"I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry!"

Tingsao Beifeng Mingyue wants to die, Wang Tianma said in a hurry, stopping to hold the action of Beifeng Mingyue.

He is also very familiar with the north wind and bright moon.

The first time he saw Beifeng Mingyue, Beifeng Mingyue once threatened with death. However, Beifeng Mingyue would rather die than agree with him at that time. If it was not for the presence of another two star world master at that time, and the two star world Master was still the backstage of Beifeng cold, he would use his means to snatch Beifeng Mingyue!

Now it's different.

Now Beifeng Mingyue has agreed, and he doesn't care about waiting for such a moment.

After the north wind and bright moon, Wang Tianma asked with expectation: "bright moon, where are you going to take me?"

"You know, I like to live in the beautiful West." The north wind and bright moon gently said, "and the Lord of the world, you know, the most important thing about our girl's family is this. I hope I can have a good memory."

Wang Tianma laughed: "OK, I'll give you a good memory. But Mingyue, you can't lie to me

North wind bright moon gently way: "here, I dare to cheat you?"

"That's true." Wang Tianma deeply thought ran and nodded.

In his opinion, he came here all of a sudden. No one knows, at least the north wind does not know. It is absolutely impossible to ambush here.

North wind bright moon a weak woman, suddenly under, what method can refuse him?

What's more, even if the north wind is cold here, is it useful?!

The north wind and bright moon gently said, "Lord, can I make a request?"

"What are the requirements?"

"In the future, can you be kind to me and not allow me to talk to others? I hope that I can only ask you, and I hope you can promise me!"

"Of course I promise you that!"

"That's good. In that case, I can rest assured. By the way, I have one more request. "

"Say it

"After you see my brother, no matter what, you can't be angry with him. I'm with you. We're a family. You can't bully my brother."

"No problem."

"Well, you have to make friends with my brother!"



the north wind and bright moon have a beautiful voice, soft and gentle. Listening to Wang Tianma's ears, the whole person seems to be floating in the clouds. Even the southeast, northwest and northwest are forgotten, and they just want to get to the place quickly.

He didn't know that Beifeng Mingyue was talking to him like this, which was to attract his attention and make him have no time to think about anything else!

The north wind bright moon gently said, but the speed of flight is the ultimate fast, not long, has reached the destination.

"At last

She gently vomited a breath. Originally, she was still worried. Now she reluctantly felt relieved.

You know, Wang Tianma is a super powerful God. Once you are alert, if you act on her, she can't resist it!

In fact, at this time, not only she, but also Tang Long was very nervous, because Tang long had been in the distance, exerting magical skills in the field of the sea, quietly following the north wind and the moon, exploring the movement and stillness of this side.

At this time, Tang Long also had a long breath.

Wang Tianma was in a mess. He was listening to the beautiful voice of the north wind and bright moon. He felt as if he was burning samadhi fire all over his body. His whole mind was in a mess, but suddenly, the sound of roaring from the sky rang out!

Then, below two extremely strong momentum, suddenly swept!

"No, there's a situation!"

Wang Tianma suddenly realized the danger and looked down. His eyes immediately showed a touch of panic!

He actually saw that there was a big hole on the ground below. In this big hole, two giant boa constrictors with silver light shining all over the body rushed out of the cave, rushed up into the air, and rushed to him madly!

Although he can also find out that the two silver Python have not yet grown up, he knows more clearly that even though his strength is not weak at this time, he is afraid that he is not the opponent of either of the two silver Python!

At this time, he did not care about anything!

Do not want to turn around is to run away from the distance, even in front of the north wind bright moon, he directly forget clean!

Obviously, although this guy likes women very much, he cherishes his life more!

The two silver boas that rush over are the silver boa, Jinyang and snowflake!


With a roar of anger, Jinyang exerted his speed to the limit and ran after Wang Tianma. Seeing that the distance between him and Wang Tianma was less than 50 meters, Wang Tianma summoned his holy beast bloodthirsty Panther!

Although his bloodthirsty Panther is only a level nine sacred beast, the bloodthirsty Panther is after all mutated!

After this mutation, the bloodthirsty Panther is also very strong and fierce!However, after all, it is only a level 9 holy beast. Even if the combat power is enhanced after the mutation, it is still not the opponent of Jinyang and snowflake at all.

As soon as the bloodthirsty Panther appeared, he opened his mouth directly. A group of blood demons turned into a blood red energy light, and bombarded Jinyang fiercely. However, it was a silver light power spurted out by Jinyang, which was smashed by direct bombardment!

Then, Jinyang's tail, which was more than 100 meters long, suddenly swept over and hit the bloodthirsty Panther on the back!



How powerful is Jinyang's tail? The bloodthirsty Panther couldn't resist it. He screamed and fell to the ground. However, Wang Tianma took advantage of this time to fly hundreds of meters away from the distance!

Obviously, this guy ran away, and the speed was not covered!

At this time, Wang Tianma also knew that these two Manghai silver Python were definitely related to the north wind and bright moon, because up to now, he has not heard the scream of the north wind and bright moon!

The most important thing is that he is the target of the two Manghai silver python. Although Jinyang was left behind because of the blood thirsty panther, the snowflake was less than 50 meters away from Wang Tianma at this time!

Obviously, no matter Jinyang or snowflake, the flight speed is much faster than Wang Tianma!

"Stinky girl, she even designed to frame me up. When I escape, I must kill you!"

Wang Tianma thought bitterly in his heart, knowing that he had been cheated by the north wind and the bright moon, he tried his best to gather energy, and the power of the blood demon exploded from him crazily. His speed of escape suddenly doubled!

However, at this time, suddenly, he felt a terrible sense of desolation in front of him!

After all, the great hammer was not as powerful as the hammer, but it was like the great hammer in his eyes!

"It's a magic weapon!"

When Wang Tianma saw the huge black hammer, he was shocked.

At this time, he didn't think much about it. Suddenly, the blood demon's power turned into a column of light and burst out from his fist. In the blink of an eye, he had already pounded on the black hammer!

The black hammer was blown out!

However, the hammer was smashed and flew. Behind the hammer, a sword with shining silver light and shining sword spirit was stabbed towards him like lightning!

This sword, obviously, is also a magic weapon!

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