The dark Sword Pierced out of the twisted space, and then the whole sword appeared, and then Tang Yang had rushed out of the twisted space!


Black sword with a sharp whistling sound, look, is to stab in Lihong's chest!

But at this time, Lihong's fast downward body suddenly flashed back out, and the blue light sword in his hand was lifted up like lightning and blocked the attack of the lacquer black sword!


Green light sword awn and dark sword awn collide, suddenly sounded the earth shaking bombardment!

A strong momentum suddenly broke out from the place where the two swords collided. The green vigor swept through the dark energy, and turned into a terrible torrent of powerful Qi, sweeping towards Tang Yang!

Obviously, although Tang Yang's body method is extremely strange, his strength is still much weaker than Lihong.

Li Hong's sword, though it was a rush, was still more powerful than Tang Yang!

Qingguang power roars and sweeps, directly bombards in Tang Yang's chest!

Even though Tang Yang's body method was strange, he didn't have time to dodge at this time. He was directly bombarded by this powerful force and flew back out!

Flying more than ten meters, he did not stabilize his body shape. That Lihong had a flash of body shape, and had come towards him rapidly. In a flash, he had already appeared in front of him!

"Hey, hey

With a strange smile, the green light sword in Lihong's hand, with a sharp sword spirit, swept towards Tangyang lightning!


At this time, the space where Tang Yang was located suddenly distorted. Then, the moment the sword flashed through Tang Yang's throat, Tang Yang disappeared mysteriously!

Followed closely, a dark sword, is from behind Li Hong lightning stab out!

This lacquer black sword awn around, the space is in strange twist!

The attack of this sword appears and disappears!

However, this Lihong's body method is also extremely fast, and he has seen the strange attack means of Tang Yang before, so at this time, he is always on guard!

When he felt the strength behind him, he did not want to think about it. He suddenly turned around and waved the green sword in his hand like lightning, which directly blocked Tang Yang's dark sword!


Double swords collide again!

However, let Li Hong completely unexpected things happened!

At the moment when the dark sword and the green light sword collided together, in that strange and twisted space, Tang Yang's body shape flashed out, and Tang Yang's other hand even held a dark sword!


This small change is beyond everyone's expectation, even completely beyond Tang Long's expectation!

"Good boy!"

Tang long can't help but praise!

Tang Yang had always used a sword in his attacks before. But at this moment, two swords suddenly appeared. At the moment when the sword of his right hand collided with the sword of his opponent, the sword of his left hand had been thrown out towards the front Li Hong like lightning!

Lihong blocked the attack of Tang Yang's right-hand sword, and even the powerful momentum of Lihong sword broke out, and severely bombarded Tang Yang's chest, which directly blew Tang Yang out!

But before Tang Yang was blasted out, Tang Yang's left hand sword had already taken off and flew out. With the sound of howling, it stabbed the unsuspecting Lihong's chest!


Li Hong's eyes widened!

He had no idea that he would lose!

He is not reconciled!

He knows that although the opponent's body method is strange, his moving speed can absolutely block the attack of his opponent's strange body method. Moreover, his strength is stronger than his opponent's. as long as two swords collide with each other, he will soon cause heavy internal injury to the opponent!

Unfortunately, he did not expect that Tang Yang was so cunning!

Xianyu changsui didn't expect this result at all!

Even Tang Long didn't expect Tang Yang to win successively!

Relying on the strength of the Seven Realms of Shenjun, he has defeated two warriors in succession. Tang Yang is proud of his achievements!

Although Tang Yangsheng, but also has been injured!

His last attack, after all, the attack of his left hand also required him to pay attention to two purposes at one time, and it consumed his energy. Therefore, his defense became much weaker at that moment!

Li Hong's green light sword, at the moment when he blocked the sword on his right hand, a powerful momentum swept out of the sword. The strong spirit directly bombarded Tang Yang, spurting out a mouthful of blood from Tang Yang's attack and suffered internal injury.

It's not very serious, though.

He quickly took out a healing elixir and quickly took it. Tang Yang flew forward for more than 30 meters. His face was cold and his momentum was fierce. He was staring at Xianyu changsui, who was fifty meters away: "who is the next one?!Xianyu changsui stares at Tang Yang, his eyes are full of obvious ferocity!

The death of a flower enchantress, he has been very heartache, at this time, his very powerful Lihong, his first killer, was actually killed by Tang Yang.

In his heart, he was already very angry!

"Rosa eagle, screw his head off for me!" Xianyu growled with a fierce roar!

At this moment, he even wanted to fight Tang Yang himself!

However, he also knew that although he had the strength of the nine realms of the divine king, he could not resist Tang Yang's strange body method.

What's more, the thirty-nine people he selected did not include himself!

Rosa flying eagle is a member of Tianying sect, and is also a martial art of Shenzong.

Although the strength of the Rosa flying eagle is not better than that of the previous force Hong, after all, Tang Yang has suffered internal injuries at this time, and has been fighting for two times in a row!

Therefore, in Xianyu's opinion, Rosa flying eagle will be able to defeat Tang Yang.

The most important thing is that Xianyu changsui had long intended to annex tianyingzong. At this time, he asked Rosa Falcon to fight. He also hoped to let Rosa eagle be killed by his opponent after winning several contests!

He wants to consume the comprehensive strength of Tianying sect, so as to achieve the goal!

His ideas are not evil!

At the same time, he has to deal with the people in the Tang clan, while he is still calculating the people around him. He should take the opportunity to kill the people who he doesn't like and kill all the people who he thinks are dangerous at ordinary times!

Rosa flying eagle flew out, staring at Tang long, eyes like the eagle general fierce, the body showed the most cold murderous!

Tang Yang from Rosa flying eagle body, unexpectedly felt extremely strong murderous spirit!

Murderous as a knife!

"This is a murderer!"

Tang Yang thought secretly in his heart, condensing his energy and preparing for the attack.

However, at this time, he has suffered a little internal injury, and his vitality is still stagnant. Even if there is a strange body method, the speed of using this strange body method is slower than before. , the fastest update of the webnovel!