Tang Long left the inn with Ling Qingyao and Feixue feiwu. When they went outside, they could feel the strong spirit in all directions.

Although some of the city's Warriors also flew high into the sky to resist the attacks of those witches from all directions, they were obviously not the opponents of those witches at all.

Many talented people fly high above the sky and are seriously injured by the powerful blood demon's power and fall down!

Tang long, with Ling Qingyao and magic dance flying snow, walked quickly to a warrior who was lying on the ground spitting blood and was seriously injured. He squatted down, looked at the warrior and frowned and asked, "what's going on here?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The warrior coughed and coughed several times, but he coughed up a lot of blood, which was obviously very serious.

He pause, this just weak way: "I don't know the specific situation, I only know, they seem to come to grab a picture of what!"

"A picture?" Tang Long frowned: "grab what map, actually let these sorcerers butcher the city?"

At this time, the sorcerers are obviously slaughtering the city!

Because the city, in all directions, has been heard the thundering of the sky, and this thundering is from the outside of the city, in the middle of the slow progress.

The bombardment of the blood demon's power was violent and fierce. Not only people, but even buildings on the ground, were bombarded into a ruin. It was a carpet attack!

Such an attack seems to be intended to raze the city to the ground!

There is no big thing. Even if these witches are fierce, they will not be like this.

Obviously, this picture that these witches want to get, at least for these witches, is of great value!

Tang long looked at the seriously wounded warrior and asked, "what is it that makes these witches so vicious?"

"I don't know exactly!" This seriously injured the martial arts way.

Tang long had some curiosity about this picture. He took out a healing elixir. Regardless of the shock in the warrior's eyes, he directly fed it to him. Then he said, "where is the city Lord's house?"

"Outside the square on the left!"


Tang Long takes Ling Qingyao and fantasy dance to the sky.

Although it was night, the stars and the moon were shining brightly in the sky, but it was also very bright.

Tang Long and they flew in the direction that the warrior pointed out. The direction of their flight was just towards the center of the city and the big square.

In all directions, it is still roaring.

The roar of rage was heard in disorder, and the power of blood demons roared between heaven and earth, sweeping the whole city, as if the city had entered the hell.

Tang Long three people not long ago, has arrived in this city a big square.

At this time, in front of this square, a group of witches will surround a castle, around the castle, it seems very quiet!

"What's the situation?"

Tang Long knew that the castle was the Lord's mansion.

Obviously, the city Lord's house has been surrounded by witches, and the strength of these witches is obviously very strong. Tang Long roughly explored it and immediately found out that among these wizards, there are more than 20 powerful deities!

Moreover, in the fortress ahead, there are at least three witches of the strongmen of Shenzong!

Feixue and lingqingyao are standing beside Tang long. Feixue looks at Tang Long and asks, "elder martial brother, what should we do now?"

Tang Long has already exerted his magic power in the field of the sea.

At this time, even if there are some slight sounds within the kilometer radius, he can also hear clearly the sound in the castle ahead.

He knew that there was a negotiation in the castle!

The two sides of the negotiation, one of whom is obviously a wizard, the other is the city Lord.

At the same time, there are also his family members and some warriors in his residence.

These warriors are witches!

The family members of the city Lord are all captured by the wizard, who is threatening the LORD:

"come on, where is the map hidden? If you don't say, at the latest tomorrow noon, this city will be razed to the ground, and all the people here will die with you! "

"Want me to say, no way!"

"You can't see the coffin, you can't cry, go and cut off one of his son's legs!"


"You bastards, demons, I tell you, I will not compromise, even if you kill all the people in this city, I will not give you the map you want!"

"Is it? You don't think we can get this map, do you? "

The voice was ferocious, with obvious ferocity: "I tell you, Jiang Yuanji, the tragedy that is brewing in this city is completely directed by you, because if you are willing to cooperate, so many people will not die at all!"

"Now, you're not going to kill me with the map!""You are selfish enough. In order to survive, the life of the whole city is ignored, even the life of your son!"

"My son, I have my son's destiny!"

"In that case, don't blame me for my ruthlessness and killing his son!"



hearing these voices, Tang Long's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Obviously, the city Lord is very cruel. He won't take out any map he got. He would rather watch all the people in the whole city be killed!

But Tang Long was curious again.

Don't witches have the souls of bloodthirsty demons and bloodthirsty masters? Is it necessary for them to blackmail the city Lord like this? If you take it back and devour your soul, it's all right?!

He thought about it for a while, and then he thought of a possibility: "the wizard devours the soul, and there must be a suitable environment. Maybe the wizard who does this thing at this time does not want the information of this map to be known by more people."

According to this situation, Tang Long knew that even if the city Lord handed in the map, none of the city Lord's family members, even those who knew the map, would not survive! "

These sorcerers obviously want to kill people and make sure that the information on the map is not leaked.

"What map is it?"

Tang Long became more and more curious about this map.

Of course, he would not have watched the city be killed by these witches for such an unknown map.

He can't ignore these witches.

The most important thing was that he knew very well that both Feixue and lingqingyao would not like to see the massacre happen.

Above the sky, in the distance, the thunder of the sky is still ringing.

The sound of screams keeps on coming!

Ling Qingyao and Feixue can't help hearing the sound.

Magic flying snow grabs Tang Long's hand: "elder martial brother, those witches are too fierce. We must stop them from doing so!"

Ling Qingyao also said: "dragon, you must think of a way, can't let these witches continue!"

Tang Long frowned slightly.

He has heard the key to the negotiations in the castle.

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