In the sky, the soul tower was spinning rapidly, turning into a blood red energy tornado. Under the tornado, the power of blood demons was condensed and bombarded towards those blood spirits!

Tang Long's spiritual power, at this time also turned into a invisible energy hammer!

The hammer is attacking the blood spirits below!

"Boom, boom, boom -"

the sound of roar rang out one after another. In this fierce attack, one blood spirit was bombarded everywhere, and then it broke up directly, and the energy turned into blood red dissipated between heaven and earth.

On the ground, a blood elixir fell down.

Time is in a hurry, Tang Long and their fierce attack has been carried out for ten minutes in a twinkling of an eye!

There are not many blood spirits under the cliff that have been killed.

However, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er, because they have stimulated their potential, and after such fierce fighting, their vitality has been almost consumed, and they have reached the end of their strength.

The limit of their strength is coming, and their strength will be rapidly weakened.

Tang Long knew that he must do his best at this time.


With a roar, he held the sea sword and rushed directly to the blood spirit below.

It seems to tear the sky!

The spirit is roaring, as if to shatter heaven and earth!

His body erupted with vigor and vitality, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit. At this time, he looked extremely fierce and domineering.

Dongfang bing'er saw Tang Long's powerful appearance, and he followed Tang Long and rushed down the cliff.

There are only 20 or 30 blood spirits left below!

Tang Long is holding the sea sword and chopping wildly. Where the sword awn passes, the earth and the earth crumble!

The sword in the hand of Dongfang bing'er has turned into a fierce blood red sword. The sword is roaring in the direction of these blood spirits!

Moreover, a head of blood wolf, that blood red wolf claw, is also around the blood spirit crazy attack!

More than a minute passed.

Finally, when Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er were exhausted, the remaining 30 or so blood spirits were finally wiped out. Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er also breathed a long breath.

At this time, even if there are only two blood spirits left, or even only one blood spirit left, they will be very dangerous!

"Have a rest!"

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er sit down directly on their knees. Then Tang Long takes out two pills to restore their vitality, and Dongfang bing'er eats one of them and starts to recover their vitality.

At this time, they even fell on the ground of the blood elixir, are reluctant to pick up.

After practicing for more than half an hour, and with the effect of Huiyuan pill of Xiandan quality, Tang Long's vitality has recovered a lot.

"After all, there are still some dangers here. Let's clean up and get out of here at once." Tang long looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "wait a minute, we are flying in the air with golden wings and Kunpeng. We will continue to recover our vitality. If we find danger in the middle of the way, we will directly hide away from it!"

"Good!" Dongfang bing'er nodded.

They stopped practicing together, and then cleaned up the blood elixir dropped from the ground.

This time, the harvest was also very big. They actually got more than 200 blood elixirs. Although these blood elixirs were taken by gods and beasts, the effect would become smaller and smaller, but Tang Long was still very satisfied.

He plans to set up a Warcraft army, and in the future, of course, will use a lot of these things.

Even these things are not enough.

"Take these blood elixirs first, and then. It must be of great use. " Tang Long collected all the blood elixir into a delicate box, and then summoned the golden winged Kunpeng and jumped on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng together with Oriental bing'er.

The golden winged Kunpeng soared to the sky and flew rapidly towards the way back. Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er sat cross legged on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng and continued to recover their vitality.

An hour passed.

At this time, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er are almost recovered.

At this time, they were completely relieved.

In such a place, there are dangers everywhere. Under the weak state, it is really very dangerous. They are continuing to practice. Tang Long suddenly says to Jinyi Kunpeng, "stop, land right now, quick!"


Jinyi Kunpeng, with Tang Long and Dongfang binger, landed on the ground from high altitude.

Dongfang bing'er asked curiously, "dragon, have you found anything?"

Tang Long nodded: "there is a fight in front of you. It's obviously from the blood temple. Let's sneak over to see the situation. Maybe we can fish in troubled waters."


Dongfang bing'er heard Tang Long say so, in the eyes has emerged a very obvious expectation.

She knew that Tang Long always wanted to be a "robber" all the way back. Unfortunately, he never had a chance to be a "robber". It seems that this opportunity has finally arrived.The Oriental ice son hastily astringes the breath, prevents by the front fights the person to discover.

The two men moved on quietly. Soon, Dongfang binger also heard the thundering sound in front of them. It was obvious that both sides of the fight were fighting fiercely at this time, and the number of both sides was more than five!

"Three on two?"

In Tang Long's eyes, there is an obvious expectation.

Although he has explored that both sides in the front of the fight have very strong strength, and even three of them are the strength of the four realms of God and king, he still decides to find a chance to do it!

But before he started, he also had to make some preparations in advance. Otherwise, he would not dare to do it easily in the face of the four realms of God and king.

They are getting closer and closer to the battlefield ahead.

At this time, Dongfang binger has also explored that the strength of those in front of them is the four realms of God and king.

Although her strength is only one level of Shenjun, if her strength is enhanced and her potential is stimulated by Tang long, she will be able to deal with the warrior of the four realms of Shenjun.

Only in this way, we must make quick decisions, otherwise they will be very dangerous.

The most important thing is that unless they can destroy each other's spirits, in order to keep their secrets in the blood temple, the identity of Tang Longdan God can never be exposed!

Otherwise, once these spirits escape back to the blood demon world and leak out the strength of Tang Long Dan division, the identity of Tang long will be immediately known by lie Qingtian.

This is definitely not what Tang long wanted.

However, in the face of several warriors of the four realms of Shenjun, Dongfang binger and Tang Long all know that with their current strength, the success rate is too small to destroy so many spirits of such powerful warriors! , the fastest update of the webnovel!