"Dragon, how do I feel? My strength is constantly improving. As long as you kill those exotic plants, you will immediately have pure energy surging over and absorbed by me!" Dongfang bing'er is surprised by Tang long.

At this time, Tang Long was also very happy.

He didn't expect to be able to improve his strength so quickly in such a battle here.

His current strength, also in the rapid improvement!

However, after half an hour, such promotion stopped completely, because the dense and strange blood red trees that rushed in front of us had been killed by Tang Long!

At this time, there were only bare rocks on both sides of the road, and there was no such strange life any more!

Tang Long was a little disappointed, but also some happy.

He turned his head and looked at Dongfang binger: "it seems that the more forward we go, the more benefits we can get, and the faster our strength can be improved!"

"Yes." Oriental ice son nodded, in the heart, is also some joyful.

Although Tang Long knew that the other soul in his body would certainly get great benefits from such practice here, at this time, he could not care about it.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "let's move on!"

Tang long at this time, it is a smile: "Bing Er, have you found a secret hidden here?"

"What's the secret?" Dongfang bing'er asked curiously.

In Tang Long's eyes, there was a flash of obvious pride: "to get the greatest benefit here, you don't have to go all the way!"

Dongfang bing'er was stunned: "but, isn't it more difficult to move forward? So, the more we advance, the more benefits we will get. Am I wrong? "

Tang Long complacently said: "the more forward we go, the more benefits we will get. But the more forward we go, the greater the resistance will be. The slower our progress will certainly be, won't we?"

Oriental ice son nodded: "this I know."

Tang Long explained: "there are 12 roads in total. In each road, this is certainly the case. Although going forward, the benefits will be greater, but those benefits are certainly more difficult to obtain. In this case, why should we waste the remaining roads here?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Dongfang bing'er's eyes flashed with obvious joy.

She is also a very clever girl. At this time, how can she not understand Tang Long's meaning.

With a smile of joy, he took Tang Long's hand and said, "let's go back to another road, so that we can get great harvest."

"No hurry!" Tang Long hehe smile: "we go to the end of this road, I believe, there must be an exit to other roads."

"Yes." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

Because here, those strange plants have been completely burned by Tang Long with chaotic sky fire. Therefore, there is no danger here, and Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er can no longer get any benefits.

They are going all the way.

After ten minutes, they have reached the end of the first level of the road!

As expected by Tang long, the twelve roads converge here. There is a gate of space in front of it, which can lead to the second level of the death bunker.

Tang long looked at Dongfang bing'er and said with a smile: "we sweep all the roads they haven't swept before, and then continue to the second level. Anyway, we can easily break through the first level, and it won't take much time."

"Good." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

Next, the two people are in this first level, a way of sweeping in the past!

After three hours, they finally swept the rest of the way. Such behavior really benefited them a lot!

At this time, they return to the gate of the space which leads to the second level.

And their strength, is also in such a busy, has a good promotion.

Tang Long's original strength has reached the seven levels of Shenwu, and it is not far away from the breakthrough. Therefore, at this time, his strength has finally made a breakthrough, improved one and reached the eight levels of Shenwu!

Tang Long is very satisfied with this promotion.

Dongfang binger's strength has not been improved. After all, her current strength has reached the four levels of Shenwang, and there is still a long way to go before her breakthrough. It is very difficult for her to improve.

However, the strength of Dongfang binger has also improved a lot.

She looked at Tang long. Her eyes were full of joy. Her cold temperament had already disappeared. She said in a sweet voice, "dragon, let's go to the second level now."


Tang Long nodded and took the hand of Dongfang binger and walked into the door of space leading to the second pass.

Then, they continue to sweep customs!In the death bunker, the situation of each level is basically the same. There are also 12 roads in the second level, and there are dense death evil spirits in each road!

Those big trees condensed by the power of blood demons are evil spirits of death one by one!

Although the second level of the death of evil spirits, the combat power is obviously much stronger than the first level, but Tang long they can easily kill it.

Moreover, Tang long can kill these dead evil spirits as quickly as possible with the magic power of infinite sky fire!

After sweeping all the roads of the second pass, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er continue to move forward.

At this time, they had been in the death bunker for most of the day.

After a break, he ate some food and walked into the door of space leading to the third level. Tang Long faced the death evil spirits with the power of blood demons, and their combat power had been greatly improved. At this time, even if Tang long used the magic power of infinite inflammation, he could not destroy these evil spirits so quickly.

However, Tang Long still didn't let Dongfang binger do it!

"Just follow me

Tang Long said in a deep voice, directly using the means to enhance the strength: the body of chaos!

Moreover, he displayed the magic power of heaven and earth!

With the blessing of two powerful magic arts, his combat power has also been greatly improved!

With the powerful power of chaos fire, the power of blood demons, and the magic power of infinite sky fire, the death evil spirit of the third level is still not Tang Long's opponent at all!

The two continued to sweep the passageways.

In a twinkling of an eye, several hours have passed!

All the channels of the third level of the death bunker have been completely swept by Tang Long and Dongfang binger. At this time, their strength has been greatly improved!

At this time, Tang Long has reached the peak of the eight levels of Shenwu!

the strength of Dongfang binger has also made a breakthrough, from the four levels of Shenwang to the five levels of Shenwang!

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