"A few more days."

Tang long looked at the Oriental bing'er road a little depressed. In his heart, of course, he still wanted to go to Zhoutian Grottoes for cultivation.

After a pause, he looked at Dongfang bing'er and continued: "it's boring to stay in the inn. Shall we go out and have a look? Look at the face of the city of genius, and I also want to visit Gao Tianye


Dongfang bing'er nodded.

In fact, she didn't want to go out for a walk at the moment, because she didn't like the city of genius at all, but Tang long wanted to go out and she was willing to accompany him.

Together they walked out of the Inn and down the street.

Of course, Tang Long knows where Gao Tianye lives. Even if he doesn't know, it doesn't matter.

Tang Long knows that Gao Tianye is very famous in the city of genius. If he really can't find his residence, he can definitely find out where he lives if he just asks a few people.

Along with Dongfang bing'er, I was walking forward. Suddenly, I saw a beautiful figure in front of me and walked towards them.

This is wan Yan Yuhan!

"What a coincidence Tang Long goes forward and looks at Yan Yuhan.

Wanyan Yuhan looked at Tang Long and was stunned. Then he said, "are you Tang Long? How did you get here? Aren't you from the demon lord palace? "

Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye brought me here to complete a task."

"Mission?" Wanyan Yuhan was very curious: "how can you come to the city of genius to complete the task?"

Tang Long said: "Gao Tianye helped."

"That's it Wanyan Yuhan nodded, politely smile: "then you continue to turn around here, I still have something to hurry to complete, go first."


Tang Long nodded.

He could see that Wan Yan Yuhan didn't seem to want to know him, so he didn't ask for it.

In his heart, he didn't want to know Yan Yuhan.

Wanyan Yuhan has left. Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er continue to wander. They are walking towards the place where Gao Tianye is. They are not far away. Two warriors in front of them come in front of Tang long.

The two men looked like they were both in their twenties and eighties, with an obvious greed in their eyes. Their eyes fell on Dongfang bing'er.

One of them looked at Dongfang bing'er with a smile: "the girl seems to be very fresh. Where did she come from?"

Dongfang bing'er looks cold and doesn't speak.

Tang Long frowned slightly and stepped forward, blocking in front of Dongfang bing'er: "sorry, we don't want to know you, so you'd better leave immediately!"

"If you don't want to know me, don't you know me?" This guy looked at the Oriental ice son, wanton smile: "I Zhou Jie Feng want to know who, then who have to know!"

After listening to this guy's words, Tang Long's heart is also a burst of anger.

Obviously, Jie Feng is a very arrogant person this week.

However, in this city of genius, Tang Long is not easy to make a move. He knows that the people here seem to have an unusual identity in the blood temple.

He didn't want to get into trouble.

"We are in a hurry to do business. We hope your Excellency will make way for us." Tang Long's tone was polite.

It's a pity that his politeness, in exchange for the other party's more impolite.

"Hehe, let's get out of the way, but on one condition!" Next to Zhou Jiefeng, another young man looked at Tang Long with a smile: "as long as you promise our conditions, we will get out of the way!"

Tang Long frowned: "what conditions do you want me to promise you?"

"My condition is very simple!" The young man said with a smile, "leave the women around you and you can go."

After listening to this guy's words, Tang Long's anger in his heart immediately jumped up.

There are such shameless people in the world!

"Get out of the way!"

Tang Long's resolute face, has emerged a touch of anger.

He had been very depressed in his mind these two days. At this time, he suddenly burst into stupidity in front of him!

The two youths didn't seem to see the anger on Tang Long's face.

That week, Jie Feng looked at Dongfang bing'er and laughed at his companion: "Fang Shao, do it. This boy is a foreign one, but the opportunity is very rare. If you take it away and kill it, no one will take care of it!"


Fang Shao is also a smile, eyes appear a very obvious greed, body, the power of the blood demon crazy broke out!

The strength of this guy is not bad. He has reached the level of king of God.

The youth next to Fang Shao, also known as Zhou Jiefeng, is even more powerful. They have reached the double realm of the divine king!

their strength is quite strong!

However, such strength is not in the eyes of Tang long.

Even if Tang long had to seal his strength in the triple realm of heaven and God, he didn't care about the two men in front of him.The sword eyebrow slightly stirs up, the resolute face above, appears a touch of disdain arrogance: "two, if you want to make trouble here, then I have to be polite!"

"You're welcome? You're welcome to try it! "

Zhou Jiefeng laughed, followed by the smile on his face, suddenly coagulated, his eyes showed a sharp killing opportunity, his body flashed, and he rushed towards Tang Long!

His fists were tightly held, and the power of the blood demon gathered on his fists.

Suddenly, the blood red light burst out on the fist!


The wind howls, his fist, already toward Tang long to bombard fiercely come over!


Tang long disdained a cold hum, the power of chaos fire and the power of Jiuyou Tianhan gathered together at the same time, which contained the power of blood demon. The blood red flame on his body, with terrible lightning, suddenly broke out!

Looking at the fists bombarded by the other side, he didn't dodge at all!

"Subdue the dragon and break the sky palm!"

A burst of drink, palm toward the front of the bombardment of the fist, hard to meet up.

Cold and hot energy, combined with the power of blood demons, directly turned into a huge energy palm, blocking the opponent's attack!


Fists and palms collide and roar!

The fierce momentum exploded in all directions, and the bloody ice fire energy palm, at the moment when it collided with Zhou Jiefeng's fist, produced a thunderous explosion. The terrifying power of the palm made Zhou Jiefeng's shock retreat four or five steps, which stabilized him.

Tang long did not step back!

"This, this, how could this be possible!"

Zhou Jie Feng Dun stopped the pace of retreat, staring at Tang long, eyes full of thick disbelief.

At this time, of course, he has explored that Tang Long's strength is much weaker than he is, and only has the degree of the three realms of heaven and God. He is already the strength of the first level of the divine king. How can he be defeated by Tang Long!

It's hard to imagine!

Zhou Jiefeng's companion, that is, that Fang Shao, is also unbelievable at this time. I didn't expect that Tang Long actually caught Zhou Jiefeng's fist!

"Don't look at me, don't you see anything strange in your eyes?"

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