When Tang long heard the news from the north wind and bright moon, he was very happy and said with a smile: "in this way, our medicine pool can be cultivated faster!"

The north wind bright moon joyfully way: "how, this matter I do is also good!"

Tang Long praised: "you have done well, very well, very well!"

After all, the medicine pool is very important to him, and this matter is also highly valued by him. If the medicine pool is cultivated well for a while, 108 people of the Dragon Guard will surely get great benefits if they absorb the medicine.

Thinking of the medicine pool, Tang Long suddenly thought of a thing, a thing that he was looking forward to!

He thought to himself, "the last time I let the laboratory explode, the guy who came to the blood temple in Blackstone mountain seems to be called Qianji keel. Isn't he the person who is specially responsible for the research on the variation of Warcraft in the blood temple? How can I ignore this matter? "

"Last time, Mingyue said that the guy took some of the potions from the medicine pool I had prepared. So it seems that maybe the guy also has the medicine pool!"

"If I can find out the location of the experimental base of Qianji keel, I will surely get great benefits. I can even know where those guys in the blood Temple got so many Warcraft!"

With this idea, Tang Long's heart, immediately "Dong Dong Dong" jump up!

He knows that if this thing is done, it will definitely have a great harvest!

"How can this be done? I'm afraid it's too dangerous to let the north wind cold understand. By the way, Zhao wangba and Zhao wangba are very suitable - but he has to help me to find the blood drinking knife, so he can't do too many things! "

"Who else? Yes

Tang long thought of a very suitable person!

This man is the guy in charge of the medicine room of the evil Lord Palace: Jiang Yuanding!

Last time he went to get the medicine, Jiang Yuanding couldn't help flattering him!

"Hey, hey, hey, isn't this guy fond of fawning on me? He must know very well about the direction of the medicinal materials in the magic owl palace. At least he should know who Qianji keel is

Thinking of this, Tang Long was very proud of himself!

He was secretly thinking about how to get the experimental base controlled by Qianji keel. Suddenly, in the heart of Tang long, the voice of the north wind and bright moon sounded again: "Tang long, come here, I have come back."


Tang Long agreed and called out the gate of wisdom between the north wind and the moon.

Soon he appeared in front of the north wind and bright moon.

The bright moon in the north wind saw Tang Long coming. In her bright eyes, she was filled with deep joy. On her elegant and beautiful face, she also took a touch of joy. She asked happily, "Why are you here again? Didn't you just come before? "

Tang long looked at her with a smile: "why, don't you like me to come?"

"Of course not, I, just casually." North wind bright moon even busy way, follow closely ask: "you come over, what matter?"

"I'm here to give presents."

"Gifts?" North wind bright moon Leng Leng: "send what gift?"

"A good gift, of course. Do you want it?"

"Of course I want it!" North wind bright moon busy road of joy.

Tang Long gave her things, no matter what she likes very much, even before, Tang Long gave her the skeleton, she also very much like, every day after a person, will call out that skeleton skeleton, amuse!

Even she gave the little skeleton a name: Tang Baobao!

Looking at Tang Long with expectation, the bright moon in the north wind asked, "tell me quickly, what gift do you want to give me?"

Tang Long laughs: "you give me a reward, I will give you my gift!"

"Reward?" North wind bright moon Leng Leng Leng Leng, follow, pretty face will appear a touch of red, in her heart, their whole person is Tang long, Tang long can also want her what reward?!

But still pluck up the courage, take the initiative to cuddle in Tang Long's arms, and then in Tang Long's face, gently fragrant!

Tang Long is suddenly dull, only feels the whole body blood ten thousand horses gallop!

He wanted to reward him. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect that the girl had taken the initiative to gnaw him. Suddenly, he felt that he was really suffering a lot. He was bitten by the north wind and bright moon!

How can this work?!

"Moon, how can you take advantage of me? It won't work. I have to take it back! "

Tang Long stares at the bright moon in the north wind, and his voice falls down. He hugs her directly, and then he nibbles at Meimei!

The bright moon in the north wind suddenly makes my heart jump!

Although she had been in love with Tang Long for a long time in her heart, it was the first time that she was refused by Tang Long subconsciously. However, she felt that this guy's action was extremely overbearing and could not be refused by her at all!

Suddenly, she gave up the resistance!

After a long time, Tang longcai was finally satisfied. Looking at a face that looked like the north wind and bright moon that was going to drip blood, he said with a smile: "now I know how powerful I am. Let me tell you, my cheap is not so easy to take advantage of!""You --"

Beifeng Mingyue is a little speechless. She knows that it is this guy who wants to bully her, but she has to find such a reason!

She also let him, anyway, sooner or later he is his, he likes it, so let him.

Gently nestled in Tang Long's arms, the north wind bright moon has a heart, but it still jumps around. In my heart, there is some inexplicable sweetness and joy. He asks softly, "you haven't said what gift to give me!"

"Yes, patrons take advantage of the bargain, and forget the business!" Tang long, with a smile, lifted the moon from his arms.

North wind bright moon red face, do not say much.

Tang Long let go of the north wind and bright moon, and in his hand he had an empty bag. Then he moved his mind, and the little Phoenix in the bag came out.

The Phoenix, who had been to Jiuming Tianhe before, had been feeding for some time. At this time, it had grown up a lot. Its feathers were golden and red. It was extremely beautiful. It danced on the ground and circled Tang Long twice. It was very happy.

Tang Long picked up the Phoenix and looked at the bright moon in the north wind: "do you like it?"

The north wind and bright moon are all stunned!

Such a beautiful beast, my God, she felt that she was dreaming. It was rare and beautiful. Most importantly, it was a very high-level ancient beast!

"My God, where did the beast come from?" The north wind and bright moon asked in disbelief.

Tang Long ha ha smile: "don't care where this little thing comes from, you just say, do you like it or not!"

"Yes, of course I do!"

The bright moon in the north wind looks at the Phoenix in Tang Long's hand, and her eyes are full of surprise!

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