The sound of roaring is still roaring between heaven and earth!

The fierce momentum swept across the sky, within thousands of meters, it was covered by the fierce momentum!

Black thunder city is in all directions. Countless warriors of black thunder city fly high in the sky, and even many people want to escape directly. However, just after flying out of a distance, they encounter a group of martial artists who destroy Tianzong and surround the city!

No one can escape!

Who runs away first who dies first, obediently waits for, at least now still can live.

Black thunder city these people, all hope of life, are placed on the Tang lack of them, but at this time the Tang lack of them, is also the end of the force!

The fierce battle lasted for twenty minutes!

At this time, the five people in Tang Dynasty had been seriously injured and vomited blood because of the continuous hard work. Moreover, their vitality had already consumed 7788.

If it wasn't for the support of Tang Yang in the array, the array of Tang's lack of five people would have been broken by the attack, but in spite of this, Tang's lack of five people would have been totally unable to support it!

Moreover, even Tuoba mausoleum and Chutian in the array all suffered internal injuries at this time!

Tianma Feixing saw that his side of the victory was in hand, and his eyes also showed a proud smile: "kill me, leave that woman, kill all the others!"


The seven gods agreed at the same time.

Then, the more fierce attack started, the dark energy turned into a series of terrifying energy mountains, from the top of tangkuo and from all directions of tangkuo, they kept crashing over!

This kind of attack is really unmatched in its domineering and wild nature!


All of a sudden, Tang que spits out a mouthful of blood, and the long knife in his hand is also unstable and falls towards the ground!

Follow closely, Tang Lei is also seriously injured, spurting blood!

The array can't last any longer. Tang lacks their defense ability and is weakened by times.

As a matter of fact, Tang Kuo and his followers can summon their own beasts to fight against the enemy. However, they are very clear that their gods and beasts are only level 9 holy beasts at this time. Even if such fighting power is released, it's useless. It's just a white death!

How can they be willing to summon their own gods and beasts under such circumstances!

They have been seriously injured.

At this time, among the martial arts of the Tang clan, Tuoba mausoleum Chutian and Tuoba Ling Chudi were the only two who could barely resist the attack. After all, their strength was also the triple and quadruple realm of Shenjun, but their resistance ability was extremely limited.

Only withstood three attacks, they were also seriously injured and vomited blood!

Tang is short of five people, and even can't fly in the air. They fall down on the ground together!

Following Li Dahan, Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang all fell to the ground one after another!

Finally, Tuoba mausoleum hammering the sky and Tuoba mausoleum pounding the ground were also seriously injured and vomited blood. Those who were bombarded fell to the ground. Even because they were in the last place, they were attacked most fiercely!

The martial arts of mietianzong gathered their energy and turned into a powerful and powerful mountain with dark energy. When the chuitung brothers in Tuoba mausoleum fell down, they were pounded down from high altitude and hit them directly!


Spurt a mouthful of blood, two people feel that all the internal organs are broken by bombardment. Then, they hit the ground heavily, making a big hole on the ground, and then pouring a mouthful of blood on the ground, the seriously injured can't move any more!

If Tang is short of them, it is no better at this time!

One by one on the ground, there is no strength to fight back, waiting for them, has only death!

Tianma Feixing is very proud.

"I have known for a long time that the Tang clan is no more than this. You are the best in the Tang clan, and they are the most powerful. But in my eyes of mietianzong, what can you count for?" Pegasus fell from the sky.

Step by step, he came to Lin Xi's dream: "Nvwa, you are very lucky, I have a crush on you, so you don't have to die!"


Lin Xi dream cold hum, pretty face pale.

At this time, she has been seriously injured, even if she wants to use the power of space to hide, she has been unable to do so.

In her hand, she had a cold sword, staring at Tianma Feixing: "even if my dream of Lin Xi is dead, I will never let you succeed!"

"Want to die? Hehe, do you think you're dead Tianma Feixing snorted coldly, and suddenly swept out of his body. All of a sudden, the air seemed to be heavy within 100 meters!

Lin Xi Meng Shi tried his best to move his sword towards his white neck, but suddenly, his whole body seemed to be controlled by a strong binding force, and he could not move at all!

At the same time, they are all unable to move at this time!

Tianma Feixing is very proud.

He looked at Lin Ximeng and said with a smile: "the woman I like Tianma Feixing will die under my wildness even if she dies. If you want to commit suicide, I'm afraid it can't be done!"Said, casually a lift, a dark strength through the fingertips, toward Lin Xi dream wrist point in the past.

Lin Xi dream holding the sword, suddenly fell to the ground.

Tian Ma Fei turned his head and looked at Zhao qianchui who came back behind him: "don't you like abusing people most? Today, I'll let you have a good time. You can kill anyone except this woman! "


Zhao qianchui agreed and strode towards Tang Kuo.

When he came to Tang Kuo's eyes, he suddenly drank, and his dark energy was rampant, which turned into a dark energy giant of more than five meters!

The dark energy giant's hands directly grasped Tang Kuo's feet and suddenly lifted him upside down. Then he was about to tear open towards both sides!

Seeing such a situation, Tang Yang and their eyes were filled with deep despair!

The Tuoba mausoleum hammered the sky and Tuoba mausoleum beat the ground. They knew that after Tang Kuo died, they would gradually turn to them.

They didn't expect that Zhao's method was so cruel!

The hand of the dark energy giant is tearing away towards both sides. However, at this moment, a golden light and lightning suddenly tears the sky and roars directly through the left arm of the dark energy giant!

The arm of the dark energy giant suddenly broke!

Although Tang Kuo is still holding another foot by the dark energy giant, at this time, tangque will not be torn by the dark energy giant at least!

Tianma Feixing, they have already felt the strong momentum of the sky!

However, they are not very concerned!

Because although the momentum at high altitude is indeed very strong, but it is only the momentum that can be possessed by a warrior in the nine realms of heaven and God. For such a powerful warrior, Tianma Feixing doesn't pay attention to it at all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!