Tang Long turns his head and looks. Not far away, ye Qingling and xuelingyue, as well as Tang Xiaohu and lieyunshang, are sitting around the fire burning barbecue and saying something in a low voice.

Tang Long is really hungry.

She went over and sat down beside xuelinyue, who had already handed him a piece of barbecue.

In a hurry to eat, Tang long looked at Tang Xiaohu and asked: "in the city of fire, you were arrested without resistance, right?"

"Yes." Tang Xiaohu nodded: "they first controlled the parents and family members of the younger martial sister, and then caught the younger martial sister. I was very passive at that time, and was blackmailed by them and lost my resistance."

Tang Long nodded and asked again, "have you told these people about the destruction of the heaven cave?"

"No Tang Xiaohu explained: "master, I didn't mean to betray Shiniang's whereabouts, because I know that they will come to you if they have something to do with you. You can certainly come to save us. And I know that you can deal with the people they sent. That's why I said where they are. I think that's the only way to save us."

Tang Long nodded.

He did not blame Tang Xiaohu.

And he knows that Tang Xiaohu's approach is completely correct.

At that time, both Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang were arrested, and the people in the city Lord's house were also arrested. Even if Tang Xiaohu didn't Tell ye Qingling and xuelingyue where they were, they would surely return!

When the time comes, people from the blood temple will set traps here. Ye Qingling will throw themselves into the net, and the situation will be even worse.

"I'm much relieved that you didn't tell me about the destruction of the heaven cave. Although we have destroyed the demons, who knows if they have told more people about it. If the people of the blood Temple know about the existence of mieshitian grottoes, they will probably investigate a lot of things under their investigation. "

After thinking about it, he continued, "now we can't rest. We have to go back and save yunshang's parents at night, and then we'll leave immediately."

After a pause, he looked at lie yunshang and said, "yunshang, I plan to let your parents go to the heaven soul world and madiven city together. There will be better development there. Moreover, I just need to place a city Lord who can make me feel at ease in madiven city."

"I'll go back and talk to my parents." Strong cloud clothes road.

"I will tell your parents about this in person, and it must be done. Because I will fall out with the blood god temple sooner or later, and many things will be on the table. Even if your husband's parents are here temporarily, they will certainly not be able to stay any longer."

"I see." Lieyunshang nodded.

Next, a few people will no longer rest, will be here to clean up a bit, will be around all traces are completely erased, this just took off to the high altitude, in the direction of the city of strong light back.

Although there are several warriors in the blood temple in the city of lieguang, their strength is very weak.

Tang Long didn't need to do anything at all.

Tang Xiaohu and his beast, as well as Tang Long's, worked together. In the dark, it took less than 10 minutes to destroy all the warriors in the blood god hall in the city Lord's house.

Then, they are the parents who rescued lie yunshang safely.

Sitting together in the hall of the city Lord's mansion, Tang Long is going to persuade strong yunshang's parents.

Tang long looked at lie yunshang's father, lie Zhenbei, and said very seriously: "you should also know that you can't stay in the city of lieguang. Although the city master of lieguang is very noble, compared with the danger here, I think you should listen to me and move away as soon as possible! "

Lie yunshang immediately said: "Dad, madiwen city is so big, and it will be occupied by my master and become the territory of Tangmen. When you get there, you must be much better than here!"

Tang Xiaohu also said: "in the future, the whole dark land, even the whole land of ghosts and dead ghosts, will become the territory of Tangmen. The most important thing is that the heaven soul world is much safer than this world. If you go there, you can develop well and concentrate on cultivation. Why not do it?"

Strong earthquake North frown to think.

Then he turned to look at his wife.

Although Tang Long's words are reasonable, they have lived in the city for so many years, and even the foundation of the city is his hard work.

So gave up to leave, his heart, is really some reluctant to give up.

However, he had already known the situation here. He was frightened by the fact that it was just a blood temple!

Discuss with several elders of Liefu in detail. Seeing the dawn, lie Zhenbei finally makes a decision.

He obeyed Tang Long's arrangement.

However, he also asked that his family and his subordinates should be taken away together.

Naturally, Tang long will not object to this.

Looking at lie Zhen Bei, he said: "the number of people who can be taken away can't be too many, and they have to go through strict examination, because I'm afraid that those who mix into the blood temple will be bad!"

"I know that. Don't worry!"Lie Zhenbei has heard about the bloodthirsty devil and the bloodthirsty Demon Lord. Even when the people of the blood god temple caught them, they also exerted their blood Demon power. Therefore, at this time, he was very cautious about this matter.

After all the discussion, all the things here are not needed.

Tang long looked at Tang Xiaohu: "wait for them to move away, search the city master's house carefully, and don't leave any suspicious clues."

"I see." Tang Xiaohu nodded.

Then, people began to deal with all kinds of things in a hurry.

Tang long, of course, is helping.

Seeing that the sky is bright, Tang long, with Ye Qingling and Xue linyue, plans to have a meal and have a rest. Suddenly, the voice of Dongfang bing'er rings in the heart of Tang long.

Dongfang bing'er, with huixinmen, said in the heart of Tang Long: "dragon, Gongsun Mo'er is coming to us!"

"Well, I'll go back now!" Tang Longlian was busy.

At this time, the affairs of lieguang city have been basically handled. Although there are still some aftercare work, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are here, and Tang Xiaohu and lieyunshang are also at ease.

So he was ready to go back immediately.

Summoning the Huixin gate between Dongfang binger and Tang Long directly appears in front of Dongfang bing'er and asks, "what about Gongsun Mo'er?"

"She's out there." Dongfang bing'er's voice dropped, and he hesitated: "dragon, I'm afraid we've been busy in vain this time to the city of genius."

Tang Long listened to the Oriental bing'er's words, and was immediately upset. He asked, "what do you mean?"

You know, he did his best to catch the blood demon. If it wasn't for him, Gongsun Mo'er, let alone finish the task, whether they could come back alive or not is unknown.

Now the task is completed, how can he wait so many days for nothing?!

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