"Blood devil pill!"

Hearing this name, Tang Long's eyebrows, can't help but pick slightly!

He did not expect, at this time for the test of the elixir, actually used the blood evil pill this kind of elixir.

In his heart, he was suddenly a little nervous!

He thought of a question!

"It seems that the blood temple is likely to be ready to start large-scale refining of the blood demon pill. Then, the time from the blood temple to attack the whole world is getting closer and closer."

"Although we want to rescue the city, I'm afraid I can't stand idly by and never turn a blind eye to this matter!"

Tang long thought in his heart. He didn't show any nervous expression on the surface, so he was indifferent.

Some blood robed warriors have come up.

These blood robed warriors walked past Tang Long and their Dan masters who participated in the competition. They took out boxes one by one and gave them to Tang long. All the medicines in the boxes were used to refine the blood evil pill.

Blood demon pill, if taken by people from all over the world, can enhance the strength and even cultivate the power of blood demon.

However, after taking the blood demon pill and waiting for a year, the martial arts will be engulfed by the power of blood demons, become bloodthirsty and become a killing machine. This will be very terrible!

Tang Long knew that the blood temple was intended to create some chaos in the world.

Obviously, the blood temple is no longer going to hide!

"Are these guys not going to hide any more? What kind of preparation have they made? What will happen if they attack the whole world this time? "

Tang long thought secretly.

Beside him, some alchemists have begun to refine elixir.

Tang Long is not in a hurry at this time.

He took out the Youye Ding and thought about the attack of the blood god temple on the whole world. Suddenly, his mind flashed: "how could I forget this? Since he Yiming and Tu Jiaojiao can take out the space symbol, those people in the heaven can also take it out!"

"Yes, even if you don't use the gate of the world, you can also get in and out with the Kalan world and the heaven world. It's just that the cost is very high. However, it's worth the money to let the people in the heaven know the existence of the blood god temple!"

With this idea, Tang long felt relieved.

As long as the people in heaven are prepared, then, even if the attack of the blood temple is fierce again, at least the great world side, the loss will be reduced to the lowest!

"The wizard, I don't know what the situation is. I don't know the blood temple. Have you found those witches?"

Tang Long's thoughts were stirring.

At this time, he has felt a heavy sense of crisis!

The disaster brought by the blood demon world is just around the corner!

Tang Long was full of thoughts, but he had already begun to refine miraculous elixir. The medicinal materials were churning in the Youye tripod, and soon they were integrated together.

However, Tang Long's attention at this time is not all in the Dan Ding!

A position on the left side of the test bench is on the stand belonging to the demon lord palace. At this time, both lie Qingtian and nigger bear are nervous. They hope that Tang long will not lose his chain and worry more about the arrogance of Tang Long's youth, thus revealing the true level of refining elixir.

No one in other temples paid attention to Tang long.

On the competition platform, Tang Long seems to be the strongest. Although the strength of Danshi is not weak, it is obviously not the strongest. There is nothing to be concerned about!

In the stands, people's eyes basically fell on the three strongest Dan masters.

The three Dan masters were all eight grade Danti. At this time, the blood demon pills they were refining had condensed and formed, and they all emitted dazzling golden light.

Obviously, what they are about to refine are all golden elixirs.

Such a result, if in Tang Long's view, is obviously very bad.

At this time, Tang Long's Dan Ding has also burst out the light, but also dazzling purple light!

This is the symbol of refining the elixir!

The production of this light immediately attracted the attention of all people.

You know, the blood devil pill is very difficult to refine. It is very difficult to refine the blood devil pill with the quality of the holy elixir. However, I didn't expect that Tang Long's first miraculous elixir was going to refine the holy pill!

See this result, strong giant and Black Ghost bear, are mercilessly frown!

Tang Long is so conspicuous!

The Black Ghost bear couldn't help whispering: "this arrogant boy can't judge the situation and refine the blood devil pill. How can he refine such a high level at the beginning? It's not obvious at a glance that he has a high level of refining miraculous elixir!"

Strong giant also frowned: "now, say what all useless, also blame us before, did not explain very detailed!"


The nigger bear sighed heavily.

All the people around him gathered their eyes on Tang long, and the voices of discussion rose one after another"Who is this man? So young, the first miraculous elixir was refined into holy elixir, and it was extremely difficult to refine the blood demon pill! "

"This boy seems to be from the devil's palace!"

"I'm afraid it's his luck. It's just the first elixir. However, he's also very lucky. If he puts it in the final competition, he will surely be able to stand out!"


the voice of all kinds of discussion has quietly passed into Tang Long's ears!

At this time, Tang longcai finally noticed that he had accidentally refined this blood demon pill into a holy pill!

moreover, at this time, the holy elixir was about to fly out of the cauldron and condense the elixir pattern. Once it reached this stage, it basically showed that the elixir must have been successfully refined!

Tang Long knew that if this elixir was successfully refined, it would be at least an eight pattern elixir!

"No, it must not be too conspicuous!"

Tang Long quietly used the vast sea to explore the surrounding activities. He suddenly knew that the quality of the elixirs refined by the alchemists around him was very common. There were even three alchemists. The elixir broke directly and the refining failed!

Obviously, he is too conspicuous at this time and has been concerned by many people!

Of course, he can't let the elixir explode directly, which will show that he is intentional.

After all, this is only the first round of competition, which is far from the final result.

"Take your time!"

Tang Long secretly thought that the power of chaos sky fire, quietly into a trace of the power of blood demons, here, everyone has cultivated the power of blood demons, he has the power of blood demons gushing out, and will not let anyone doubt.

At most, we can only feel that his blood Demon power is not well controlled!

The power of blood demons is of no help to the refining of miraculous elixir. On the contrary, it has great disadvantages. For this reason, when alchemists of the blood god hall refine spiritual elixirs, they must completely suppress their own power of blood demons. They must use the spirit of the warrior who has devoured the soul!

Only in this way can we make miraculous pills!

However, they devour other people's souls. The power of blood demons is their natural cultivation. Moreover, they have the souls of bloodthirsty demons and bloodthirsty demons. It is difficult to suppress the breath of blood demons' power completely!

Tang Long now shows the situation, seems to be unable to suppress the power of blood demons!

When the cauldron of the magic tripod vibrated slightly!

Suddenly, the purple light burst out of the Dan Ding, suddenly became scattered!

Moreover, the aura in the Dan Ding also suddenly became a little crazy. This situation made those people who looked closely at Tang Long's eyes, one by one, showed a touch of tension!

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