Of course, they are Dongfang binger and Tang long.

Although the potentials of Dongfang binger and Tang long have been stimulated, Dongfang binger did not display the seal of the real dragon, so the strength was only promoted to the level of the triple realm of God and king.

Although Tang Long displayed the seal of the real dragon, he only raised his strength to the eight levels of the divine king. Compared with the strength of Lord Wang, it was far behind!

Wang Yuanjue looked at Dongfang bing'er and Tang Long with a cold smile: "you are masked. Haha, it's interesting. In this case, I want to see who you are!"

With that, his powerful momentum suddenly burst out, and his body flashed, and he rushed to Tang Long!


Tang Long exerted his body method to the limit and quickly dodged to the side. At this time, Dongfang bing'er was already using the seal of the real dragon to improve his strength.

Tang long, a powerful spiritual force, has also burst out suddenly!

What's more, he has exerted his spiritual power in the field!

When the boundaries of the spiritual power were exerted, the fighting power of Lord Wang was suppressed!

"You, you -- you are the God of Dan

Wang Yuanjue was shocked by the mental power of Tang long.

He did not expect that a great Dan God would appear here.

What's more, a powerful Dan God, a Dan master who should be his status and dignity in the blood temple, could not even reach the realm of God King!

What a strange situation!

"Who are you?"

"Hey, hey

Tang Long gave a strange smile, which was obviously hoarse.

His spiritual power has rolled out and turned into a mountain of invisible energy. He attacks the Lord Wang fiercely!

At the same time, the imperial power of heaven and earth of emperor Jijing broke out!

Lord Wang felt that Tang long had a strong momentum, and his heart was filled with fear and tension. His own strength could not be fully exerted, and it was weakened a lot!

More importantly, Wang Yuanjue's strength has been suppressed by Tang Long's domain boundary!

Wang Yuanjue felt that his situation was not optimistic. He knew that Tang Long's situation was not easy to deal with. He was also worried secretly!

The attack of Tang Long's mental power has been stormy!

when Wang Yuanjue and Tang Long fought against each other, they realized that the attack of the other party's mental power was extremely strong. He had some difficulties in resisting it, and suddenly lost his self-confidence.

He quickly dodges to the side, evades Tang long this attack, then wants to escape!

Unfortunately, how could Tang Long let him escape!

When the body method of blinking was applied to the limit, he chased after Lord Wang in a hurry. At the same time, the attack of mental power continued to unfold, and the magic power of chaotic heavy water was used to cooperate with the attack of mental power!

Under the influence of Tang Long's power, Wang Yuanjue was also suppressed by the boundary of Tang Long's spiritual power. His strength was suppressed a lot and his moving speed was much slower. He could not escape.

He is also angry at once!

he is also the king of God at all times. Even though Tang Long has many means, he can't really beat him?!

"I should have been suppressed by a person with weaker strength than me, so embarrassed!"

"Damn it!"

Wang Yuanjue's anger starts from the heart, evil to the edge of gall!


With a roar, he doesn't retreat any more. He confronts Tang Long crazily. He hopes to defeat Tang Long with attack and then escape.

However, he ignored that there was an oriental binger not far away!

Dongfang binger enhanced her strength with the seal of the real dragon. Suddenly, her strength at this time was from the triple level of Shenjun to the quadruple realm of Shenjun.

At this time, she came to face Wang Yuanjue, whose strength was suppressed, and had the upper hand!

He rushed over, holding the sword of Tian Han, and attacked Wang Yuanjue together with Tang long.

Five minutes later, Wang Yuanjue was in danger.

Tang Long's mental strength turned into a dense ghost needle of huangquan and attacked yuan Jue Wang. This kind of attack is extremely difficult to defend!

Soon, the Lord Wang was defeated. He was stabbed by the ghost needle of Tang Long and huangquan. I don't know how many times he came. Then he was stabbed on the shoulder by Dongfang bing'er, and suddenly he was stabbed by a sword!


Wang Yuanjue screamed.

At this time, the bloody sword that Dongfang bing'er stabbed into his shoulder was also suddenly broken. The broken sword turned into a torrent of blood devil's power, which directly blew him out!

Fly more than ten meters, fall to the ground!

Tang Long's figure flashed, and in a twinkling he reached Wang Yuanjue's side.

Then, learning from the method just used by Lord Wang, he made him unconscious, searched out his space ring, and found the pills that Lord Wang had given to the two warriors just now."Haha, it's self inflicted!"

Tang Long smiles and gives the pill to Lord Wang.

Then, he took possession of all the space rings that this guy had snatched. Then he looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "let's make a cave, and then arrange a seal array, so that they can sleep in it for a few days. I have to make sure that when they sleep, they will not be in danger!"


Dongfang bing'er nodded.

Next, Tang Long and Dongfang binger are busy together.

In a short time, they had already blasted out a big cave near here.

Tang Long arranged a seal at the entrance of the mountain. Then, he dug out the two warriors of the blood god temple buried by Lord Wang, and put all three of them in the cave.

"Hey, what's your reaction when you wake up?"

Tang long looked at the three men in a coma in the cave, and his eyes flashed a funny smile. He was looking forward to the performance of the three men after they woke up.

He thought it would be very interesting.

After that, he went out of the cave and opened the array. Then he carefully sealed the entrance of the mountain and left several air holes, so that the three people would not be suffocated in a coma, but could escape the souls of their bloodthirsty demons or bloodthirsty masters!

"Let's go. Now let's keep going."

Tang Long said, his mind moved and summoned the golden winged Kunpeng.

Dongfang bing'er takes a look at the closed cave, and thinks that the three people will wake up from coma, and there will be some wonderful things happening. In her heart, she can't help but be curious.

"When they wake up, will they have a fight?"

"Knowing that they may never be separated from the blood world, will they support each other to survive? But can they really let go of the contradiction before? "

Dongfang bing'er thinks secretly.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er have already jumped on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng. With a long sound, the golden winged Kunpeng flies away rapidly in the distance.

Tang long held Dongfang binger in his arms.

He took out the space rings he had just got and began to search one by one.

Seeing the things in these space rings, the joy in Tang Long's eyes became more and more obvious, because the barons Wang and they were obviously not "bandits" only once!

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