Tang Long took out a box: "there are three blood magic pills in it, and there is a letter. Please give this box to him. Remember, this matter must not be known to others!"

"I see." Nangong Ao quickly nodded: "young master, don't worry, these days, I have contact with people from all walks of life, and Zhao wangba also knows these things. When I was with Zhao wangba, I said that I would help him to find out the news and help him to draw blood relations. Therefore, I could walk around. I went one or two and was familiar with many people."

Tang Long was surprised to see Nangong AO and asked, "are you familiar with the north wind cold?"

"It's not bad between him and me!" Nangong Ao said: "the north wind is cold in our evil Lord's palace. I also know two masters of the world. I have made some excuses and made some relations with him, but I also spent some money."

"You've done very well!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

Nangong Ao asked curiously, "young master, the north wind cold talks about you everywhere. Is there any misunderstanding in this middle?"

Tang long curled his lips: "I have a good relationship with him. There is no hatred. Only for his safety in the blood temple, I have to make an appearance that I have hatred with him. After all, sooner or later, I have to turn against the blood temple. I am protecting him like this!"

"Oh Nangong Ao nodded and immediately understood the hidden meaning of Tang Long's words. Tang Long was worried that he would fall out with the blood god hall and be implicated in the north wind.

He immediately said: "then I will go to the north wind cold residence, now to find him, there must be no problem!"

"Yes Tang Long nodded.

Nangong Ao left in a hurry, and then he went to find the north wind.

The north wind cold present mood, is indeed very uncomfortable.

He felt that Tang Long was so successful that he forgot him, which made him very depressed.

And he felt that his sister was really wrong!

He even thought that Tang Long might never go to the dead flame island again. He must have forgotten his precious sister!

"I thought that I finally found a reliable person for my sister, but I didn't expect that, ah, I still looked away!" The north wind cold sighed, but at this time, there was a knock on the door: "Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

"Who?" The tone of the cold north wind is not very good, showing irritability.

Humanity outside the door: "it's me, Nangong Ao."

"What's the matter?" Asked the north wind.

Nangong Ao said: "I have something very important. Please allow me to go in and talk."

Beifenghan frowned again, but still opened them in the past. Looking at Nangong Ao standing at the door, he was very upset and said: "you went to the banquet of the Lord of Bear Kingdom? How can you still remember me? "

Nangong Ao laughs: "the north wind Lord forgot that I used to be under the Tianhe river!"

"What do you mean?" The north wind froze.

Nangong Ao laughs: "I want to say that I was originally from the black feather tribe!"

"What?" The north wind suddenly widened his eyes.

Nangong Ao's two sentences seem to have nothing to do with each other, but beifenghan knows that Nangong Ao's two sentences contain too much content!

Because Beigong Han knows that heiyantan is a member of Heiyu tribe!

He immediately glared at Nangong Ao: "you and black flame bullet, before knew?"

"Of course Nangong Ao nodded definitely: "I and heiyantan are good brothers who play from childhood to big, we have a good relationship!"

North wind cold busy asked: "so say, all along is Tang Long let you in Ying Tianhe side?"

"Of course not!" Nangong Ao said: "originally, I was really around yingtianhe, but later I learned that heiyantan has also come to this world, and is also the enemy of yingtianhe. Naturally, I want to help my good brother who grew up together since childhood. The relationship between me and heiyantan is naturally better!"

Beifenghan looked at Nangong Ao a little incomprehensible: "what do you mean by saying these to me?"

Nangong Ao laughs: "this is my biggest secret. Of course, it is also the biggest secret of Heiyan bullet. Since I can tell you this, it certainly shows that this secret is not what I want to say!"

"Tang Long asked you to come to me and tell me this?" Beifenghan finally knows the purpose of Nangong Ao.

Nangong Ao nodded.

There are two main purposes of his roundabout speech:

first, he wants beifenghan to believe the relationship between him and Tang long.

Second, he wanted to make the north wind cold feel. He came here completely because of Tang Long's intention. Moreover, obviously Tang long did not forget the north wind cold. After all, Tang long would never tell such a secret to anyone who could not be trusted by Tang Long!

North wind cold doubts asked: "Tang Long let you come to me, is for what?"

"He asked me to give you this." Nangong Ao took out a box and handed it to beifenghan: "you open the letter inside and destroy it immediately after reading it. The elixir inside is given to you to improve your strength.""Oh

In the cold eyes of the north wind, there is a sudden surprise.

Is there a baby in the box to enhance strength? This is a big surprise. It's really wonderful. It's absolutely unexpected!

He opened the box in a hurry.

In the box, there are three holy elixirs with one pattern. What kind of elixir is it? The north wind can't recognize it!

If this is a normal blood demon pill, beifenghan is naturally aware of it. However, at this time, the blood demon pill was tempered by Tang long. The blood red light of the blood demon pill has disappeared, and it is emitting a light golden light.

Such a blood demon pill, the north wind cold has never seen, naturally impossible to understand.

He looked at Nangong AO and asked, "what kind of elixir is this?"

Nangong Ao doesn't know the name of the elixir.

He said seriously: "you just take the elixir and improve your strength. Moreover, you can never tell anyone. Besides, you must finish reading the letter immediately, and you must destroy it in front of me, so that I can be completely relieved! "

Seeing Nangong Ao so serious, the north wind cold also became serious.

He was curious to know what was written in the letter.

Open the letter and read it. It said: "I left the demon lord's palace a while ago and went to the black rock mountain. The bright moon is very good now. You can rest assured that I am trying to get to the top level of the blood temple. When I have the opportunity, I will try to transfer you to the high level of the blood temple. Now, you'd better keep a low profile as far as possible!"

After reading these words written by Tang long, the cold eyes of the north wind suddenly showed a deep surprise.

Obviously, Tang Long didn't forget him at all!

Moreover, Tang Long is actually trying to find a way to let him go to the blood Temple headquarters to develop in a better place!

Obviously, Tang Long is very good to him!

"This son of a bitch, I really didn't mistake him. After my good sister married him, he was still worthy of me. I didn't look away at him!" The cold north wind completely relieved Tang long.

He took the letter, in front of Nangong Ao's face, condensed the power of the blood devil, and ground the letter thoroughly.

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