Huangfu mianxiong felt the golden flame sweeping over him, which still contained powerful power. Suddenly, there was a touch of panic and fear in his eyes!

He quickly condensed the power of the blood devil and condensed a blood red energy light shield in his chest!

The rolling golden and red flame suddenly fell on the blood red energy light shield, and the light shield was directly broken by the bombardment.

The golden red flame, however, is also blocked by this light shield, exploding and scattering!

The flame roared in all directions and swept away, directly covering the sky over the competition square, making the competition platform completely covered with gold and red flames

but in the flames, a figure like golden light and lightning suddenly broke through the flames and appeared in front of Huangfu mianxiong!

Then, a fist with a dazzling golden and red light quickly magnified in Huangfu mianxiong's eye pupil. Without any accident, this fist directly and severely hit Huangfu mianxiong's chest!



The sound of heavy impact, with the sound of blood spurting, Huangfu mianxiong was bombarded back a few meters, and before he could stand firm, the energy fist of the golden red flame came to his eyes again!

It's another hard hit!

Although Huangfu mianxiong reluctantly withstood the first punch, but at this time, he could not bear Tang Long's second punch!

With this blow, Huangfu mianxiong was blown out directly!

He flew more than ten meters. Then, he fell heavily under the competition platform and spat out a mouthful of blood again. He reluctantly stood up and looked at Tang Long on the competition platform. His eyes were filled with strong reluctance!

He lost the contest.

But he knew that he should not have lost. Even if Tang Long's vitality was powerful, he should never have lost.

He lost in the light of the enemy!

Previously, he felt that Tang Long's strength was very weak, and he knew that he could win easily. Therefore, he did not use his magic power to break out his strength completely. He thought that was enough to kill Tang long.

Unfortunately, when Tang Long's magic skill broke out, when the power of that vitality broke out completely, when Huangfu mianxiong realized that the situation was not good, it was already late!

He had no idea that Tang Long's vitality was so powerful that he could even devour other vitality and enhance his power!

In this way, in a careless fall into the passive situation, by Tang Long successive attacks, he will be defeated!

But if you lose, you lose!

Everyone under the stage is a little unbelievable.

The referee on the stage has announced the result of the contest, and Tang Long has won the contest!

Many people on the stage can see that Tang Longsheng was reluctant to win this competition. If it wasn't for his uncanny vigor and his opponent's belittled enemy, he would never be able to defeat Huangfu mianxiong.

But anyway, he won, it's a fact!

Black Ghost bear and strong giant are very happy.

After all, Tang Long won!

"This boy, this move shakes the sky and clouds sword, is still very good!" Once again, the nigger bear exclaimed.

"Yes, it seems that these days, this boy is working hard to practice magic skills. No wonder he closed up to practice as soon as he went back. It seems that his efforts have not been in vain." Li Qingtian is also the way.

At this time, he was even more satisfied with Tang Long!

After all, Tang Long obviously doesn't look like Ying Tianhe. Although yingtianhe is also very talented, he always plays a careful role. Unlike Tang long, everything is on the surface and works hard by himself.

Strong Qingtian looks at Tang Long and feels very relieved.

Moreover, Tang Long's assiduous and hard work, which also makes strong Qingtian more satisfied.

After all, the faster Tang Long's strength increases, the sooner he can devour the soul of Tang Long and occupy all of Tang Long's. Now Tang Long's strength is too weak, he has taken over Tang Long's body. His strength is too strong, and for a long time, he can't improve his strength.

And now, there is one thing he has not studied thoroughly.

Because of this, he will always be patient and wait for Tang long to grow up.

"As long as his strength can reach the state of divine respect and even the realm of Shenzong, I can start to devour his soul. At that time, I can practice for more than ten years, and I will be able to mix in the blood temple!"

Strong Qingtian secretly with his own abacus.

The referee has announced the result of the competition. Tang Long jumped off the competition platform with pride. Then, he walked quickly to Dongfang bing'er, sat down and said triumphantly, "how about it? I'm doing well, isn't it? "

"Well, it's OK." Oriental ice son gently nodded, cold pretty face, is also very rare, emerge a shallow smile.

Outside, she was always cold.

But in the face of Tang long, she occasionally, or will show her other side.On the stage, there have been two warriors on the stage, their strength is obviously not weak, the battle is very fierce, but Tang long did not watch the competition, he is quietly training, in the recovery of vitality.

Before the first war, he actually won a fairly easy, but also know that he has luck, after all, the opponent underestimated him!

"It seems that in the next competition, I have to use the seal of the real dragon. Otherwise, with my strength at this time, I'm afraid it's not easy to break into the top ten. I hope there won't be too many powerful guys appearing." Tang long thought secretly.

This competition is over.

Next, another competition on this competition platform made the audience hear countless praises and envious voices:

"my God, it's dantai Shuya. I thought only Mo'er was here, and I didn't expect that dantai Shuya was coming too!"

"This is the goddess in my heart, it's my dish!"

"Don't dream about it. It's a queen's class. You can control it. Don't let people beat you into scum. In the end, you can't leave any residue in your practice!"

"So what? Even if I can't get her, I can set her up in my dream and do what I want!"

"That's what you're going to do!"


listening to the surrounding voices, Tang Long suddenly knew that the girl who came out now must be a very beautiful girl, and it was definitely an existence with an unusual origin!

He followed the people's eyes and looked at a place not far away.

I saw a girl in a red dress coming towards the competition platform. The girl looked as if she was about the same age as Mo'er before, and she was also extremely beautiful!

however, the style of this girl is obviously different from that of Mo'er. , the fastest update of the webnovel!