Looking at Tang long, lie Qingtian continued: "in addition, even if you are in the demon lord palace, under normal circumstances, don't easily refine elixir for others. Even if you want to refine elixir for others, you'd better get the consent of me or the nigger bear."

"Yes." Tang Long nodded quickly.

He knew that strong Optimus did this for his own sake, but the big reason for this was definitely for lie Qingtian himself.

After all, even in the blood temple and among the twelve temples, there is fierce competition.

The most important thing is that Tang Long's level of refining miraculous elixir is really amazing in the blood temple. Once it is known by more people, even by the people at the top of the blood temple, these people may be interested in him!

At that time, strong Qingtian will be unable to control Tang long.

And Tang long will become a tool for many people to refine elixir!

So strong Optimus at this time, will be so serious to remind Tang long, the main reason is that he can always control Tang long, so as to get greater benefits.

Tang Long didn't want to leave the evil Lord's palace, and he didn't want to be a tool for others to refine elixir.

He came to the blood Temple mainly to save Mu Qingcheng.

Therefore, Li Qingtian asked Tang long to hide the level of refining elixir, and Tang Long naturally agreed. In fact, even in front of lie Qingtian, he never showed his real level of refining elixir.

Seeing Tang Long's promise, lie Qingtian also flashed a satisfied look in his eyes, but he still told him again: "Tang long, refining the miraculous elixir, you must always remember, absolutely can't have any negligence!"

"Yes Tang Long nodded quickly.

Next, strong Qingtian told Tang Long two sentences, then let Tang Long go back.

The nigger bear sent Tang long out.

When he arrived at the gate of the hall, the Black Ghost Bear looked at Tang Long and asked, "I asked you to refine the two thousand elixirs. How are you doing?"

Tang Long said: "I am refining the elixir, but because of the limited time, I only refined dozens of them."

"Yes." The nigger bear nodded.

He is not very anxious, after all, two thousand elixirs, which really needs a long time.

At this time, Tang Long suddenly looked at the Black Ghost bear and said, "Lord of the world, I suddenly think of something. Do you remember the thing you mentioned when you first saw me?"

"See you for the first time?" Black Ghost bear Leng Leng: "what did I mention?"

Tang Long said, "you told me that you would reward me with a knife, but I always remember it. At that time, you told me that the knife seemed to be --" then Tang Long frowned and thought for a while, then he continued: "it seems to be called blood drinking knife!"

"Is there such a thing?" The Black Ghost Bear looked at Tang Long blankly.

Tang Long knows that this guy is pretending to be confused!

However, he must mention this matter. After all, he told the nigger bear that he liked knives. If he didn't mention it again for a long time, it would arouse the suspicion of nigger bear and strong Qingtian.

When he mentioned it, he just wanted to make it look like it should be taken for granted. It also conforms to his current characteristics of greed, arrogance and ignorance, which will make him more secure.

After all, now that his plan of blood drinking knife has been launched, no one knows what the result will be!

Looking at the Black Ghost bear, Tang long looked very serious and said, "Lord, I remember this matter clearly. You said at that time that this knife is better than my sea sword!"

"I do intend to give you a weapon, but I'm afraid you have the wrong name!" The Black Ghost bear was still pretending to be confused and said, "what bloody knife, this name, I don't know at all!"

"Don't you mean the bloody knife? But I clearly remember that you said the bloody knife

"If I did say that at that time, it must be that I was wrong!" The Black Ghost bear stopped and looked at Tang long. His eyes suddenly became sharp and said in a deep voice: "why, do you want this bloody knife?"

"You said you would give it to me!" Tang long looked very depressed: "Lord of the world, in your capacity, you will not cheat me!" After a pause, he continued: "even if I remember wrong, it's not the bloody knife, but other knives, then you should give me one."

"I do have a good knife!" The nigger bear stopped and still looked at Tang Long seriously: "however, I didn't say anything about the bloody knife!"

"Is it? Am I really wrong? How? I have such a good memory, I am so smart, how can I remember wrong? But maybe I heard it wrong! "

Tang Long said to himself. After a pause, he looked at the Black Ghost bear, and his eyes were filled with joy: "Lord of the world, no matter what, as long as it is a good sword, I like it very much. If there is a good sword, I also like it very much!"

"Do you still like swords?" Asked the nigger bear.

"Of course, I like it very much, very much, very much!" Tang Long chuckled and looked at the Black Ghost bear and said, "Lord of the world, in fact, I still like guns, that kind of wild artifact. In addition, I also like to draw halberds from the square sky, and bind the Dragon rope and so on"OK, OK, OK --"

Seeing Tang Long say more and more addicted, see this guy's eyes become more and more greedy, nigger bear can't help but frown!

He can see that Tang Long doesn't like knives. He likes everything!

He likes anything good!

The nigger Bear looked at Tang Long seriously and said, "I do have a sword, but it's a top-grade treasure. But if it's a sword, I have a better one, even better than your Canghai sword!"

"Really!" Tang Long's eyes lit up: "Lord of the world, I don't like swords, I like swords!"

Black Ghost bear suddenly wanted to beat Tang long hard!

Who are these people? Can you change what you like? Especially the weapon you like. How can you change it if you want!

"Why are you so greedy?" The Black Ghost bear glared at Tang long.

Tang longsan smiles, but his face appears a bad look. He has the cheek to explain: "Lord of the world, I am not greedy. I see that you seem to like me very much, so I want to ask you something. Moreover, you have said before that you want to give me a good sword. You can't speak without saying anything!"

"You know I'm good to you, too!" Black bear has no good airway.

The first time I saw you, I was very grateful to you

"That's about it!" Black Ghost bear curled his mouth. To be honest, he also felt that he was very good to Tang long.

Of course, what he did was the level of Tang Long's Alchemy.

He glanced at Tang Long deliberately: "I heard that I have a good sword. Do you want a sword?"

"I don't like knives!" Tang long looked bored: "Lord of the world, you don't know. I used the sword because I didn't have the right weapon. In fact, my favorite is sword!"

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