Tang long looked at the warrior of the blood temple in front of him and asked, "who is Tang Long?" "These people obviously got some information about me from Gao Tianye, but they didn't see me. In this case, things will turn around."

He immediately in the heart, contacted Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue beside him, and told them respectively his plan at this time in his heart.

Because of the limited time, he can only tell them his plan in the simplest way.

He said to Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue in his heart: "don't think I'm Tang long, and you show that you want to find Tang long very much. Just say I promise to take you to Tang long. You are convinced by me. That's it."

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue fully understand the meaning of Tang long, but they can't guess the purpose of Tang long.

Tang Long has no time to explain more.

Now, he did not want to have an immediate conflict with the eight blood temples in front of him.

He was worried about the safety of lie Yunchang and Tang Xiaohu.

He had to find a way to save them first, and then he could clean up the people who knew about it.

This matter must not be transmitted to the high-level of the blood temple.

He looked at the eight warriors in front of him, pretended to be helpless and sighed, "I know what your mission is, but you don't know. This time, you have a big accident!"

"What do you mean?" These warriors look at Tang Long and don't understand the meaning of Tang Long's words.

Tang long light way: "is Gao childe let you look for the girl that Tang Long likes, isn't it?"

The eight warriors were more and more surprised.

Mr. Gao didn't know much about it.

The warrior in the front of the six realms of Shenzong looked at Tang Long and asked, "how do you know about us?"

"I just met Mr. Gao not long ago. Of course I know that." Tang Long's voice dropped, and his powerful momentum burst out, but also showed the power of blood demons. He said, "I also know that you know where ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are from lie yunshang and Tang Xiaohu."

Hearing Tang Long's words, the eight warriors in the blood Temple became more and more curious.

They can't think of it. How can Tang Long know such a secret thing!

The warrior of the six levels of the God sect of the blood god temple looked at Tang Long suspiciously and asked, "we didn't report to Mr. Gao about lieyunshang and Tang Xiaohu. How do you know that?"

Tang Long explained: "you sent it out. One of the 120 people told me.

After a pause, he sighed: "all your men are dead!"

"How could that be possible?" The warrior stares at Tang long in disbelief: "among those 120 people, there are even warriors in the triple realm of Shenzong. How can they all be killed?"

Tang Long said, "they are ambushed!"

The warrior quickly asked, "who ambushed them?"

Tang Long said: "they were ambushed by witches. There are thousands of witches. Even among them, there are witches who have reached the level of divine respect. These witches surround your subordinates and kill them all!"

The warrior looked at Tang Long suspiciously: "so many people have accidents, how can you be good?"

Tang Long said with a wry smile: "there are two of your men who broke through the encirclement and escaped with these two girls, but the pursuers in the rear were chasing closely. They happened to meet me and gave the two girls to me. They resisted the pursuers!"

The warrior still didn't believe in Tang long.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what was wrong with Tang long.

After all, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are safe here, and Tang Long obviously has the power of blood demon.

The most important thing is that Tang Long's strength is only the eight realms of God and king.

The warrior of the eight realms of the divine king could not have dealt with the 120. He sent to arrest Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue? It seems that only one hundred and twenty people come to complete the task!

Although the warrior thought there was nothing suspicious about Tang Long's words, he still refused to believe Tang long.

After thinking about it, he thought of a possibility!

Suddenly, he looked serious, staring at Tang Long: "are you a wizard?"

Tang Long explained, "if I'm a wizard, can I bring them here? If I am a wizard, can I know that they are the women that Tang Long likes? Can you know that this is Mr. Gao helping Tang Long and trying to find the woman before Tang Long? "

After hearing Tang Long's words, the warrior of the six realms of Shenzong was speechless.

Can think about it, he immediately thought of a flaw: "or you devour the soul of one of my men!"

"I'm dizzy!"

Tang Long looks very speechless.

He looked at the warrior and said helplessly, "can it be so easy to swallow the soul? Doesn't that have to be done in a specific environment? Does that take a long time? But when did your men go to work? Is there a time to devour souls? "After a pause, he sighed, "well, I'll prove that I'm not a wizard!"

"How do you prove it?"

"Very simple!"

Tang Long's powerful spirit burst out.

Of course, this is not the spiritual power of the seven grade Dandi, nor the spiritual power of the second grade real Dan God, but the strength of the spiritual power that the Dan master of the second grade Dandi can possess.

Tang Long's spiritual power broke out, and the God in front of him believed Tang long when he was in power.

He knows that witches have no spirit.

When the wizard devours the soul of the dant, the spiritual power of the dant will be transformed into the soul power of the wizard.

Soul power cannot refine elixir.

In other words, witches can't refine elixir, but can summon demons.

This is the biggest difference between a wizard and a warrior in the blood temple.

Tang Long showed his mental strength and immediately proved that he was not a wizard at all.

In front of Tang long, the warrior knew that Tang Long was a Dan master, and he was also a second grade Dandi. Looking at Tang Long's eyes, he immediately apologized.

He immediately apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I have to doubt you just for the sake of caution."

After a pause, he continued: "since you know Mr. Gao, you should know that Mr. Gao is a person who pursues perfection in everything. We should be careful when we do things below. In case something goes wrong with me, I'm afraid I will have trouble."

"I can understand you and know more about Mr. Gao!" Tang Long said: "my martial uncle and Mr. Gao are very familiar, and I also know Mr. Gao."

"In that case, we are not outsiders." The warrior laughed and looked at the two girls beside Tang Long: "what's their situation?"

Tang Long said: "the people you sent are really reckless. They had a conflict with them. They were arrested by the people you sent. This is a misunderstanding." After a pause, he continued: "they wanted to find Tang long. I said that I could show them Tang long. Naturally, they would like to go with me. This was a very simple thing, but your subordinates almost ruined it!"

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