Many people under the test stand also saw the life danger faced by Dongfang binger. One by one, they were all shocked!

Dongfang bing'er has been very passive!

In such a situation, even strong Qingtian and nigger bear are all black and blue. If Dongfang bing'er is seriously injured in this competition, it will definitely affect the next competition. This is a great blow to the demon lord palace!

It is obvious that Meng Bo took the task to compete on the stage!

On the test bench, Dongfang bing'er looks dignified.

She was also aware of the major crisis of her opponent's attack. In a hurry, she had no time to form an effective resistance.

She tried her best to condense the cold power and turn into a cold energy group in front of her!

This cold energy group has just succeeded in condensing, and it has collided with the head of the energy monster ahead!


The sky roars, the Oriental ice son heart deep, at this time also sounded the voice of Tang Long: "retreat!"

Dongfang bing'er doesn't want to think about it. She flashes her body and tries her best to retreat!

Even though the ice cold energy group gathered to resist, even though she retreated rapidly at this time, she was finally bombarded in the chest by the roaring flame. She was directly hit by a mouthful of blood and flew straight out!

She flew directly under the competition platform and passed out!

that Meng Bo was on the competition platform, looking at the comatose Dongfang bing'er below, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Several disciples of the demon lord palace came in a hurry. Of course, Tang Long came along with them, but he had to suppress his anger and glanced at Meng Bo on the stage.

"You will die in my hands!"

Tang Long stares at Meng Bo on the stage, gnashing his teeth in his heart, but he can't do anything here. He quickly takes out a holy pill to Dongfang bing'er, and carries Dongfang bing'er in a hurry with a group of warriors from the demon lord's palace.

The nigger bear came to check.

Beside him, he also brought a Dan master to come.

"Come on, see how she is!" Black Ghost bear to the side of Dan Shi nervous way.

You know, the final competition has not yet arrived. If Dongfang binger is seriously injured, the next competition will not be able to participate. This is a great blow to the demon lord palace!

At this time, the nigger bear also knew that Mengbo on the stage had a very clear purpose. He wanted to wipe out a strong opponent for his palace!

To be sure, the competition between Xuefeng and Shenshan can't be a heavy one, but it involves many interests after all!

Therefore, all kinds of means can also be used!

You may even kill your opponent directly!

However, when the strength of two opponents is greatly different, they will not die unless they are of equal strength. Even if they die, their lives may not be in danger.

The situation of Dongfang binger at this time is obviously Meng Bo's premeditation!

Dan Shi, who was brought by the Black Ghost bear, explored Dongfang binger's injury and immediately frowned fiercely: "the internal injury is very serious. I'm afraid it will not recover without half a month!"


Hearing this news, the Black Ghost bear's eyes immediately showed a touch of gloom!

"This hateful bastard

At this time, he was also extremely angry.

You know, although many people participated in the contest, only three of them had the chance to break into the top ten, and Dongfang bing'er was one of the most important.

If Dongfang bing'er can't take part in the next competition, it will definitely be a big blow to the demon lord palace!

"Sirius palace, my demon lord palace and you are irreconcilable

The nigger bear was biting his teeth.

This Mengbo is a disciple of the Sirius temple. The relationship between the blood temple, the Sirius palace and the demon owl palace is always very bad. Moreover, the comprehensive strength of the Sirius palace has always been pressing down on the demon lord palace!

At this time, Mengbo of the Sirius palace was so heavy that he obviously didn't want to see the demon lord palace become powerful!

Tang Long didn't care about the fight between the two shrines.

However, let Dongfang binger seriously injured, which has touched the bottom line of Tang Long!

This Mengbo, he will never let go!

He also explored Dongfang binger's injury, and then looked at the Black Ghost bear solemnly: "bear world Master, I have learned a healing method. I can try it. I believe that in five days, binger's internal injury can be recovered!"

"Five days!"

The nigger bear's eyes widened.

Tang Long nodded definitely: "in five days, I can make binger recover."

Although Tang Long didn't want to show his medical skills in front of the nigger bear, he naturally had to do it when he saw Dongfang bing'er.

How can he watch Dongfang bing'er so seriously injured.Black Ghost bear for, of course, after the competition, busy asked: "how much time do you need to help her heal?"

Tang Long said, "one hour is enough!"

"An hour!" Nigger bear frowned: "next, there is a contest for you!"

"I can't care so much!" Tang Long said in a deep voice: "I can't break into the top ten, but binger can. In the next competition, she is more important than me. Even if I give up the next competition, I have to try. The most important thing is, even if I lose the last competition, I can still pass this round of competition."

"That's the same The nigger bear nodded.

In this round of competition, there is only the last game of this afternoon. Tang Long has won several previous matches. Even if he loses the last one, he can still make it to the final of the next round.

"In that case, you take her back to heal. If your competition starts, I'll send for you!" Black Ghost bear way.

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

Black Ghost bear did not go to signal strong giant sky, this matter, he can decide by himself.

Next, Tang Long followed several people from the demon lord palace, carefully carrying Dongfang bing'er. Meng Bo on the test bench had already jumped off the test bench, and his eyes were still full of obvious pride.

Tang Long followed all the people in the magic owl palace, and soon returned to Tang Long's residence here.

Tang Long closes the door and quickly takes out a healing pill for Dongfang binger. Then, he gathers the huangquan needle and begins to help Dongfang bing'er heal.

At this time, although he was already a god of heaven level Dan, but here, he could only use the spirit of seven grade Dan Di to heal Dongfang bing'er.

In a hurry, more than half an hour passed.

Dongfang bing'er took the healing elixir and was healed by Tang Long with huangquan Shenzhen needle. After that, the internal injury has been improved!

And she woke up from a coma.

However, her appearance at this time is still very weak.

Tang long looked at her at this time, and his heart was extremely angry. Thinking of Meng Bo before, he could not help but hate and anger. But at this time, he had to try to suppress his anger in his heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!