
The broken blade turned into a terrible torrent of ice and fire energy and roared away, turning the log in front of you into nothingness by direct bombardment!

in the distance, it's not as easy to panic as long as you can!

Tang Long has killed two deities. The most important thing is that Tang Long's fighting power seems to be getting stronger and stronger. It seems that Tang Long has become the master of the heaven and earth on this side. It is impossible to be defeated at all!

"These people I brought can't be his opponents. It seems that they can only retreat!"

Xianyu changsui thinks secretly.

He knew that Tangmen was too dangerous. If he didn't escape today, he would be killed!

He knew more clearly that he had offended Tangmen!

"We have to find other ways to deal with Tangmen. Although I don't want to unite with heishou Shenzong, I'm afraid I have to do this at this time. We have to unite all the clans in dark Shenzhou and concentrate our strongest fighting power to destroy Tangmen. Otherwise, I would never die without a grave in changsui!"

"Retreat!" he murmured

Said, also regardless of the people around, directly turned to the distance quickly away.

He is afraid at this time!

I'm really scared!

Looking at the sky piercing blade in front of him and the Tang clan leader who looked like an ancient mad God, he had only one thought in his mind, that is, to stay away from here immediately.

Tang Long sighed when he saw these guys escape.

After a series of battles, his energy is also greatly consumed!

however, his mood has become extremely comfortable, and his depression in the city of genius has been swept away at this time!

Beigong Xianer and Youye, as soon as they took off, their eyes were full of joy and pride.

Tang Kuo, of course, they all came.

Tuoba mausoleum hammering the sky and Tuoba mausoleum pounding the ground are both looking at Tang long, and their eyes are full of disbelief. They really can't understand why every time Tang Long comes back, his strength is raised to an extremely terrible level!

at this time, their confidence in Tang Long has become stronger and stronger.

"It seems that our brother was absolutely right to join the Tang clan."

Tuoba mausoleum hammer day secretly thought.

The reason why he thinks so is not only because of the strength of Tang long, but also because of some ideas of Tang clan and a complete set of management system of Tang long, which make him admire very much!

In the past, they were always very uncomfortable in the thunderbolt sect. In fact, they were not willing to accept the unscrupulous and shameless behavior of the thunderbolt clan.

However, in those circumstances, they had to accept that environment.

Now it's different.

Now they live in these places under the jurisdiction of Tangmen, which makes them feel very comfortable and happy. Moreover, the danger of their being possessed by demons has been removed. Their cultivation has become smooth and they can continue to improve their strength. This also makes them more hopeful for the future.

Tang Long and all of them went back to the hall of the Tang clan in madiwen city.

He only dealt with some basic matters. Naturally, most of the aftercare work after the war was handed over to Tuoba mausoleum Chutian and Tuoba mausoleum Chudi.

Tang Long is also very good to these two people.

He could see that the two brothers were good people.

"From now on, we should pay close attention to the activities around the Tangmen. After today's events, those clansmen will have a very heavy sense of crisis!" Tang long looked at Tuoba mausoleum hammer heaven and Tuoba mausoleum Chui tunnel: "so this period of time, do a good job of preparedness is the key point!"

Tuoba mausoleum chuixian hesitated a little, looked at Tang Long and asked, "young master, why don't we take the initiative to attack? Now our Tangmen's comprehensive strength is very strong. All the Shenlong guards are transferred here, and they can be swept away one by one."

Tang Long laughs: "your method is too honest, not suitable for my present Tangmen!"

"Too honest?" Tuoba mausoleum hammer day Leng Leng Leng, next to the Tuoba mausoleum beat the ground is also confused, they did not feel their ideas honest ah!

All go to attack other people's clan door, all want to destroy other people's clan door, this still can say is honest?!

Tang Kuo and they are also very curious, looking at Tang long one by one.

"Villains, what do you think?" asked Beigong Xianer

Tang Long said: "now, what we want is time and stability. There are so many clans in dark China. There are just a few of them. How long will it take us to deal with them one by one? How much energy does it take? "

"Yes Tang Kuo's eyes brightened: "our Tangmen have greatly improved their comprehensive strength, and they don't care about these clans. Moreover, the young master's first battle must have made them feel a heavy sense of crisis to our Tangmen!"

Beigong Xianer then said, "so next, they will definitely unite as soon as possible, and want to deal with Tangmen with the help of a large number of people. We just solved them together, and then we can quickly swallow up the whole dark China!""That's it?" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

The reason why he made such a high-profile war today was to make those guys feel crisis. After all, before that, Tangmen had repeatedly announced that they would not take the initiative to attack any clan. However, if anyone dared to provoke Tangmen, he would be destroyed!

Only this one purpose is enough to make these sects of Tang clan have a great sense of power!

Tang Long knew that if there was no accident, these clans would surely come together soon!

He looked at Tang Kuo and said, "these days, if you go out, you will say that our Tangmen are well prepared. We have to deal with those clans that came to our Tangmen just now. Moreover, the whole madiven city must become the territory of our Tangmen!"

"Yes Tang Kuo quickly agreed.

He knew that Tang Long's arrangement was to force the previous clans to attack Tangmen as soon as possible.

Next, Tang Que and they all go to their respective busy, Tang Long has not seen the North Palace fairy son and Youye for a long time, so he has the cheek to pull them away.

Beigong Xianer and Youye are helpless.

However, they also miss Tang long very much, so they don't refuse Tang long at this time. They have dinner together. Seeing that it's very late, the three chat at will. Tang Long is a bit dishonest!

Beigong Xianer and Youye take a look at each other. They both know each other's meaning.

"You villain, why are you so dishonest? Can't you speak for a while?" Bei Gong xian'er grabbed Tang Long's hand helplessly: "I'll make a fool of myself later!"

Tang long looked at her, and with a smile, he cheekily said, "I'm hungry!"

"You --"

Beigong Xianer is completely speechless.

All so long no see, she originally miss him very much, at this time how willing to refuse him!

"Let's go and have a rest." She had to whisper.

Of course, Tang long will not object!

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