They soon landed in the valley, and then, together, picked up the blood elixir on the ground.

The number of these blood elixirs is so large that there are more than 300. This is a great harvest for Tang long.

There are more than 300 blood elixirs, which can be used by all the animals in Tangmen.

These animals can get a lot of benefits.

Of course, this premise is that Tang Long still needs to refine these blood elixirs, and refine the power of blood demons inside to transform them into pure energy. Otherwise, there is no way for Tang long to use them.

After cleaning up these blood elixirs, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er begin to search for the treasure of heaven and earth together.

The next few days, the two are still busy.

Because their strength has been improved a lot, at this time, Dongfang binger and Tang long are much more daring. Even if they encounter those blood demons or some fierce blood spirits, they have been able to deal with them.

And these days, Tang Long's combat power has been increasing strangely!

His strength level has not been improved at all!

Go forward quickly, unknowingly, has been a long distance from where they came into the blood world.

Although the further forward, it is obvious that there will be more blood spirits, and the more natural wealth and treasures can be found, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er also know that if they continue to move forward in this way, they are afraid that they will not be able to leave here.

"Dear wife, we have to stop and go back!" Tang Long looks at the Oriental ice road.

"Well." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

She has been counting the time, at this time they came to the blood world, has passed a full twenty days time.

If they don't go back, I'm afraid they won't be able to go back. Although these days, their harvest is really very big. They have already got 48 ginseng fruit trees alone, but after all, it is more important to go back.

Two people here, and killed a large group of blood spirit, got hundreds of blood elixir, this just hurried back together.

At this time, the number of blood elixir they got reached more than 1100!

Such a number, already extremely terrible!

Even the disciples of the blood Temple who came here with them can't have such a terrible harvest. Of course, thanks to Tang Long's spiritual power, Tang Long's spiritual power has been greatly improved. Moreover, there is a magic weapon like the wanhun pagoda.

Even, there is a special search for treasure of the red flame lion!

If not, when they encounter a large group of blood spirits, especially those with higher fighting power, they can only escape like others, and they can't search for natural wealth and treasure so quickly.

Together, they flew in the air, changed direction, and then headed back to the place where they came into the blood world.

Along the way, of course, we should also look for natural wealth and treasure.

However, this is not the most important.

The most important thing for them now is to go back safely.

In a twinkling of an eye, more than a day has passed.

More than one day, they killed more than 30 blood spirits and got some blood elixirs.

In addition, I found a ginseng fruit tree by the way.

Nothing else, but nothing.

However, Dongfang binger and Tang long have been very satisfied with the harvest of this day.

After a night's rest, the next morning, they were on their way. They were flying forward in a hurry. Suddenly, they heard the thunderous roar coming from the front!

"There's a situation!" Tang Long stops.

Dongfang binger also stopped.

She did not know the magic skill in the sea realm. Her sense of hearing was much weaker than that of Tang long. Therefore, she did not hear the roar in front of her.

"Dragon, what did you find?" she asked

Tang Long said: "there is a fight in front of us, and I have detected that there seems to be a supernatural beast. It may be an ancient beast!"

"What, ancient beast?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Dongfang binger is also a little surprised.

They have been here for so many days, but they haven't met any ancient animals. I can't imagine that on the way back, here, they can meet ancient animals!

Tang Long said in a deep voice: "some people are fighting with ancient animals!"

"Let's go and have a look." Oriental ice road.


Tang Long also nodded.

If he could get an ancient beast, Tang long would be more satisfied with his journey to the blood world.

Of course, he had to be cautious.

The guy who can run so far from the blood Temple knows that the strength of these people must be extraordinary. After all, after all, after he and Dongfang bing'er have improved their strength, they can reach such a far distance together.

Most importantly, he has so many magic weapons to help!

The two of them were flying forward quickly, but both had as much breath as possible.Not long ago, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er have been flying far ahead, and Dongfang bing'er has also heard the sound of thundering.

She even heard the roar of Warcraft and the roar of blood demon.

Obviously, there are a lot of them, more than a dozen!

"There seems to be a lot of Warcraft!" Dongfang bing'er turns to look at Tang long, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Tang Long also nodded: "there are not only Warcraft, but also blood demons!"

"It seems that the situation ahead is somewhat complicated!"

"Let's look in the distance."

Mr. Tang turned his head and looked around. Not far from the left front, there was a high hill, which was less than one kilometer away from the fighting place ahead. At that position, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er could see the situation more clearly.

"Good wife, let's go there!" Tang Long holds the hand of Dongfang binger.

"Well." Dongfang bing'er answered.

Then they flew together towards the hill over there.

Before long, they had reached the top of the hill. Dongfang binger could barely see the battlefield ahead.

Tang Long has been able to clearly explore the situation of the battlefield over there with his magical skills in the sea.

At once, he made a decision in his heart!

in the front of the war, he must step in!

He wanted to go to help the animals. He knew that if he didn't help them, they would soon be captured by the people in the blood temple.

There are three people who fight with the beast!

Moreover, the martial arts of these three blood temples are not weak, and the weakest are all the same realm of God King.

Among them, the strongest is already the triple realm of God and monarch.

In the past, Tang long had some difficulties in dealing with such three people, but now, it is not particularly difficult. After all, his mental strength has been improved very well.

Moreover, Dongfang binger now, that is also a God King's strength, plus she also cultivated the seal of the real dragon.

If she uses the seal of the real dragon, her combat power can also be improved!

If Tang Long uses the huangquan divine needle to stimulate the potential of Dongfang binger, the strength of Dongfang binger can be greatly improved. In this case, even if Dongfang binger is to deal with the guy in the three realms of Shenjun, there will be no problem. , the fastest update of the webnovel!