The warrior who flew out of the sky was very strong. His head was more than that of Tang long. He looked very powerful. His eyes were full of fierce light. His momentum spread out and his strength reached the four levels of divine king!

The warrior's face was fierce, like a devil. Most people would be afraid when they looked at him like this!

Tang Long is about to smash this guy into the air. Behind him, a simple and honest voice has been loud: "boss, I'll deal with him!"

Then Li Dahan flew over to Tang long.

Tang Long turned to look at Li Dahan and asked, "Stinky boy, how is your strength?"

Li Dahan said with a smile: "a fist can kill him!"


Tang Long was a bit surprised.

He looked at Li Dahan: "it seems that your boy's strength has improved a lot recently."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Li Da had a simple smile: "some time ago, when I was using the Pangu axe, I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, I entered an inexplicable space. As a result, my strength improved a lot, and then I took ginseng fruit, and my strength soared a lot."

"Is it?" Tang Long was surprised to see Li Dahan: "is there a hidden inheritance in Pangu axe?"

"I don't know!" Li Da Han Han Han smile, smile a little proud: "anyway, I only know, my strength has improved a lot, and Tang Kuo they are the same!"

"Just like Tang Kuo and them!" Tang Long immediately widened his eyes.

What a fool! You are a fool!

You know, the five people in Tang Dynasty are the blood of Shura, and the five veins are connected. After taking ginseng fruit before, their strength has soared to the nine levels of Shenjun. Is Li Dahan's strength even reaching the level of the Ninth level of Shenjun?!

"That's interesting!"

Tang Long suddenly had a smile on his face.

He looked at the strong man who jumped out of Xianyu's pocket: "you boy is really bad luck. You are so active in looking for death!"

Said, looked at Li Dahan wave: "go, give them some fierce!"


Li Dahan agreed in a loud voice and flashed to the warrior's eyes: "Hello, what's your name?"

"You don't deserve to know my name yet!"

Li's fist burst out with a heavy blow!

Li Dahan see each other even name are disdain to tell himself, the heart is also a little angry!

He wanted to keep his hands a little, and now he doesn't!

He condensed his vitality, and a breath of ancient times burst out from him. Although he did not display his natural constitution of the savage body, the power of the vitality he cultivated was also extremely strong!

At this time, Li Dahan is also extremely powerful.

In front of him, his opponent felt the powerful momentum of Li Dahan, and suddenly his eyes were filled with horror!

Originally, he thought he was very strong. He wanted to take a head and make a great achievement, but he didn't expect that it was an egg hitting a stone!

How can he defeat Li Dahan, the God King's nine strength?!

Isn't this for death?!

Behind him, on the faces of Xianyu changsui and others, he also appeared a very obvious shock. He did not expect that there was such a master hidden in the Tang clan. He was a strong man in the nine realms of God King!


I can't help but worry.

Unfortunately, it is too late for him to worry because Li Dahan has already made a move.

Li Zhitong, who is about to take back his fist, is just going to attack him!




Thundering sky, with the sound of bone broken together!

Li Dahan, the opponent, screamed directly and flew out with a powerful force. He flew more than 50 meters, and then he fell to the ground!

This time, has let the fresh in long with this side of the people, a facial expression, have become a little ugly up.

They didn't expect that the first world war would be so disastrous!

Xianyu changsui bit his teeth and turned to look at the North Guozhuang.

Beiguo Zhuang said in a deep voice, "the devil shadow of ram, this time you come!"


A low voice sounded. Then, a warrior in his fifties, dressed in black and looking very emaciated, flew out from behind Beiguo Zhuang.

The warrior stares at Li Dahan in a gloomy way: "boy, I really want to know how strong you can be

"Hold on!"

Li Dahan is about to fight with Gongyang demon shadow, but is stopped by Tang long.Li Dahan turned to look at Tang Long: "boss, what's the matter?"

Tang long looked at the ram's shadow: "the first war is over, the Second World War I certainly want to change people." Said, turn to look at Tang Lei: "you go to meet him!"


Tang Lei agreed, and his figure flashed. He had already appeared in front of ram's shadow.

Li Dahan is a little upset.

Just after a punch, Tang Long called him back. He was a little unhappy. It was really not enjoyable!

However, he still went back to Tang long.

There is also a reason why Tang Long called Tang Lei to fight.

Although Tang Lei's strength is the same as that of Li Dahan, Tang Lei has cultivated the power of Shura, and his attack power is stronger than Li Dahan.

Moreover, Tang Lei has the constitution of the body of Tianlei, and its comprehensive strength is stronger than that of Li Dahan.

The opponent has seen the strength of Li Dahan just now. How can the people sent out this time be much weaker than Li Dahan? Isn't it a death wish?!

Tang long worried about Li Dahan's mistakes, and also wanted to see Tang Lei's current strength, so he let Tang Lei go to war.

When he saw Tang Lei fly out, he immediately showed his disdain.

Some time ago, he also inquired about the comprehensive strength of Tangmen. He knew that Tang Kui was not low in identity, but their strength was not very strong. When he saw Tang Lei come out, he immediately felt that Tang Long was stupid?!

Obviously, Li Dahan is more powerful, but he has to let Tang Lei such a weak person come out!

Don't you ask Tang Lei to die?!

"Hey, since you have to get someone to die, I'm sorry if I don't kill him!"

With a gloomy smile, Gongyang's powerful momentum suddenly broke out. His strength was extremely strong. He had already reached the peak of Shenjun's nine levels. Even, it was obviously on the verge of breaking through!

Such strength, from the surface, is stronger than Li Dahan.

But at this time, Tang Long was a little speechless.

Originally, he thought that the strength of the ram demon shadow had to reach the realm of Shenzong, but he did not expect that he had not yet reached the realm of Shenzong!

Knowing this, he let Li Dahan continue to play this game.

Tang Lei looks at the shadow of ram. His face is full of arrogance. His momentum also bursts out suddenly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!