"It's a good idea. We can try it!" Jinyang and snowflake listened to Tang Long's plan and nodded at the beginning.

You know, in the valley ahead, there are still two powerful gods in the blood temple, but these two powerful gods will certainly be extremely hard to deal with, let alone ten gods!

There are even more than 20 strong than the king of God!

Jinyang and snowflake know that if you want to save the beast, you'd better weaken the other party's combat power first!

Seeing that Jinyang and Xuexue agreed to their plan, Tang Long immediately asked Ling Qingyao to summon the king of Warcraft from the bag.

Turning around and looking around, Tang Long said seriously: "I think, after all, Jinyang and snowflake have grown to the level of level Four deities. If the people in the blood temple in the valley find out that there are such strong beasts here, they will surely send strong people to check. This is not good for us!"

Jinyang looked at Tang Long and asked, "what are you going to do?"

At this time, the king of Warcraft and the supernatural beast it brought were all out of the bag.

These animals, too, all set their eyes on Tang long.

Tang Long's eyes, however, fell on the two flaming wolves: "you have now grown up to the level of the third level beast. It's best for you to attract the enemy. At least you won't attract the two gods immediately, so that we can't deal with them!"

"Good!" Two flaming wolves nodded at the beginning.

Tang Long stopped, looked at the king of Warcraft and so on, and said seriously: "now, you all go to hide around here. Remember, you must completely astringe your breath, and you can't let those people in the blood Temple know it!"


"What's more, when you hide, you should always close your eyes. Before you wait for my signal, you can't open your eyes. Once I send out a signal, you will immediately open your eyes, and then, kill the enemy in front of you, no matter who it is, by thunder means!"

"Why close your eyes?" The king of Warcraft is a little incomprehensible.

Tang Long was worried that the valley would start soon, so he had no time to explain more. He said, "at that time, you will naturally know why I asked you to close your eyes. Now you just need to do what I say. This is the key to success or failure. You must be careful!"


Everybody nodded together.

Tang Long gave a detailed account of the details, and then looked at the two fiery wolves: "now, you can release the powerful momentum of your birth and attract people from the blood temple over there!"


Two flaming wolf agreed, and then, suddenly burst out of the flame!

Tang Long took Ling Qingyao and others to hide around.

Moreover, in order to be sure, Tang Long asked the king of Warcraft to hide in the bag again, so that even if the people of the blood god came, they would not find the king of Warcraft.

Tang long must raise the success rate of this attack as much as possible.

Moreover, he has to make quick decisions.

The preparatory work has been completed. Both of them roar up to the sky and howl. Moreover, the flaming flame contains a strong sense of famine and spreads out violently!

Tang Long and Ling Qingyao hide in a hidden place not far away, waiting for the movement of the valley.

If you don't pay attention to them, you can't find them.

At this time, of course, Tang Long always used the sea to explore the movement of the valley. If the people in the valley did not come here, his plan would fail, and he would have to take other measures.

Finally, the people in the valley did not let Tang Long down.

Originally in the valley, those gods and the people in the blood god hall were already at war and were about to start. But because of the howl of the wolf of the flame God, both sides in the valley stopped moving temporarily.

In addition, the warriors of the blood Temple sent five deities to check the situation in order to be cautious!

the lineup of the five deities is already very strong!

Obviously, for the wolf howling of the flame God wolf, the guys in the blood temple in the valley are also very cautious. They want to ensure the absolute safety outside, and want to see what's going on here!

Sensing someone coming, Tang Long turned his head and looked at he Yiming and Tu Jiaojiao: "now close your eyes, and when I say attack, you must exert all your strength. Remember, you started at the end. According to what I said before, if there is a divine emperor coming, your most important task is to attack!"


He Yiming and Tu Jiaojiao nodded.

However, he Yiming is a little curious. Tang Long asked him to close his eyes. Why? Does Tang long have any magical means?!

He's going to listen to half of it.

Squint, it seems to be closed, but actually still can see point!

Tang Long didn't pay attention to he Yiming. He turned his head and looked at Ling Qingyao: "when the time comes, let the king of Warcraft and others come out together. There are four heads and four level divine beasts on the king of Warcraft. With Jinyang and snowflake, we can win by thundering!""Good!"

Ling Qingyao nodded.

At this time, not far away from the sky, powerful momentum, full of strong breath of destruction and death, came towards this side rapidly. It was the five strong men who had reached the state of God's respect.

These five guys, obviously, are very cautious. They are not fast enough to fly this way.

However, they also saw the two flaming wolves not far ahead. They looked at each other and flew towards the two wolves together.

The two flaming wolves, both ferociously staring at the five flying people, roared again.

High above the sky, the five God worshippers of the blood Temple flew over. Seeing that there were only two flaming God wolves, they were immediately relieved. One of them, staring at the two flaming God wolves, burst out: "it's only growing up to the level of the third level god beast. It's amazing that they're also here to show off their power. They're looking for death!"

Next to the deity, another one said, "brother pound, we can't kill these two sacred beasts. Don't forget, Qianji keel master, but he told us to catch the living ones as much as possible. We five people, catching the two immature flame wolf, won't we capture them with our hands!"

"That's right!"

Pound nodded, and then the power of the blood demon erupted.

He wants to start first. Before the people in the valley have harvested, he should first catch the two flaming wolves and set up his first feat. When he goes back, he can also ask for credit from Qianji keel!

In a flash, pound had already rushed down the high dragon and landed 20 meters in front of the two flaming wolves.

In addition, the four powerful blood god temples all fell down from the sky together!

Pound stares at the two flaming wolves: "be a good man and be captured, or I'll beat you to pieces!"

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