Qianji keel has already taken Tang long into the wall of the first layer of defense circle. In front of Tang long, there are many kinds of great fortress style buildings in front of Tang long. In addition, the sound of roaring from the sky is constantly ringing in the wall!

"There seems to be a lot of Warcraft in here?" Tang long looked at Qianji keel and asked, "where are these Warcraft from?"

"You don't need to care about that." Qianji keel said: "as long as you know, anything you see in front of you, outside, you can't say it casually, otherwise, it will bring you disaster!"

"I see." Tang Long nodded.

He won't talk about things here. If he wants to say it, he will tell Dongfang bing'er or go back to Tangmen.

Of course, he will choose some things to tell strong Qingtian.

In fact, many people in the blood Temple know something about the experimental base.

It's just that these people know it's fuzzy.

Qianji keel with Tang long, slowly forward, to introduce him to a place, introduce a person to know, a full walk of more than two hours, Tang long into the second layer of the wall!

Qianji keel walked into the gate of the second layer of wall, stopped, looked at Tang Long and said: "you are here, your identity is my assistant, so there are some powers. You can transfer all the people on the first floor at will, but you don't have this right for the people in the second layer."

After a pause, he continued, "of course, I'll send you some people to use. When you get there, you'll be responsible for one thing."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Qianji keel said seriously: "Gongsun Mo'er is a very important person. That girl will play an unimaginable important role in your future. You'd better deal with Gongsun Mo'er than with Gao Tianye!"

Tang Long was stunned.

At first, he thought that the Qianji keel would definitely let him not associate with Gongsun Mo'er. How come now, the Qianji keel actually let him communicate with Gongsun Mo'er?!

"This guy, is he still thinking about it?"

Tang Long has an indescribable feeling in his heart.

But he was curious and asked, "is Gongsun Mo'er's family more powerful than Gao Tianye?"

"It's totally different." "The power behind Gao Tianye is very strong, but he can't really regard you as a brother. At most, he regards you as a tool. If you are still valuable in his eyes, he will treat you well. Gongsun Mo'er's girl is different. If she really treats you well, she has no purpose, just to you. "

"I see." Tang Long nodded.

He didn't care much about this, because he didn't intend to stay in the blood god temple for a long time. Even once he found the blood drinking knife, he felt that Gao Tianye or Gongsun Mo'er might become enemies with him!

After all, he is not the blood god temple person, even is not the blood demon world person!

Qianji keel goes forward again.

As he walked along, he said to Tang Long: "I have a lot of research here. You don't need to understand all of them for the time being. There are only two things you need to do now. The first is to learn all kinds of useful medicinal materials for Warcraft, and the other is to help me look after my medicine pool!"

"Medicine pool?" Tang Long was stunned and speechless.

I'm really predestined with the medicine pool!

Qianji keel said: "my medicine pool, but it took me a lot of effort to build up, and this is also due to the north wind cold, otherwise, I can't make such a good thing!"


Tang Long was completely speechless.

He knew that he made the medicine pool!

Of course he won't say it.

Looking at Qianji's keel and laughing, Tang Long said, "to be honest, I have a special preference for all kinds of medicinal materials, and I especially like the herbs that are useful for Warcraft. I also like to study them at ordinary times."

"Is it?" Qianji keel turns his head and looks at Tang Long with appreciation and love in his eyes!

Tang Long's heart beat with drums when he saw it!

Fortunately, Qianji keel's eyes immediately shifted away and went on: "I hope you don't let me down. You know, I spent a lot of effort to make you qualified to be here!"

After a pause, he continued: "when you are outside, there are no major things. You should not let others know that you are from the experimental base. However, if you encounter very serious problems, you can also show your identity as an assistant of the experimental base. This identity seems very small, but the high-level of the blood god temple knows that the people in my experimental base can't move!"


Hearing this, Tang Long's eyes twinkled with brilliance.

He suddenly found that the identity of the experimental base seems to be very useful in the blood temple!

He asked, "is my status higher than that of the Lord?"

"Of course Qianji keel said in a deep voice: "you are my assistant. I have only five assistants in total, while there are only ten experimental bases in my blood temple. Do you think my assistant's body will be low?""Not low, absolutely not low!" Tang Longlian was busy, and his heart became more and more happy.

With a higher identity, he can be more comfortable in the blood temple.

As they walked, they said that they walked slowly. At noon, Tang Long and Qianji keel entered the fourth layer of the wall, and this is where Tang long will stay.

Here is the place where thousand machine keel is equipped with medicine pool.

Moreover, the cultivation and experiment of some low-level mutant Warcraft are also carried out here.

Of course, the cultivation and experiment of high-level Warcraft is not here. Here are just some basic things. Of course, some mature research and things about to be eliminated are also in the fourth level.

Qianji keel took Tang long into a fortress in the fourth layer of the wall, looked at Tang Long and said, "you will work here in the future. If you have any difficulties, please tell me that I will stay here for an hour every morning."

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

At the moment, he was completely relieved.

In the daytime, Qianji keel only comes here for an hour in the morning. Then, Qianji keel has no time to "harm" him!

As for the evening, of course he will go, and he can't stay here!

They had dinner together at noon.

In the afternoon, Qianji keel didn't leave. He told Tang Long some knowledge about various medicinal materials. At this time, Tang long wanted to show off, and he wanted to go to the inner layer. Therefore, his performance shocked Qianji keel!

Tang Long knows no less than Qianji keel about the knowledge of Warcraft's various medicinal materials. Even for the concept of the integration of various medicinal materials, Tang Long has no weaker understanding than Qianji keel!

This makes Qianji keel very happy.

He suddenly found that the Tang dragon was indeed of great use!

Looking at Tang long, Qianji keel couldn't help asking, "are you really good at refining elixir? Does this have something to do with your mastery of these herbs? "

"Of course Tang Long quickly nodded: "the foundation of my alchemy is the knowledge I have mastered." After a pause, he said triumphantly, "master of thousand machines, I dare not hide it from you. Now, I can master 90% of refining holy elixir!"


After hearing Tang Long's words, Qianji keel was shocked!

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