Tang Long is still angry!

He glared at Gao Tian and asked, "if you want to kill me, who else can it be? I know you have a great reputation in the city of genius. It's amazing

After a pause, he continued to say angrily: "it's you who let me go to the city of genius to do the task. After the task is completed, only you will probably know where I live. Gongsun Mo'er and I will go through life and death with me. They can't betray me. Only you let me do the task for nothing, but you can't let me go to the devil's cave, and then bear the responsibility I'm afraid that people will laugh at you, so I'll just send someone to kill me! "

It seems that the more he said, the more angry he was, and even roared: "the man named Zhou Tiantian and Zhou Jiefeng must be your gaotianye's lackeys, all your family members, right?"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Gao Tianye suddenly looked gloomy!

He was already angry about it.

He knew that someone was behind him and was deliberately dismantling his platform. It was obvious that the man's goal had been achieved. There was a rift between him and Tang long, and even unhappiness with the Zhou family!

"Who is the man who let Tang long be attacked?" Gao Tianye thinks secretly.

He has already guessed several people.

It's easy for these people to guess that they were Gongsun Mo'er, Zhong Li Xueyan, and Mai Dangxiong. After all, Tang Long was in the city of genius at that time. Only the three of them knew where he lived when he finished his task.

How can Zhou Tianli know when Tang long will leave the city of genius? It's obviously a snitch. Someone's setting it up in the back!

Gao Tianye didn't say much.

He will wait for the end of the blood evil Pill Case, because the blood evil pill case is too big!

The warrior glared at Tang Long and said angrily, "Tang long, this is not the time to ask you about those things. Now, you just need to answer my questions honestly!"

Tang Long asked angrily, "what do you want me to answer?"

"When did you return to the demon lord's palace? Say the exact time Asked the warrior.

Tang Long turned to look at the Black Ghost bear: "this matter, the bear world Master knows very clearly, let me say, it is better to let the Black Ghost bear world Master, this is more convincing, moreover, in addition to the Black Ghost bear world Master, there are many people can prove."

After a pause, he looked at the warrior and asked curiously, "when do you want me to come back? Is it difficult for me to come back? "

The warrior did not speak and turned to look at the nigger bear.

Naturally, the nigger bear would not hide it, and he didn't want to hide it.

He just said what he knew later according to the plan of strong Qingtian.

Now is the time to say these things.

He told the story of Tang Long's return, and then looked at the warrior and said, "I believe you must be wrong about this matter. Although Tang Long left the city of genius and came back three days later, it was a bit coincident. However, it was reasonable for him to go out to play, which could not explain the problem."

Strong Qingtian also began to help Tang Long speak: "the most important thing is that Tang long can't be able to complete such a big thing. I believe it's just a coincidence that Tang Long has the ability to finish such a big thing."

"Zhou family?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, looking at strong Qingtian asked: "Zhou family was destroyed?"

Then, his eyes fell on Gao Tianye, and he said: "I'm sure that Gao Tianye must have done something about the destruction of the Zhou family. You think, Gao Tianye sent the Zhou family to kill me, and then failed to kill me. Gao Tianye must be angry, and then he went to kill the Zhou family!"

What he said is pure nonsense!

But it also let people know that Tang Long didn't know the Zhou family very well. Otherwise, how could he easily say that the Zhou family in the blood temple was destroyed!

is the Zhou family in the blood temple so easy to be destroyed?!

The expression on Gao Tianye's face became more and more ugly. He knew that Tang long had a deep misunderstanding of him because of this incident, and he put all his unhappiness in the city of genius on his head.

At this time, he did not explain.

He had to wait for the examiners to leave before explaining to Tang long.

At this time, Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long and said: "Tang long, it seems that you can't blame Mr. Gao for this matter. He is still very good to you and has been protecting you."

The man who asked questions stared at Tang Long: "why did you kill Zhou Jiefeng?"

Tang Long immediately looked angry: "this matter, you ask me better ask Gao Tianye, if he did not send someone to find fault, how could such a thing happen? That week, Jiefeng started to beat me when he saw me. I thought I met a mad dog. How can I not kill a mad dog in the face of it? "


All of them were speechless again.

Tang Long dared to call Zhou's people mad dogs. He was indeed a fearless ignorant man!

The warrior frowned helplessly, but asked again, "I heard you have several magical beasts?"

"So what?" The dragon of Tang Dynasty was so angry that he summoned all his five beasts. Of course, Longxuan, longying and Jinyi Kunpeng would not summon them out!Strong Qingtian knew about zhugangli and other divine animals, and Tang long used them in front of Gongsun Mo'er when he was in xuehuang mountain. Therefore, Tang Long generously summoned them all out.

He glared at the warrior who asked questions in front of him and said angrily, "I have a divine beast. Are you jealous? What kind of ability is it to envy others if you are jealous of yourself? "

The warrior looked at Tang Long's five headed beasts and frowned again.

Although there are many miraculous animals who snatch the blood demon pill, it is obvious that Tang Long's fighting power is much weaker.

And Tang Long obviously has no time to commit a crime!

After a pause, the warrior asked again, "do you know Zhou Wanda?"

"Why should I know him? He doesn't give me money, he doesn't give me natural wealth. Do I know him? I'm sick Tang Long rushed to the road, obviously, at this time he seemed to be very unbalanced!

After that, he glared at Gao Tianye again: "you don't want me to believe you again. What I said before was good. I can go to Zhoutian grottoes. Now, let me have a busy time. If it wasn't for me, would they have completed this task? They must have died, but later, they even threw me away. Even after that, you even sent someone to kill me. Now, you even mobilized people to make a crime. I tell you, I'm not such a bully! "

"I didn't send anyone to kill you!" Gao Tianye can't help but explain.

"You didn't send a man to kill me. Can that man kill me as soon as he comes like a mad dog?" Tang Long Qi Huhu way.

Gao Tianye frowned and explained: "I don't know anything about Zhou Jiefeng. Zhou Tiantian killed you, probably because you killed Zhou Jiefeng. He came to revenge. I don't know about it yet. I have to go back and investigate it! "

Tang Long asked angrily, "isn't Zhou Tianli your dog?"

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