Of course, Tang long will not use his mental strength to enhance his strength!

But, after all, he is still a Dan Shi!

And the most important thing is that he has been practicing hard. He has always been practicing one mind and two functions. Even in a short period of time, he can perform the attack of two kinds of magic arts at the same time, and he can also exert the attack of spiritual power!

His opponents don't know what he means?!

This is the main reason why Tang Long has confidence in this competition.

After all, before this competition, in those competitions before Tang long, he was still in the middle of the road, at least he thought so.

"Now, it's my turn to attack."

Tang long looked at situ Yuanshan and snorted coldly. In the golden flame of his body, he suddenly showed the bone chilling cold!

"This, this --"

"my God, he has cultivated the vitality of ice attribute. How could it be that the two kinds of vitality should be cultivated together, and this man could still live!"

"What the hell is going on here?"


the people under the stage noticed that Tang Long suddenly had a kind of icy cold energy, and this kind of cold energy was actually erupted by Tang long. They were all shocked and dumbfounded!

Tang Long has been using the vitality of golden flame before!

At this time, it changed!

The most important thing is that when the vitality of ice is exerted, the vitality of fire is still there. How can these two kinds of vitality be exerted together? How can you?!

Black Ghost bear and strong giant two people, also completely did not expect!

Two people looked at each other, eyes, but there is no surprise, but surprise.

Tang long practiced the power of cold and chaotic fire. They had known it before, because they had collected a lot of information about Tang long.

When Tang Long was in Tianying City, he practiced the power of chaos and cold at the same time!

"This boy, I haven't used the cold force before. We've ignored it!"

"It turns out that this boy is so cunning. No wonder he is confident that he can break into the top 100. So it seems that he really hopes to break into the top 100, but I don't know how the boy can use these two completely different vigor. I'm a little curious about it!"

"Yes, I have never seen such a situation!"


they talked, staring at the test bench and following closely, they both showed a touch of shock!

they even saw that the two energies of ice and fire whirled wildly in Tang long, which turned into a terrible ice fire energy vortex!

In the whirlpool of ice fire energy, the sound of rolling thunder roars!

This ice fire energy whirlpool goes straight to the sky!

A few kilometers of high-altitude vortex, even a few kilometers!

Thunder and lightning roar between heaven and earth!

Tang long held the fire dragon sword in his hand!

On the long sword, there is a Blazing Sword spirit, which is blended with the cold energy. It turns into a fierce whirlwind and whirls around it wildly!

Whirlpool contains a golden lightning, straight to the clouds!

The sword swayed slightly in the air, and suddenly the whole world seemed to shake with it!

The attack of situ Yuanshan has already reached Tang Long's eyes!

The blood red sword in his hand, with the fierce blood red sword spirit, is about to attack Tang long.

Tang Long's magic skill is obviously not ready!


Just at the moment when the sword of situ Yuanshan was about to pierce Tang Long's chest, he suddenly felt that his whole body was suddenly ten times heavier, and his attack power was even affected and suddenly weakened!

"What a magic trick!"

He was startled and quickly gathered his energy to release this strange bondage!

This is the attack of chaos heavy water by Tang Long!

Although the power of this chaotic water attack is limited, and it is difficult to hurt people, it can make people's moving speed suddenly slow down.

This little time, has been able to let Tang Long complete a lot of things!

"Jinghong jiuchongtian"

Suddenly, he burst into the sky with an explosion. Tang Long's sword, which was straight into the sky, suddenly burst out a heavy and heavy atmosphere of famine!

The energy between heaven and earth suddenly becomes stagnant!

In the energy of ice and fire, in the fierce sword, the energy of heaven and earth gathered wildly, and turned into a powerful energy dragon with a length of more than several hundred meters and hovering on the dragon sword!

Under the competition platform, strong Qingtian and the Black Ghost bear see Tang Long's magic skill at this time. In their eyes, they both have a touch of essence!

"This boy, the magic skill contained in the fire dragon sword has been completely cultivated!" The Black Ghost bear was shocked and said, "this magic skill contains the power of that guy's inheritance, as well as some insights of that guy!""The boy's talent in cultivating magical skills is really strong, and he is a talent!" Li Qingtian is also a little shocked!

in a few short days, Tang Long succeeded in cultivating the sky shaking Liuyun sword and the Dragon subduing and breaking sky palm. This has already surprised Li Qingtian, but he has never thought that Tang Long has cultivated this magic skill of startling rainbow nine heaven to a great extent!

This talent of cultivating magic power is really amazing!

But they didn't know that this move startled Hong jiuchongtian. Tang Long didn't spend much time practicing it, because he had learned it ten thousand years ago!

In the shock of the audience, Tang Long's crazy sword with thundering thunder fell down like lightning, which was really earth shaking!

Seeing, the fire dragon sword and the blood red sword have been chopped together!


On the swords that collide with each other, there is an extremely terrible explosion!

I can only see that the giant energy dragon, which contains extremely powerful ice and fire energy, seems to be out of control and explodes suddenly!

The explosion energy, like the roar of a mountain torrent, seems to destroy everything in front of him. It sweeps across the past towards situ Yuanshan wildly!

such an attack is too powerful!

even if it is situ Yuanshan, at this time, although he has tried his best to gather his energy to resist it, it is still the strong atmosphere brought out by the ice fire energy explosion Wave, back four or five steps to the bombardment!

He was also shocked in his heart!

he did not expect that Tang long could still carry out such a tyrannical and terrible attack!

Even, it is still used at the same time!

Such a powerful attack, let his heart shock at the same time, but also dare not despise the opponent!

Just as he was about to gather strength and launch a stronger attack to win, suddenly, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly came to mind!

This is Tang Long's attack with the netherworld ghost needle!

"The attack of mental power!"

Sima Yuanshan was shocked and remembered that Tang Long was not only a martial artist, but also a Dan master.

Although situ Yuanshan found out that the strength of Tang Longdan division was only seven grade Dansheng, the attack power was limited, and it was impossible to pose any threat to the martial arts of his level. However, after all, situ Yuanshan had just used a move, and now it will be difficult to defend in a hurry!

In a hurry, situ Yuanshan couldn't think much about it. He quickly gathered his energy to resist the attack of the dense and dense forces!

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