The God of the blood temple, realizing that he was in the illusion at this time, was also extremely shocked in his heart. He was about to collect his mind and sweep away the illusions in front of him, and to suppress the restlessness in his heart. Suddenly, two icy and cold spirits, like the terrible mountains, bombarded him fiercely!

This is the attack of Jinyang and Xuexue.



The sound of heavy bombardment sounded, and the God Emperor spewed a mouthful of blood, and was directly blasted out!

moreover, the ten deities also flew out together with him, which was driven out by the icy strength, but all of them flew towards the king of Warcraft!

Jinyang and Xuehua were a little stunned at this time!

They can't think of their own attack this time, how can it be so powerful that they hit the two gods!

However, they were also bombarded by the strength of the ten gods!

As Jinyang and snowflake retreated, they were still incredible.

Moreover, the king of Warcraft, at this time is also stunned!

However, although the emperor was seriously injured by Jinyang and snowflake, he did not lose the ability to resist.

He spewed out a mouthful of blood, and had quickly gathered the power of blood demons. Together with the ten gods who retreated together, he met a very wild attack from the king of Warcraft!


There was another thunderous roar. Although the emperor responded very quickly, he had been injured before. At this time, he was in a hurry. He was attacked by the king of Warcraft and retreated to the bombardment.

The Shenzong around him is not even the opponent of the king of Warcraft. He also retreats from the attack!

But at this time, in the way of the emperor and the ten warriors around him, the two figures below came rapidly!

He Yiming and Tu Jiaojiao are waiting here.

At this time, the emperor was seriously injured and was retreating by bombardment. For the time being, he had no defensive ability at all!

Tu Jiaojiao of he Yiming just flashed behind him. The swords in their hands stabbed the guy's heart with dazzling swords. Then, the swords burst out!

The sword broke and turned into a torrent of extremely fierce energy, which severely bombarded the emperor of the blood temple.


The whole body of the emperor is broken!

The ten deities realized that something was wrong and just stopped retreating, they wanted to escape!

Jinyang and Xuexue, how can they allow the ten gods to escape like this? They have already come to this place rapidly. Moreover, the king of Warcraft and others have immediately chased them and bombarded them with all their strength!

The powerful spirit roared from the front and back of the ten deities at the same time!

the extremely powerful momentum of the tyrannical power bombarded the ten deities in a flash, and they were seriously injured by the blood spurting from the bombardment!

Jinyang and snowflake, they attack constantly!

In a short time, all the ten gods were killed!

But at this time, the spirit of the emperor and the spirits of the ten deities all flew out of the roaring energy and turned into blood red energy light clusters. They wanted to fly away!

However, these spirits did not fly far away, and they were sealed by the powerful seal power that broke out in the sky tripod in the sky, which sealed the action ability!

At this time, the fighting power of these spirits was also greatly suppressed.

The spirit of the emperor has been greatly suppressed!

The spirits of the ten deities were suppressed even more seriously, and their combat effectiveness was even less than three tenths.

The king of Warcraft and others, as well as Jinyang and Xuexue, all know that this is a rare opportunity. Otherwise, once the spirit of the emperor escapes from the scope of zhentianding, it will be difficult to catch this guy again!


The animals roared, surrounded by the spirit of the emperor, and the spirits of the ten powerful gods, launched a series of crazy attacks!

Tang Long has landed on the ground again.

He can't help with this attack.

He only needs to be responsible for arranging the plans, and then let these guys fall into the trap. As for killing these warriors, or killing the spirits of these warriors, he still lacks the strength at this time.

Just now, while the emperor was continuously attacked and attracted, Tang Long cast the Tiangang Jue Xin mantra on the emperor, which was already the limit of his mental power.

But fortunately, he succeeded at last, otherwise the emperor would not be able to be solved.

High above the sky, the king of Warcraft and others are still trying to kill the spirits of the eleven bloodthirsty demons. With the ability of Tanglong's zhentianding seal to the spirit of the God, it is difficult for the spirit of the God to escape at this time.

It took ten minutes. With the joint efforts of the king of Warcraft, the eleven spirits were finally killed.

Tang Long was relieved to see the long tone from below.You know, if you let these spirits escape, Tang long will certainly be very dangerous. His plan to rescue Mu Qingcheng is likely to fail completely because of this!

The king of Warcraft and others all flew down from the sky, and they all admired Tang long. After all, this time, if it was not for Tang Long's careful plan and arrangement, it would be almost impossible to kill the emperor.

But now, not only did he kill the emperor in such a short time, but also his spirit and the ten deities he brought with him were all destroyed together.

As a result, half of the forces of the blood Temple who came to capture the beast have been basically eliminated!

Although there are still five deities and one emperor left in the blood Temple fighting fiercely over the valley ahead, they are not as difficult as before.

The king of Warcraft fell from the sky to Tang Long: "next, what are we going to do?"

At this time, the king of Warcraft also more and more admire Tang long.

Around the beast, also one by one eyes, fell on the body of Tang long.

He Yiming and Tu Jiaojiao are full of admiration when they look at Tang long. They also know that although Tang Long didn't do much in this war, they absolutely played a crucial role.

Tang long looked at the king of Warcraft and so on. He thought for a moment and said, "next, the plans to defeat each other are obviously not workable. We should take a decisive battle."

"What is a tough battle?" He Yiming couldn't help asking.

Tang Long said: "that is to say, we should concentrate all our strength and kill the remaining God Emperor. Once the God Emperor is killed by us, the rest of the blood Temple guys will be much easier to deal with!"

"Good!" The crowd nodded together.

The king of Warcraft asked, "how are you going to destroy the emperor?"

Before that, the king of Warcraft had no hope of killing the emperor. He only wanted to save the animals and escape. At this time, he suddenly felt that it was not very difficult to kill the emperor.

It thinks that as long as the cooperation is good, only Tang Long's careful plan is needed. They can win the strong with the weak, and they can do it completely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!