!" The Black Ghost bear said, but in his eyes, there was also a touch of greed: "however, the woman called Dongfang bing'er, really good-looking!"

Strong giant looked at the nigger bear and frowned: "this matter, you'd better take it easy for me, that boy at least now, obviously still dotes on Oriental ice son. He comes from a small place, and he is arrogant. Don't let this boy fall into any trouble with you. I still have a lot to do with him. I'll indulge him for a while. "

After a pause, he continued: "with this boy's character, even if he spoils Dongfang bing'er, I'm afraid it won't last long!"

"I don't think it will last long, either." The nigger bear nodded.

In his heart, he really hoped that Tang long would be bored with Dongfang bing'er for two days, so that he could take out some things and easily replace Dongfang bing'er. At that time, he would not only have a good time with Tang long, but also get Dongfang bing'er, killing two birds with one stone!

He doesn't want to provoke Tang Long now, but also for the future.

Although Tang Long's strength is far behind him, after all, Tang Long's level of refining elixir is too strong. After all, if Tang Long's spiritual strength can be further improved, it will certainly be of great benefit to him.

What's more, the most beautiful women are that, as the masters of the three-star world, it's a loss of status to rob Tang long.

So the nigger bear weighed it over and over again, and finally decided not to move Dongfang bing'er for the time being.

Strong Qingtian takes Tang Long more seriously!

After all, he expected Tang long to take part in the battle of the peak, and even hoped that Tang long could shine brilliantly in the battle of the peak. In this way, he would definitely get the reward!

And Tang Long refining elixir ability, strong Qingtian is also very important.

In fact, as early as yesterday, he had sent people to the blood demon kingdom to go to his secret place to collect several kinds of medicinal materials in his collection.

He plans to ask Tang long to refine some miraculous elixirs for him.

Tang Long rested until the morning of the fourth day and planned to take action!

His action, of course, is to deal with the north wind and cold!

Early in the morning, Tang Long gathered Zhao wangba, and Zhao wangba also brought more than 30 manly warriors!

These warriors were sent to him by his father.

Zhao Wugui, Zhao wangba's father, immediately made a decision when he learned that Tang Long asked Zhao wangba for help, and sent deli's men to follow Zhao wangba to support Tang long.

He wants to let the people in the demon lord palace know that Zhao Wugui has something to do with Tang Long!

This is, of course, trying to win over Tang long.

Tang longcai doesn't care about this. He just wants to frighten some people. The ultimate goal is for the safety of Dongfang binger!

A group of fierce, before long, is to the north wind cold residence.

This is in a big hall!

All the people living in this hall are the Lords of the demon lord's palace. Unfortunately, Tang Long doesn't live here. He will go to the death bunker next, and after that, he has to take part in the battle of the summit. Therefore, there is no suitable place for him to live.He is a star Lord of the magic owl palace, is also the apprentice of lie Qingtian, and even more is a Dan master.

Even if you give him accommodation, it will be special.

At this time, Tang long had already taken Zhao wangba and more than 30 martial arts men to the door of the room where the north wind was cold.

In the blood temple, there are rules.

Under normal circumstances, even if there are contradictions between the warriors, they are not allowed to make mischief in their living places. They can go to Houshan Valley to solve the problem. They can call out challenges, but they are behind them!

In a word, any means of revenge can be used, but you can't do it in the place where you live!

Tang longcai doesn't care.

Zhao wangba originally wanted to dissuade Tang long, but Tang long had to ignore the rules and act recklessly. He had no way. In the end, he was brave enough to take people with him and make such a fool of Tang Long!

Anyway, he has his father's support. Even if he violates the rules, he will be scolded. Otherwise, he will be shut up for a few days.

He thought it was worth it to win over Tang long.

Moreover, this is an important task given to him by his father. If he can complete it, he will get a great reward from his father!

Zhao wangba looked at Tang long standing at the door of the north wind cold room and asked, "master Tang, how are you going to clean up the north wind and cold? Why don't you knock on the door

"If you want to go to war, just hit it directly!"

Tang Long snorted coldly. His fierce momentum suddenly broke out. His fist flashed with dazzling golden light. In the golden light, there was the blood red light and a group of golden flame, which swept out from his fist!

"You, you, you!"


In the daze of Zhao wangba, in the daze of a large group of warriors behind him, Tang Long was so unscrupulous that he directly smashed the door of the north wind with one blow!

Crazy fierce golden red flame, crazy swept into the north wind cold room.

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