"So you want to know the secret of my alchemy!"

Tang Long nodded and finally knew that Gao Tianye had come to find him.

Obviously, this guy also wants to know how Tang long did it. He didn't pay attention to the success rate of refining the elixir, but he could improve the quality of the elixir.

Of course, Tang long would not tell him that the explosion of Dan in the competition was actually his intention!

looking at Gao Tianye, Tang Long's eyes showed a tangle: "you know, this is my biggest secret, and it's my dependence on climbing up. How can I tell others? Otherwise, if many people with the same mind as me learn it, I will not have a chance? "

"It turns out that you are refining elixir in order to climb up." Gao Tianye complacently smiles: "this is easy to say, this matter, I can help you!"

"How can you help me?"

"I can give you whatever you want, as long as you tell me your secret, OK?"

"You can give me whatever I want? Is that true? " In Tang Long's eyes, there was an obvious joy: "I want medicinal materials. There are many kinds of medicinal materials. The more you can improve your mental strength and your martial arts strength, the more the better."


Gao Tianye is a little dazed!

Tang long, can you not make these impossible demands!

Although he can promise Tang Long whatever he says, Tang long should at least know that this is impossible.

Tang long, at any rate, made some possible requests!

Dun, Gao Tianye helpless way: "you change a condition, this I can't promise you, otherwise, my strength has already been strong lawless already!"

"You can't agree to it!" Tang Long was disappointed.

After a pause, he said in a helpless manner: "otherwise, you promise me that as long as you can let that Gongsun Mo'er, Dan Tai Shuya, including Wanyan Yuhan, marry me, then I will promise to tell you the secret of my refining elixir!"


Gao Tianye was stunned again.

This Tang Long is sure to ask for conditions. He also wants those girls, but can he get them?!

Blood Temple how many people covet them, who can get it?!

Tang long this is too whimsical, moreover, also is too greedy!

It's lucky that these girls can get one. He wants them all!

Not to mention, Tang Long's side, at this time already had an oriental binger, Dongfang binger is not lost with any of the four girls!

Gao Tianye feels that Tang Long is greedy and has no bottom line!

But he did not know that Tang Long said so, he knew that he could not agree. He said this to lie Qingtian not far away.

He wants strong Qingtian to be completely at ease with him.

Gao Tianye had no choice but to smile bitterly. He said, "I can't promise you this." After a pause, he still said, "well, as long as you tell me the secret of refining the elixir, I will let you go to the headquarters of the blood temple and make you become the top ten disciples. Are you satisfied with this condition?"

"I'm satisfied with a ghost!" Tang Long cursed in his heart.

Did he come to the blood temple to go to the blood Temple headquarters? What's the advantage of going there?!

With his own level of refining miraculous elixir, his speed of improving his strength is much faster than those of the top ten disciples. If he goes out and wanders around, he finds good things and grabs them. This is not slower than in these clans. Why should he want the identity of the top ten disciples of the blood temple?!

He came to the blood temple to admire Qingcheng. How could he leave the demon lord palace?!

However, he also knew that this condition mentioned by Gao Tianye must have great attraction for any disciple who is not the headquarters of the blood temple.

At this time, if Tang long expressed no interest in the identity of the top ten disciples, it was obviously unreasonable.

However, he did not care: "the top ten disciples, this is not a big deal, and I believe that in a short time, with my own efforts, I will be able to become the top ten disciples, even more powerful than the ten disciples!"

Hearing Tang Long's confident words, Gao Tianye frowns.

For a while, I really can't think of anything that can be taken as a condition of exchange.

At this time, Tang Long said with a smile: "or you can give me some divine beasts. However, which level I want is just like swallowing the dragon and lion!"


Gao Tianye almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood!

Tang long this request, high a bit too terrible!

He even wanted to swallow the dragon and lion, and many more. This is a fool's dream. You know, swallowing the dragon and lion is the top beast. This guy can say it!

But he did not know that Tang Long was not without such a beast, and there was not only one.

Tang Long said this on purpose, of course!When he saw Gao Tianye's appearance, his face was suddenly disappointed. Looking at Gao Tianye, he said: "this is not good, that's not good. You are obviously unwilling to make efforts, just want me to tell you my skill of refining elixir!"

Gao Tianye frowned.

Tang Long didn't expect so many conditions from him.

This matter, he is really a little speechless.

After a pause, he finally said: "otherwise, as long as you can agree to my request, I will introduce Mo'er to you. I can only do this, because I am more familiar with Mo'er."

"Mo'er!" Tang Long turned his head and looked in a direction.

In a place there, Gongsun Mo'er is sitting there, watching Dongfang binger's competition seriously.

Tang Long is busy looking at the competition platform. At this time, Dongfang bing'er has been fighting fiercely with her opponent.

Besides, they're playing hard right now!

The thundering sound of the sky is constantly ringing from the test bench.

Listening to the voice, Tang Long frowned and worried a little. He said casually, "OK, that's settled. You introduce Mo'er to me. After I see her, I'll consider whether I want to tell you the secret of refining elixir!"

"We have a deal!" In Gao Tianye's eyes, there is a touch of joy.

He found that he had grasped one of the biggest shortcomings of Tang long, which was also a shortcoming of many people in the blood temple!

Tang Long was too lazy to go to see Gao Tianye again: "it's settled!"

After a pause, he followed closely: "the other three girls have to help me make an appointment."


Gao Tianye immediately frowned.

Tang Long said casually, "if you can't, you can't even if you can't!"

"Well, after today's competition, wait for my news, and I'll help you make an appointment with moer first." Gao Tianye's voice dropped. He stood up and left Dongfang binger's seat, but he walked directly in the direction of Gongsun moer.

This guy is going to go to Gongsun Mo'er directly.

Tang Long doesn't care. He is watching the competition carefully to see if Dongfang binger can defeat his opponent.

Soon, he was relieved.

Because on the test bench, Dongfang binger has obviously taken the initiative.

The power of cold weather combined with the power of blood demon broke out from Dongfang binger. The whole competition platform was completely frozen, even the air was frozen up!

Under such circumstances, the strength of her opponents seems to have been affected a little, and the combat power has been weakened a lot!

Dongfang binger is more brave than ever!

Not far away, strong Qingtian and nigger Xiong see that Dongfang binger is going to win again. In their eyes, there is also a very obvious joy that Dongfang binger can defeat this opponent. In their opinion, Dongfang binger's grasp of entering the top ten has been greatly increased.

Because, at this time, Dongfang binger's opponent, they have also inquired about it before. Before the competition, lie Qingtian and nigger bear had a good understanding of everyone with strong competitiveness in the twelve sacred palaces.

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