Longying, together with zhugangli, attack the dark mountain ahead!

Several supernatural beasts all display the powerful magic power skill, the joint attack, the power earth shaking, directly will those five guys condense the dark energy mountain, to the bombardment explosion!

"Kill me!"

Tang Long's eyes were sharp and he gave orders in a deep voice.

Got the Tang Long's order, the eight beast directly rushed out, toward the Zhao Wang mine, five of them, more fierce rushed past!

The red flame lion held the green dragon and the red flame sword. It was fierce and domineering, and cut it out with a fierce sword. The energy of the eternal fire broke out from the long sword and turned into a fierce flame dragon and attacked Yan Tianhan in the past!

Yan Tianhan didn't expect that Tang Long's supernatural beasts were so powerful that even each of them could display their powerful magic skills!

Such a strong attack, let him feel the dangerous breath!

At the same time, he glared at Tang Long and drank: "master of Tang clan, it seems that you must do the right thing with my thunderbolt clan. In this case, you will be killed by my thunderbolt clan!"

Tang Long's momentum soared to the sky, arrogantly burst to drink: "want to destroy my Tangmen, you thunderbolt Zong has not this qualification!"

"You'll soon know if you're qualified or not!" Yan Tianhan's gloomy voice fell down and exerted his powerful soul skill. Together with his four companions, he tried to block the attack of the eight headed beast!

Then he yelled, "retreat, let's go back first."

"Master of Tang clan, I will spare your life today. Ten days later, it will be the time for your Tangmen to be destroyed!"

Zhao wangkuang is also drinking in a deep voice!

Tang Long snorted coldly: "you can attack our Tangmen at any time. I'm waiting for you to come. Just then, don't blame me for killing you all!"


Zhao wangkuang is drinking again!

All of a sudden, the five Dharma protectors of the thunderbolt sect, with a flash of body shape, all retreated out, and in a flash, they were back hundreds of meters away.

Tang long did not let his beast chase these people.

After all, the strength of these five guys is very strong, all of them have reached the realm of God King. Although the eight headed beasts of Tang long are not weak in their fighting power, it is still difficult to kill these five men in this situation.

So Tang Long ran away with them!

Of course, the next big attack of thunderbolt sect, Tang long will not be soft hearted again!

Watching the five men go away quickly, Tang Long turns around and looks at them and says, "in the next few days, we must pay close attention to the activities of the thunderbolt sect. I expect that if they don't come, they will be furious."

"I see. I'll arrange it now!"

Tang Kuo said, flying down rapidly.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the magic flying snow: "these days, you should pay more attention to it. With your ghost Xiao and jiuxuanqin, even if those guys attack in a big way, we won't be too busy!"

Feixue asked curiously, "elder martial brother, why didn't you let me use jiuxuan Qin just now? If we had just started together, even if we couldn't kill them, we would have hurt them! "

Tang Long smiles: "although the thunderbolt clan has a certain understanding of our Tangmen, it is not comprehensive. Our strength has been improved a lot recently, and the fighting power of the divine beast has been improved a lot. The thunderbolt clan does not know that these five people escape easily. After they go back, they will underestimate our comprehensive strength, It's good for us. "

Feixue nodded and said, "elder martial brother, you are worried. The thunderbolt clan knows our real strength and will be more prepared when it comes to attack us, isn't it?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded: "the more they underestimate our combat power, the more favorable it will be for us. So just now, I just used my eight beasts."

After a pause, he looked at the northern palace fairy and Youye: "next, I have to go. There are some important things I have to do there."


North Palace fairy son and you night, a start nodded.

Tang long no longer said much, directly in the air, summoned the wisdom heart gate, returned to the Oriental ice son side.

Then, he is to take the Oriental ice son together, walked into the training room.

Tang longzong made a decision just now, because the new attack happened in front of the Tang Dynasty.

He decided that he must take Dongfang binger to the death bunker.

Although the thunderbolt Zong Zhao Wang mine said that it would take ten days for the thunderbolt sect to attack the Tang clan, Tang long did not dare to take it lightly.

With Dongfang bing'er around, he can go back at any time.

The most important thing is that he left Dongfang bing'er alone in the demon lord palace. Tang Long was still not at ease.

After all, the blood temple is a little dangerous!

Holding Dongfang binger's slender jade hand, they went to the two futons in the middle of the training room and sat down. Tang Long took out the ghost poison pill of golden elixir quality to Dongfang binger. Of course, he took the ghost poison pill of six pattern elixir quality.Then, they worked hard to practice.

Time is in a hurry. It's time to have dinner. The practice of Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er is over.

"Not bad!"

Tang Long slowly opened his eyes, eyes, showing a satisfied look.

After taking the ghost poison pill with the quality of six grain elixir, his strength was also improved very well. Actually, his strength had reached the level of seven levels of Shenwu!

He has been very satisfied with the improvement of his strength.

Looking at Dongfang binger, Dongfang bing'er has also stopped practicing. In her crystal clear eyes, there is a little joy.

Although she took only a golden elixir, her strength has also been improved. Of course, this is also because of her previous strength, which has already reached the level of being promoted.

Tang long stood up and went to the East bing'er: "good wife, we go out to eat, and then we have to come back to eat you!"

Dongfang bing'er is a little speechless.

Fang Xin jumped a few times, looking at Tang long, pretty face slightly red, also did not say what.

They walked out of the room together and were walking towards the door. Outside the door, there was a slight knock on the door: "Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The knock on the door was light, and it was obvious that the people outside were very cautious.

Tang Long couldn't help being a little curious. Who came to find him? He was so cautious.

He showed his magic skill in the field of the sea. In an instant, the movements within a kilometer radius in all directions, with his magic power in the sea area, he was able to explore clearly.

Of course, in some places of the demon lord's palace, even though he has exerted himself in the vast sea, he still can't find any situation at all.

Many places here, such as strong Qingtian, the places where these people live, as well as the places where the Lord of the world lives, are equipped with strong defense barriers.

Within the scope of Tang Long's exploration, except for a man standing at the door, there was no abnormality around him.

He couldn't help thinking curiously, "who is this coming to me? Knock on the door are so careful, is there anything special? Is it from the north wind? Or, who wants to be bad for me? "

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