Tang Dian's blood Demon power surges, and then, a purple long energy knife, directly condensed in Tang Dian's chest!


The power of Shura broke out from Tang Dian's chest!

The strength of the explosion hit the hilt of the long knife which was condensed by energy in front of his chest. The long energy knife was aimed at bailihi, and it was like a flash of lightning!

The attack of this move is really weird and hard to believe!

What's more, the powerful stone breaks the sky!


With purple light and lightning, purplish red energy Sabre suddenly pierced through from the black strength, and directly and severely stabbed on the chest of hundred Lixi!

And at this time, sweeping from the dark energy, is also bombarded in Tang Dian's chest!



Tang Dian spurts a mouthful of blood and flies out more than 30 meters. He is firmly supported by Tang long, who comes quickly behind him. Then Tang Long quickly feeds Tang Dian a healing elixir!

This change, electric light flint!

Xianyu changsui looks at bailixi in a daze!

Bailihee's chest was deeply stabbed into the heart by a purplish red energy knife, and then the energy knife burst into pieces!

Bailihee had completely lost his breath of life and fell to the ground!

Although Tang Dian suffered internal injury, but the internal injury is not serious.

The most important thing is that he won the battle and killed his opponent directly!

His strange attack just now made people on bailihi's side feel incredible. Under such circumstances, Tang Dian used his strength to shake his chest and hit the handle of the knife to burst out this knife!

Such a knife is like a special positioning, and then directly burst out, hit the target in an instant. It's really terrible!

Even Tang long, can't help but praise Tang diangang's attack means!

After all, that attack is too weird, too effective, too hard to guard against!

In fact, Tang diangang, if it was not for the preparation of the last attack, just now the final collision between the two people, Tang Dian would not vomit blood at all. Even if he suffered some internal injuries, it must be very light, but in that case, bailixi would not have been seriously injured, let alone killed!

This war, Tang Dian won!

Tang Long has condensed his mental strength to help Tang Dian heal his wounds!

Xianyu changsui's face, the expression is very ugly, you know, Tang Dian killed, but a god of the triple realm of martial arts!

This loss, too much!

His side of the martial arts, in addition to five four levels of Shenzong martial arts, and then there are six Shenzong triple realm of martial arts, these strong, is his trump card against Tang clan this time!

However, at this time, one of his trump cards has died. However, at the Tangmen side, although Tang Dian was slightly injured, there was no loss in the personnel of Tangmen!

Obviously, so far, this car fight, Xianyu changsui is still at an absolute disadvantage!

The strength of his side is being consumed by the wheel battle, which makes him extremely uncomfortable!

"I can't go on like this any more, so I will suffer a lot. I have to make use of those black hand Shenzong guys to have a confrontation with Tangmen. Then I will go back to my regret directly, stop the car wheel battle, and go straight up. In this way, we can not only exterminate the Tangmen, but also take the opportunity to eradicate the four realms of heishou Shenzong, killing two birds with one stone!"

Xianyu changsui thinks secretly.

When I came to Tangmen last time, Duanmu hengliu, the patriarch of heishou Shenzong, had been killed by Tang long. After this incident, Xian Yu went to heishou Shenzong to add fuel to the situation. He said that Tang Long killed Duanmu hengliu with poison!

At this time, the warriors of the black hand God clan are waiting to avenge their leader Duanmu hengliu!

Xianyu changsui turned his head and looked at a warrior of the four realms of heishou Shenzong: "Hengshan curved gun, this battle is up to you. I hope you can avenge your Lord. It was Tang long, the leader of the Tang clan, who killed Duanmu hengliu last time, as well as Tang Long's subordinates! "

"Good, I'll tear them all up!"

Hengshan curved gun should a, a face ferocious, gaze at Tang Long who is healing Tang Dian: "boy, come out, I'll kill you!"

"You don't deserve to kill me!"

Tang Long snorted coldly.

He took the Tang power back, let the king of the abyss go to war!

Although Tang Dian's internal injury was not very serious, Tang Long also attached great importance to it. After all, he had already guessed that Xianyu changsui would not fight like this all the time. Such a big loss has been eating all the time. This is not as good as changsui, unless he is a fool!

Tang Long even knows that at this time, this Xianyu changsui is taking advantage of his own hand to eliminate dissidents!

Tang Long doesn't care that he is being used by Xianyu changsui. Anyway, it's all consuming their fighting power. As long as he can consume more of his opponent's deities, the battle of Tangmen will be much easier.Even, if you can kill the opponent's four levels of Shenzong warriors, the rest of the matter, Tang Long is very relaxed!

If the king of the abyss goes to war, Tang long can't relax!

The king of the abyss has a soul contract with the Tang dragon. The fighting power of the king of the abyss is enhanced with the improvement of the Tang dragon's fighting power.

However, the king of the abyss himself will always be more powerful than Tang Long!

Moreover, the king of the abyss also has a magic weapon: the hammer of destruction!

Tang Long took Tang Dian to the rear. At this time, Tang Long also displayed the seal of the real dragon to enhance its strength!

He just needs to break out his momentum and improve his strength. In this case, Xianyu Changshu also has nothing to do with Tang long.

The king of the abyss flashed, flew out, and his powerful momentum burst out. Looking at the Hengshan curved gun in front of him, he laughed: "little thing, how do you grow so strange? I don't know what to say about you! "

The hengshanwan gun is really wonderful!

His head is about 1.5 meters, but he is very strong, just like a short stick. His head is bright, but he has a single corner braid, a round face, and a pair of round, vicious eyes!

This fellow's appearance, actually appears extremely ferocious ferocious!

"Who are you? Name it

Hengshan curved cannon glared at the king of the abyss. Although he had read the information of Tangmen before and knew who the key figures in the Tang clan were, he had never seen the king of the abyss.

The pride of the king of the abyss.

"I am the king of the abyss who shocked the world one hundred thousand years ago. My wife is Su Xiaoman, the most beautiful and the second most powerful in the world." He looked at the horizontal three curved gun and said in a loud voice: "it's really your luck that you can fight with me today. Of course, you are not so lucky!"

"Well, I'm not ashamed of it!"

Hengshan curved gun snorted coldly, holding a thin long knife in his hand!

Tang long at this time, has helped Tang Dian simple healing completed.

Tang Dian's internal injury is not serious. Tang Long has been treated with huangquan Shenzhen for a while, and Tang Dian has taken healing elixir. So at this time, Tang Dian only needs to rest for more than ten minutes, which is nothing serious.

However, Tang power consumed a lot of energy, which also took a lot of time to recover.

Tang Dian retreated to recover his vitality.

In front of him, Hengshan curved gun and the king of the abyss have been fighting fiercely together. On the king of the abyss, the dark power of destruction swept out, followed by him and turned into another king of the abyss!

This other king of the abyss is the soul refining of the king of the abyss!

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