Tang Long saw Gongsun Mo'er so happy that he could not say no for a moment.

The most important thing is that if he says no, it is not in line with his identity at this time and his usual appearance. Therefore, he did not say anything and walked forward with Gongsun Mo'er.

They turned around a rockery in front of them, and the scenery was infinite. It turned out to be a beautiful peach blossom forest!

And peach blossom forest, there are many kinds of cute little Warcraft!

"Here, there are arrays

Tang Long looks at the peach blossom forest in front of him. In his eyes, he can't help but feel surprised.

Gongsun Mo'er didn't know the array.

Looking at Tang long, he asked curiously, "do you think the array is arranged here? Is it the same as the array you arranged in xuehuang mountain? "

"Not quite the same!" Seeing Gongsun Mo'er laughing, Tang Long subconsciously grasped her hand: "the peach blossom forest is arranged according to a very magical five element array. It's a magic magic magic array. If you rush in rashly, you'll be trapped in the peach blossom forest, and it's hard to get out!"

"But, look at the front, how nice the environment is. Deer can be in it. Why can't we go there?" Gongsun Mo'er said, obviously, she would like to visit the peach blossom forest!

Tang Long saw her so a look forward to, but also helplessly shook his head.

"If you want to go in, I'll take you in. It's just a fantastic array, but it's hard for me!"

Then he took Gongsun Mo'er's hand and walked forward together.

Tang Long's hand is not very strong, but Tang Gonger's hand is not strong, but Tang Gonger's hand is not strong.

Look, they have reached the front of the peach blossom forest near.

They were about to go in together when a voice suddenly rang out not far away: "two distinguished guests, this peach blossom forest can only be seen, but not in, otherwise you will not be able to come out if you go in!"

"Deer can be in it, and there are many squirrels and rabbits. These little Warcraft can move freely here. Why can't we?" Gongsun Mo'er was not happy.

The warrior explained: "these Warcraft are in this peach blossom forest, originally can't come out, this array, originally wants to let these Warcraft not come out!"

"I see. This array has such wonderful effects!" Gongsun Mo'er turns his head and looks at Tang long. His shyness has become a lot more natural at this time. He feels that he is with Tang Long and is holding hands like this. He should be.

She looked at Tang long, looking forward to the way: "you also know this array, you just said, you can't cheat me!"

"I do know the formation." Tang Long nodded.

It's just an odd five element array. In the array he has learned, it's already a very simple one. He can arrange several of such a simple array. Even, he only needs a short time to make the power of this array expand several times!

Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long happily: "in the future, we will also arrange such a peach blossom forest array at home."


Tang Long is stupefied!

This girl, how always in her own future planning, including him in it!

At this time, he did not want to think more.

"You like this formation. I'll arrange one for you later. It's not difficult." Tang Long smiles: "OK, I'll take you in, follow me, don't walk around, so you won't be fascinated by the array!"


Gongsun Mo'er nodded happily.

Tang long no longer said more, and the next to the warrior, at this time did not stop.

In the backyard of Gao Tianye, ordinary people are not allowed to come here. Since Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er are allowed to come here, the martial arts will not stop them. As for Tang long, whether they can come out of the array, the warrior doesn't care, he is only responsible for reminding.

This is also Gao Tianye's wisdom in hospitality!

Gongsun Mo'er followed Tang Long and soon entered the peach blossom forest.

The peach blossom forest is not only planted with peach trees, but also with more peach trees.

Here all kinds of trees are planted alternately, and the environment is extremely beautiful. From time to time, there are pieces of petals flying off, green grass on the ground, little flower plates, flowers in the air overflowing, there are crisp birds singing, all kinds of small Warcraft, playing in the woods, it seems very comfortable and leisurely!

"It's a wonderful place. It's a bit of a dream."

Gongsun Mo'er couldn't help exclaiming.

At this time, Tang Long was attracted by the environment. He thought to himself, "I'm going back to Baihua Valley, Jiuhuang Tianfu and Fengtian city. I'll make a peach blossom forest like this, which is ten times bigger than this. In this way, Ziyi can enjoy the scenery like this."

Thinking of Qin Ziyi and their intoxicated appearance in the scenery, Tang long felt very happy. He felt that if they had such a view, they would praise him for understanding them!If they can be happy, he will be very happy and satisfied.

Gongsun Mo'er turned his head and looked at Tang Long: "we have entered this array. Now, can we walk around?"

"Of course Tang Long ha ha smile: "even if lost, I can also take you out, so, where you want to play, just go."


Gongsun Mo'er answered with joy. He felt that he was more happy than ever before.

"Let's go there. I'm going to see the fawn!"

She looked at the two red deer not far away. She was full of expectation and said that she had taken her hand back from Tang Long's palm, and then ran towards the deer's side.

After running for a few steps, I suddenly feel that everything in front of me has changed!

the original peach blossom forest has suddenly turned into a mountain with many peaks and peaks. The mountains are rolling, and you can't see the end!

"Well, what's going on?"

She stopped and looked at Tang Long curiously.

"This is called a mountain, a water, a world, a plant, a tree, a heaven and earth!" Tang Long laughs and simply explains: "the mystery of the array lies in the ability to create another folding space by using the nature of heaven and earth. Moreover, there is a unique natural law in the array. Even, it can have many mysterious functions."

"It's amazing!"

Gongsun Mo'er was surprised and turned to look at Tang Long: "you can do this, right?"

"Of course Tang Long admits without concealment.

"That's great. In the future, we'll make this kind of array in our own house." Gongsun Mo'er cheered and ran after the deer. His dress was flowing like a fairy. It was beautiful and moving beyond words.

Tang Long followed Gongsun Mo'er, with a faint smile on his face, and walked with him.

He didn't like the scenery very much. However, seeing Gongsun Mo'er so happy, he let her play here.

Although he didn't want to have some emotional entanglement with Gongsun Mo'er at this time, he also had to show his peaceful words and deeds in Gao Tianye's mansion. Otherwise, if there were too many flaws, he would be in danger in this blood temple!

Time is in a hurry, and an hour passes before you know it.

Gao Tianye has come back.

He went to the back garden and looked into the peach blossom forest. From a distance, he saw Gongsun Mo'er laughing around a group of small Warcraft animals. He looked very happy. Tang Long was with her not far away.

Gao Tianye sees this kind of scene, in the eye, also has a very joyful smile!

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