Feixue and Ling Qingyao, both holding their long swords in their hands, confront Tang Long with a fierce attack. They suddenly hear Tang Long's roar of laughter:

"it's just two girls. Are you my opponent? Ha ha ha ha ha ha, come with me "

in this big laugh, many people below suddenly saw a strange scene!

Only to see, the magic dance flying snow and Ling Qingyao, looking to fly to Tang long, but in a flash of time, they were frozen into solid ice, turned into two ice sculptures, and stopped in the air!

Then, Tang Long and mieshi Leishen flew over and caught them.

Tang Long and mieshi Raytheon control the ice on their bodies. Tang Long and mieshi Raytheon directly knocked out the magic flying snow and Ling Qingyao, and then they left quickly with them!

"Daughter -"

"flying snow --"

the parents of fantasy flying snow rushed to catch up with them.

Unfortunately, the speed of Tang Long and destroying Thunder God is too fast, they can't catch up with them at all!

A voice came from afar: "you don't have to chase after me. I just want Xuanling house. As for these two women, I can't bear to kill them. I will hurt them. Even later, I will protect lingyunluoyucheng in person. Who dares to make trouble in lingyunluoyucheng again, my blood temple will frustrate his bones and raise ashes!"

The sound goes away quickly. Tang Long and mieshi Leishen, with the magic dance of Feixue and Ling Qingyao, are gone in a flash!

at this time, they are not really knocked out.

They're just pretending.

This was Tang Long's plan.

In order to protect Lingyun luoyucheng, to make the parents of Wuwu Feixue safe, and also to make those witches dare not continue to attack Lingyun Luoyu city like this, Tang Long has come up with such a way to let Feixue leave!

At this time, no matter those witches, or the people of Lingyun luoyucheng, felt that the magic dancing snow fell in the hands of the blood god temple.

In this case, the Xuanling house of Yiqi lingyunzong is naturally lost, and the Lingyun Luoyu city is obviously under the control of the blood god temple. Even those sorcerers, I'm afraid, don't want to continue to come to lingyunzong to make meaningless efforts!

Tang Long and mieshi Leishen fly far away, the sky has been completely dark, this just stopped.

Tang Long exerts his magical skills in the field of the sea. He explores the surrounding activities and finds that there is no doubt. Then he is relieved.

Falling down from the high altitude, Ling Qingyao and the magic dance flying snow are put down, and the earth destroying Thor is collected.

Feixue's body shape flashed. In a twinkling, it was in front of Tang Long's eyes, and it was directly into Tang Long's arms.

Then, she nibbled on Tang Long's face: "senior brother, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would have harmed my parents, my family, and even the whole Lingyun falling rain city."

"Silly girl, it's all over." Tang Long smiles.

Feixue Feixue looked at Tang Long seriously: "elder martial brother, I don't care how you treat me in the future. I'm all your people!" Voice dropped, pretty face flushed, made a ferocious look: "I don't care, you have to want, do not want, I am your people anyway!"


Tang Long has a black line!

This girl really dares to say, such words, a girl can say unexpectedly.

However, such a beautiful girl, Tang Long said that she didn't like it. It was a bit against her heart. Who would not like to see such a good girl?!

Tang Long smiles bitterly and looks at Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao knew for a long time that Feixue was an iron heart and wanted to marry Tang long.

What's more, she's stubborn and persistent to the fantasy flying snow has already known very clearly, at this time, she is also completely helpless!

Go to Tang Long: "how are you doing in the blood temple?"

Tang Long said: "I have a complete task, that is, I can go to Zhoutian Grottoes to practice and have the opportunity to realize the power of the law. I need to go to such a place to further understand the emperor's amazing scriptures."

Ling Qingyao asked, "when will you go to Zhoutian Grottoes?"

"I don't know." Tang Long shook his head: "has been waiting for three days, or no news." Said, a little depressed way: "the efficiency of the blood temple is really bad enough, this should not be very difficult to decide, but delay so many days!"

Ling Qingyao stopped and said, "if you are very busy, go back first!"

"Not busy!" Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao and suddenly laughed. He leaned over her ear and whispered, "I'm going to eat you tonight!"

Ling Qingyao suddenly felt that her whole body was burned by the fire. Unexpectedly, Tang Long suddenly asked for such a request. The tranquil and peaceful heart in her heart was suddenly disturbed by Tang long. The bright state of the sword's heart was also an instant collapse!

"You --"

helplessly, she glanced at the magic flying snow in Tang Long's arms. Seeing the magic flying snow, her ears seemed to be covered by the power of blood demons. The red color was so thorough that Ling Qingyao couldn't help but stare at Tang Long again!She finally said, "since you don't go back, we'll find a place to rest."

"Good!" Tang Long quickly agreed.

Now, I'm sorry to stay in Tang Long's arms.

However, she was still very happy, no matter how she said it, just now she said what she was saying, and although Tang Long's reaction seemed passive, at least there was no objection.

The most important thing is, just now Tang Long was holding her, she could feel Tang Long's arm was very strong, very firm!

That's enough for her.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "before I left a space ring for my mother, I let her look at the things in the space ring after today. I believe that they will be relieved when they see what I left behind."

Tang Long asked, "what did you leave in that space ring?"

"A letter," said the snow

Tang Long asked no more questions.

He didn't have to guess what was going to be written on the letter.

He said seriously, "this letter can't be kept. Your parents must destroy it after reading it."

"I know that." Fantasy flying snow nodded: "I have instructions in my letter, and I only say that I like the people, will save me."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded at ease.

The three people flew away towards the distance, and after a full hour, they arrived at a small city.

It's late at night.

In the dead of night, the city looks very quiet.

If I didn't stay in the inn for a long time, I found one.

Two rooms, of course.

Ling Qingyao is helpless, and knows that Tang long must miss herself very much. She really miss Tang Long these days, so she finally tacitly accepts all the arrangements of Tang long.

Of course, the snow is alone in a room.

Although she has long regarded herself as a person of Tang long in her heart, she has not had such a thing after all. She hopes that after returning to Fengtian city and in the most beautiful environment, she will completely give herself to Tang Long and let him get his best.

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