"Xiao Yihan just came to me and was telling me about it." Qin Ziyi said: "he thought you forgot this matter, so come here to remind you."

"I was really busy forgetting it." Tang long felt a little sorry.

I should not have forgotten such an important thing. After all, how can those people who are eroded by radioactive energy suffer for Tangmen? How can they ignore it?!

"Don't worry, I'll go over and treat those people in the next two days!" Tang Longdao.

"I know. I told Xiao Yihan that he should prepare for it and gather the patients together."



next, they talked for a while, and Tang Long cut off the spiritual connection with Tang long.

He knew that all the things in front of him had to be completed before he left the demon lord's palace, because after he went to the city of genius with Gongsun Mo'er, he could not use huixinmen because there was no oriental bing'er to follow him. He would be very passive.

"In fact, I should let bing'er follow me so that I can be convenient. Otherwise, in case mietianzong attacks Tangmen for such a long time, what should I do?"

"But bing'er can't go to Heifeng mountain with me. It's too dangerous for her to wait for me in the city of genius alone."

Tang Long is a little entangled in thinking.

At this time, he did not dare to delay time, with a large number of books, registered, out of the library, and then he found a quiet place to contact the night.

Then he called out the gate of wisdom between the night and the night, and returned to Medivh city.

At this time, Beigong Xianer and Youye are here.

When they saw Tang Long coming, Bei Gong xian'er said nervously: "dragon, the situation is a little tense. Xianyu changsui has gathered 100000 people, and more than 30000 people can fly into the air!"

"What's so great about so many people!" On Tang Long's resolute face, a look of disdain appeared: "they can't help us!"

"I'm worried that they will kill wantonly, and the whole city of Medivh will suffer," he said

"We must pay attention to this." Tang Long frowned.

Although he hasn't taken control of Madison City, he doesn't want it to be so devastated.

Moreover, if madiven city suffers such a catastrophe, the Tang clan will fear many people in madiven city even if they take control of it. In the future, the management of madiven city will be very difficult!

at that time, once mietianzong attacks in a large scale, the people who survive in madiwen city may turn against the enemy and support the extermination Tianzong, this is what Tang Long absolutely doesn't want to see.

"Tang Yang and Xi Meng go out?" he said

"Yes." Beigong xian'er nodded: "according to what you said, let them go out to explore the enemy's movements, but also to understand the strength of those people."


Tang Long nodded.

After a pause, he continued to ask, "have all the people of shenlongwei of Tangmen gathered here?"

"Come together."

"How many of us are there altogether?"

"The number of us here is not very small, only more than 1000 people, because most of us are still in the source of evil spirits. Although we control there now, many things still need to be managed by a large number of people. The masters and my father and dad are all there."

"In that case, we have to do it!"

Tang Long has made a decision in his mind.

Beigong Xianer and Youye look at each other and know that Tang Long has made a decision. Youye looks at Tang Long and asks, "good man, what are you going to do?"

Tang Long said: "of course, it is the initiative to attack!"

"Take the initiative?" Youye and Beigong xian'er are stunned.

In Tang Long's eyes, there was a touch of arrogance: "although there are many of them, the most powerful one is just a few leaders. We directly rush to the outside of the city, waiting for them to enter the city, and exterminate those who take the lead outside the city. The rest of them are not to worry about!"

Then he turned his head and looked at the northern palace fairy and Youye: "go, let's meet Tang Kuo and get ready for action."


North Palace fairy son and you night, a start nodded.

Although they felt that Tang Long's decision was a little risky, it seemed to be the best way to ensure that the whole city of Madison would not be spread by the war.

At least in this way, the problem can be solved outside the city.

They walked out of the room together and soon entered a spacious hall.

This is, of course, the thunderbolt Hall of the former thunderbolt sect, and now it is the conference hall of the Tang clan. In this hall, Tang Kuo and Fengyun thunder, as well as Tuoba brothers, Li Dahan, and other important figures of the Tang clan in madiwen city gathered here.

Seeing Tang Long coming, Tang is short of them, and his eyes are filled with joy.Tang que looked at Tang Long and said, "young master, what do you think we should do? With such a large number of enemies, it is hard to imagine the consequences of a scuffle! "

Tang long looked at Tang Que and asked, "if you were asked to make a decision, what would you do?"

Tang Kuo said: "we have discussed for a long time just now. I think that instead of waiting to be besieged by those people, we should take the initiative to attack their lords. I believe that the clansmen of the alliance must be gathered together!"


Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

So was his plan, which coincided with Tang Kuo's ideas.

"Are all the people of Dragon Guard ready?" Tang Long's eyes fell on Tang Yi and Tang er not far away.

Tang Yi immediately said, "we are all ready to attack the enemy at any time."

"Tang Yang and Xi Meng have not come back yet?"

"Not yet.

"Then we'll wait!" Tang Long took the northern palace fairy and dark Ling Huangyou night together to the front of the hall on the wide chair, sat down and waited patiently.

Only when Tang Yang and Tang Yang come back, can Tang long have a better grasp of the enemy's movements!

then, he can take the initiative to attack!

After waiting for less than an hour, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng came back.

Seeing Tang Long here, the two men rushed over. Tang Yang looked at Tang longhui and reported: "young master, the number of them this time, even more than 100000, has been besieged. In less than an hour, the siege can be completed!"

"How many clan associations are there?" Tang Long asked.

Tang Yang said: "we have heard that this time, there are many sects which are less than the combination of changsui and changsui. There are more than 20 big sects. Moreover, there are more than 30 powerful Shenzong sects. Among them, the strongest one is the five martial arts masters of the four realms of the heishou sect."

"Is it amazing that the five gods are four strong?" In Tang Long's eyes, a flash of disdain!

After a pause, he asked, "how many people are there left who are still strong in God worship?"

"There are still more than 30 strong Shenzong, and the number of strong Shenjun is also very large, no less than 50. Such a lineup is indeed very strong!"

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