Burst two pills in succession, Tang Long seems to be a little nervous, sweat oozes from his forehead!

All the people under the stage looked at Tang long one by one, and their eyes were full of sarcasm. Even some people laughed at him:

"this is too humiliating. It has been refining blood demon pills for so many days. At such an important juncture, it is really bad for this boy to burst the pills one after another!"

"This guy is so wonderful!"

"It's a matter of psychological quality. At first glance, it's the kind of mud that can't support the wall!"

"This boy is not good at all. He can only make a fool of himself!"


in this discussion, both Black Ghost bear and strong Qingtian frowned slightly, and their hearts were a little nervous. After all, they had the greatest expectation of Tang Long today!

The Black Ghost bear turned his head and looked at the strong giant: "this boy won't lose the chain!"

"It should not be!" Strong Qingtian reluctantly said.

The nigger bear worried: "is this boy stage fright?"

"How could it be!" Strong giant frowned: "this boy is arrogant and arrogant. He doesn't know how to be stage fright. Maybe there is something wrong with the medicine. This is the beginning. It will get better gradually."

"Or maybe he didn't have a good rest yesterday!" Nigger male road.


the two continued to watch Tang Long refine the elixir.

Seeing, Tang Long's fourth elixir was also put into the Dan Ding.

Then, the elixir exploded too!

Fifth, it's exploding!

Sixth, it's exploding!

All the people under the stage are stunned!

Even the emperor Xuanyuan devil is a little out of breath at this moment. Is this Tang Long sincerely running to waste medicinal materials? Are these herbs worthless? Ya's, one after another explosion of six miraculous herbs!

This is the most important competition. This is the last competition. Is this boy really stage fright?!

Black Ghost bear and strong giant, already a face of tension!

They think that there must be something wrong with Tang long. Otherwise, how could such a situation happen?!

At this time, among all the people under the competition platform, only Dongfang binger is confident of Tang long.

On the competition platform, the remaining ninety-nine Dan masters, although some of them failed in refining spiritual elixirs, at most, some of them failed two, and their success rate can still be maintained at more than 60%!

Moreover, some people have refined two holy pills, the highest quality of the holy pill, and even reached the level of six pattern holy elixir!

Tang Long is still exploding!

Obviously, the explosion rate of Tang Long's elixir was higher than that of any other day before!

The miraculous elixir explodes, the explosion is very enjoyable!

The seventh, it's exploding!

Eighth, it's exploding!

Ninth, it's exploding!

Only one last chance left!

If this elixir explodes again, he will have no hope at all!

People under the stage, looking at Tang Long's addictive explosion pill, one by one is a black line, only know that they shake their heads helplessly!

Such a Dan master is better than not refining pills!

If you think about the success rate of Tang long, who dares to find him? Isn't this a waste of medicine? Is medicine so worthless? Can it be wasted like this?!

Strong giant and Black Ghost bear, at this time have a face of black!

"Asshole, this son of a bitch!"

Strong Qingtian's face, even a look of ferocity, before those good impressions of Tang long, at this time are vanishing, at this time I wish I could not rush to the test platform and strangle Tang Long alive!

Black Ghost bear is also angry, this Tang long, too useless!

Even Dongfang bing'er is a little nervous now. Tang Long has burst nine pills one after another, leaving only the last chance!

Is this intentional?!

Even though the previous one was intentional, in case --

"how could he take such a risk?"

Dongfang bing'er thinks secretly.

At this time, Tang long, the tenth elixir, was already in the cauldron and gave out light!

the light burst out, and suddenly the whole audience was silent!

"My God!"

The Black Ghost bear and strong Qingtian, seeing the light burst out of the Tang Long Dan Ding, stood up directly and nervously, staring at the Dan Ding without blinking, and forgot to breathe!

Both of them hold their fists tightly!

Obviously, they are more nervous than Tang Long on stage!

There was no hope at all, but at this time, should it be reversed? Is it really going to be a complete reversal?!

"This boy, this boy --"

lie Qingtian's mouth is garrulous, and he doesn't know whether to scold or praise!In the Tang Long's Dan Ding, what burst out was colorful light!


Blood evil pill is a very special elixir, because it contains too strong a breath of death and destruction. Even if the God of blood god, even if refining a thousand blood magic pills, there is no way to refine a blood evil pill of fairy quality!

Even, the whole blood temple, there has never been a fairy quality blood devil pill!

Does Tang long want to refine a blood demon pill with fairy quality?!

On the test bench, Tang Long seems very serious!

He has a dignified face!

The elixir whirled rapidly in his cauldron, and the colorful light became more and more bright!

The people under the stage finally had a murmur discussion, which was no longer ridicule and ridicule, but turned into envy and jealousy:

"lucky boy

"Ah's such good luck, not afraid to be hit by thunder and lightning?"

"First, absolutely first!"

"Such a person can only successfully refine a miraculous elixir and actually get the first prize. I, I am really - I have nothing to say. I can only say that the rules of the competition of Dan masters should be changed, otherwise, it would be unfair!"


in all kinds of voices, Xuanyuan devil was also a little surprised!

He didn't expect that Tang long, who was addicted to refining miraculous elixir and exploding elixir, was almost hopeless. At this time, he actually refined a blood devil pill with immortal quality!

This is the blood god hall, the first blood devil pill with immortal quality!

It was born at this time!

This is very commemorative!

"This boy is really surprising. Although the success rate of refining the elixir is so low that people want to beat him up, once this is successful, it is really - eh, this boy, as expected, the mud can not support the wall!"

Xuanyuan BA's praise has not finished, followed by a frown!

Everyone under the stage was stunned!

Black Ghost bear and strong giant's fist, and is tightly grasp, eyes, all showed a thick tension and worry!

Even Dongfang bing'er stood up nervously!

I can only see that in the Tang Long Dan Ding, the elixir that is about to be refined successfully is bumped up in the Dan Ding at this time. Moreover, the original colorful light on the tripod suddenly becomes dim!

"Another explosion!"

A sigh came from the audience!

Even those who can't refine the elixir know that at this time, Tang long can't keep this elixir!

This is Tang Long's last chance!

Are you going to fail!

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